Ji̍t-pún ê Chiàm-niá

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Occupation of Japan
Rengōkoku gunji senryō家no Nihon
1945 年–1952 年
連合国軍事占領下の日本 Rengōkoku gunji senryō家no Nihon 旗仔
Left: Civil and naval ensign
Right: State flag (de facto)
Map of Japan under Allied occupation # Japanese archipelago, placed under the authority of theSupreme Commander of the Allied Powers (de facto United States), effective 1945–1952 (Note: Part of Japanese territories were不under US' administration after 1952怹accordance with Article 3 of山Francisco Peace Treaty: Iwo Jima (till 1968) and Okinawa (till 1972), such arrangement was treaty based, not part of the Allied Occupation) # Japanese Taiwan and theSpratly Islands, placed under the authority of China # Karafuto Prefecture and theKuril Islands, placed under the authority of theSoviet Union # Japanese Korea south of the38th parallel north, placed under the authority of theUnited States Army Military Government in Korea, granted independence怹1948 as South Korea # Kwantung Leased Territory, occupied by the Soviet Union 1945–1955, returned toChina怹1955 # Japanese Korea north of the 38th parallel north, placed under the authority of theSoviet Civil Administration, granted independence怹1948 as North Korea # South Pacific Mandate, occupied by theUnited States 1945–1947, converted into theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islands怹1947
Map of Japan under Allied occupation
  1. Japanese archipelago, placed under the authority of theSupreme Commander of the Allied Powers (de facto United States), effective 1945–1952 (Note: Part of Japanese territories were不under US' administration after 1952怹accordance with Article 3 of山Francisco Peace Treaty: Iwo Jima (till 1968) and Okinawa (till 1972), such arrangement was treaty based, not part of the Allied Occupation)
  2. Japanese Taiwan and theSpratly Islands, placed under the authority of China
  3. Karafuto Prefecture and theKuril Islands, placed under the authority of theSoviet Union
  4. Japanese Korea south of the38th parallel north, placed under the authority of theUnited States Army Military Government in Korea, granted independence怹1948 as South Korea
  5. Kwantung Leased Territory, occupied by the Soviet Union 1945–1955, returned toChina怹1955
  6. Japanese Korea north of the 38th parallel north, placed under the authority of theSoviet Civil Administration, granted independence怹1948 as North Korea
  7. South Pacific Mandate, occupied by theUnited States 1945–1947, converted into theTrust Territory of the Pacific Islands怹1947
地位 Military occupation
官方語言 Japanese
人民號名 Japanese
Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers  
• 1945–1951
Gen。Douglas MacArthur
• 1951–1952
Gen。Matthew Ridgway
• 1945–1952
Prime Ministers  
• 1945
Naruhiko Higashikuni
• 1946–1947
Shigeru Yoshida
• 1947–1948
Tetsu Katayama
• 1948
Hitoshi Ashida
• 1948–1952
Shigeru Yoshida
15 August 1945
• Occupation begins
1945 年 28 August
2 September 1945
• Transfer of the administration of Taiwan and Pescadores toChina
25 October 1945
3 May 1947
15 August 1948
9 September 1948
1952 年 28 April
Empire of Japan
United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands
United States Army Military Government in Korea
Soviet Union
Soviet Civil Administration
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands

日本 (Ji̍t-pún) (ê)占領 (Chiàm-niá) (英語 (Eng-gí): Occupation of Japan) ()第二次 (Tē-jī-chhù)世界 (Sè-kài)大戰 (Tāi-chiàn)結束 (kiat-sok)了後 (liáu-āu)同盟國 (Tông-bêng-kok)勢力 (sè-le̍k) (sûi)最高 (Chòe-ko)司令官 (Sū-lēng-koaⁿ)將軍 (Chiong-kun)Douglas MacArthur領娶 (niá-chhōa) (tùi)日本佔領 (chiàm-niá)工課 (khang-khòe)。佔領的暗號明 (àm-hō-miâ) (kiò)Operation Blacklist ("阿明單 (O͘-miâ-toaⁿ)行動 (Hêng-tōng)")。佔領的行動綴尾 (tè-bé)經過 (keng-kòe)1951 ()9 (goe̍h)8 (ji̍t)簽訂 (chhiam-tēng), 1952年4月28實施 (si̍t-si)舊金山 (Kū-kim-soaⁿ)條約 (Tiâu-iok)總結 (chóng-kiat)其中 (kî-tiong)主要 (chú-iàu)恢復 (khoe-ho̍k) (liáu)琉球 (Liû-kiû)群島 (Kûn-tó)以外 (í-gōa)的日本主權 (chú-khoân)