Sió Hagia Sophia

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小Hagia Sophia清真寺
(Küçük Ayasofya Camii)
Sergius and Bacchus Church February 2011.JPG
Northeast (毆避) view of Little Hagia Sophia怹2013

Sunni Islam (bo̍ktsên);

Greek Orthodox (original)

between 1506 and 1513 (Islam);

c。 536 (Christianity)
所在 Türkiye İstanbul
建築師 Isidorus of MiletusAnthemius of Tralles (attributed)
類型 教堂
風格 Byzantine
創身 532
員工 536
Minaret 1

brickgranitemarbleverd antique

Part of Historic Areas of Istanbul
Criteria Cultural: i, ii, iii, iv
Reference 356
Inscription 1985 (地9 session)

(Sió)Hagia Sophia清真寺 (tshing-tsin-sī) (教堂 (kàu-tn̂g)) (英語 (ing-gú): Little Hagia Sophia Mosque; türk (): Küçük Ayasofya Camii),原來 (guân-lâi) ()Saints Sergius (hām)Bacchus教堂 (Hellēnikḗ語: Ἐκκλησία τῶν Ἁγίων Σεργίου καὶ Βάκχου ἐν τοῖς Ὁρμίσδου, Ekklēsía tôn Hagíōn Sergíou (kaì)Bákchou en toîs Hormísdou),是一間 (tsi̍t-king)較早 (khah-tsá)Elláda東正教 (tang-tsìng-kàu)教堂,供奉 (kiong-hōng)Constantinople (ê)Saints Sergius and Bacchus,建立 (kiàn-li̍p) ()532 () (tsì)536年之間 (tsi-kan) (teh)Osman帝國 (tè-kok)期間 (kî-kan)改建 (kái-kiàn) (tsò)清真寺.[1]

這間 (Tsit-king)kèn ()中央 (tiong-iong)îñ (tíng)設計 (siat-kè)Byzantine iūñ (sik)kèn (tio̍k)是由 (sī-iû)Justinian佇6世紀 (sè-kí) (sóo)建造 (kiàn-tsō)就算講 (Tō-sǹg-kóng)伊的 (i-ê)Türkiye Pang-bô͘:Ill,這間kèn築可能 (khó-lîng) ()是 "Hagia Sophia (tuā)教堂" ("神勝 (Sîn-sìng)智慧 (tì-huī)") 的模型 (bôo-hîng),伊的kèn築科是 (kho-sī)當代的 (tong-tāi-ê); 毋據 (m̄-kù) (i)猶原 (iû-guân)是Istanbul (siong)重要 (tiōng-iàu)早期 (tsá-kî)Byzantine kèn築 (tsi) (it).[2] Procopius當時 (tong-sî)認為 (jīn-uî)伊是規个 (kui-ê)siâñ (tshī)裝飾品 (tsong-sik-phín),[3] 一位 (tsi̍t-uī)hēn (tāi) (Tang)羅馬 (Lô-má)帝國歷史 (li̍k-sú)學家 (ha̍k-ka)按呢 (án-ne) (siá)這間教堂: "屏藉 (Pîn-tsià)建築 (kiàn-tio̍k)獨聰性 (to̍k-tshong-sìng)雕曲 (tiau-khik)裝飾 (tsong-sik)革花噴 (kik-hua-phùn),咧Constantinople僅次於 (kīn-tshù-î)St Sophia本身 (pún-sin)".[4]

Kèn (tiok)的ket (kòo)[edit]

內部 (luē-pōo)的ket構[edit]

註解 (Tsù-kái)[edit]

  1. Bardill, Jonathan (2017). "The Date, Dedication, and Design of Sts。 Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople". Journal of Late Antiquity (ēng Eng-gí). 10 (1): 85–86. doi:10.1353/jla.2017.0003. ISSN 1942-1273. 
  2. Bardill, Jonathan (2017). "The Date, Dedication, and Design of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus in Constantinople". Journal of Late Antiquity (ēng Eng-gí). 10 (1): 62–130. doi:10.1353/jla.2017.0003. ISSN 1942-1273. 
  3. Procopius, De Aedificiis, 伊.4.3–8. Procopius was describing both the Church of Saints Sergius and Bacchus and the conjoined Church of Saints Peter and Paul.
  4. Norwich (1988), p。 531

參考 (Tsham-khó) (bûn)hèn[edit]

Ên (sin)閱獨 (ua̍t-to̍k)[edit]

參閱 (Tsham-ua̍t)[edit]

外部 (Guā-pōo)lên-ket[edit]


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