1871年1月28,佇德國炮革的威脅之下,法國國防政府開始欲佮拄成立的德意志帝國談判,協議欲停戰,德國首相Otto von Bismark予怹的條件是解散目前个臨時政府,舉辦選舉,選出有合法性的政府,才閣來談判。 2月18个國民議會選舉當中,主張和平保守派得著多數se̍k處。國民議會選出溫和派的共和主義者Jules Grévy做義長,閣選出Louis-Philippe 1世時代的內政部部長Adolphe Thiers做 "法蘭西共和國行政首長" (法語: chef du pouvoir exécutif de拉République française)。彼當時, Paris市民佇戰爭當中已經利經戰敗的恥辱佮期間交伯的甘苦,所致因昌滿革命佮左翼的分為,右翼的新政府chŏaⁿ選擇Versailles供做為政府總部。
"In March 1871 the Commune to͘k power in the abandoned city and held it for two months。 ThenVersailles seized the moment to attack and,怹one horrifying week, executed roughly 20,000 Communards or suspected sympathizers, a number higher than those killed in the recent war or during Robespierre’s‘Terror’of 1793–94。 More than 7,500 were jailed or deported to places like New Caledonia。 Thousands of others fled to Belgium, England, Italy, Spain and the United States。怹1872, stringent laws were passed that ruled out all possibilities of organizing on the left。 Not till 1880 was there a general amnesty for exiled and imprisoned Communards。 Meantime, the Third Republic found itself strong enough to renew and reinforce Louis Napoleon’s imperialist expansion—in Indochina, Africa, and Oceania。 Many of France's leading intellectuals and artists had participated in the Commune(Courbet was its quasi-minister of culture,Rimbaud and Pissarro were active propagandists)or were sympathetic都一。 The ferocious repression of 1871 and after was probably the key factor in alienating these milieux from the Third Republic and stirring their sympathy for its victims at home and abroad."