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(對 Indigenous peoples 轉來)
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A Maya family in the hamlet of Patzutzun, Guatemala, 1993

根據 (Kin-kù)聯合國 (Liân-ha̍p-kok) (ê)定義 (tēng-gī)原住民 (goân-chū-bîn) (英語 (Eng-gí): indigenous peoples) ():

"源自 (Goân-chū)社群 (siā-kûn)人民 (jîn-bîn) (ia̍h)民族 (bîn-cho̍k) (chí)歷史 (le̍k-sú)延續 (iân-sio̍k) (tùi)入侵 (ji̍p-chhim) (kap)殖民 (si̍t-bîn)進前 (chìn-chêng)發展 (hoat-tián) (chū) (in)領域 (léng-he̍k)社會 (siā-hōe),怹相信 (siong-sìn)家己 (ka-tī)其他 (kî-tha)現時 (hiān-sî)支配 (chi-phòe) (hia)奶肉 (leng-he̍k) (或者 (he̍k-chiá)部分 (pō͘-hūn)) 的社會無仝 (bô-kâng)."[1]

註解 (Chù-kái)[修改]

  1. 英語源文 (goân-bûn): Indigenous communities, peoples and nations are those which, having a historical continuity with pre-invasion and pre-colonial societies that developed on their territories, consider themselves distinct from other sectors of the societies now prevailing in those territories, or parts of them.