祝平安的團契: Formosa ê Khí玻âⁿ
The Very Serene Order of the Formosan Keyboard
成員交nn̂g列單 (照參加順序):
A full register of Fellows (by order of admission):
- Tè Khái-sū CPTFK[1]
- Lâu Kia̍t-ga̍k CPTFK[2]
- Tân Pek-tiong CPTFK[3]
- Tân-Tēⁿ Hông-giâu CPTFK[4](2003-08-31)
- 葉密豪 (Michael Everson) CPTFKhc [5](2004-07-16)
- 張學謙CPTFK [6](2007-11-12)
- 楊尹言candCPTFK [7]
- 鄭良偉candCPTFKhc [8]
- 蘇之名candCPTFKhc [9]
- 李勤岸candCPTFK [10]
成員攏是奉邀請才通參加的。hc = honoris causa.
Fellowship is by invitation only。hc = honoris causa。
佇 "Chiok Pêng-an ê Thoân-khè: Formosa ê Khí-poâⁿ" 這个類別的文章