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tóng-àn:Church of St Mary The Virgin, Seaham - geograph.org.uk - 1529919.jpg

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Church_of_St_Mary_The_Virgin,_Seaham_-_geograph.org.uk_-_1529919.jpg(640 × 480 像素,檔案佔量: 90 KB,MIME類型: image/jpeg

This is a photo of listed building number 1232116.


English: Church of St Mary The Virgin, Seaham This is recognised as one of the 20 oldest surviving churches in the whole country and the only surviving building of the original Saxon Village. The church was founded by King Athelston in 930AD. It has both Saxon and early Norman masonry in its nave, a 13th century chancel and west tower. Over the 16th century porch door is a late 18th century sundial with an unusual verse, now illegible, which begins: "The natural clockwork by the mighty one wound up at first and ever since has gone....." http://www.visionwebsites.co.uk/Contents/Text/Index.asp?SiteId=571&SiteExtra=15511951&TopNavId=605&NavSideId=6831 The vicarage building can be seen to the right.
Chhut-chhù From geograph.org.uk
Chok-chiá Andrew Curtis
Piau-sī miâ-sìnn
Andrew Curtis / Church of St Mary The Virgin, Seaham / 
Andrew Curtis / Church of St Mary The Virgin, Seaham
拍攝地點54° 50′ 50.6″ 北, 1° 20′ 39″ 西  Heading=67° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.位於此地的本圖片與其他圖片: OpenStreetMapinfo
目標地點54° 50′ 51″ 北, 1° 20′ 37″ 西  Heading=67° Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.位於此地的本圖片與其他圖片: OpenStreetMapinfo


Piau-sī miâ-sìnn Kâng-khuán hong-sik hun-hióng
Piau-sī miâ-sìnn: Andrew Curtis
Lí ē-sái tsū-iû:
  • hun-hióng – kho͘-pih, hoat-pò͘ kap thoân-pò͘ pún chok
  • tiông-sin siu-kái – kái-pian pún chok-phín
Àn i-hā ê tiâu-kiāⁿ
  • Piau-sī miâ-sìnn – Lí ài siá-bîng tsìng-khak ê miâ-hō, ū siū-khuân tiâu-khuán ê liân-kiat, iáu-koh-ū lí tsuè siánn-mih ê kái-piàn. Lí ē-tàng tī jīm-hô ha̍p-lí ê hong-sik tsìn-hîng, m̄-kò buē-tàng ti̍t-tsiap kóng siū-khuân hōo lí ia̍h-sī lí sú-iōng.
  • Kâng-khuán hong-sik hun-hióng – Lí nā kái-tōng, piàn-khoán, he̍k-chiá kun-kù pún chok chhòng-chō, lí kaⁿ-taⁿ ē-tàng ēng kap pún chok kâng-khoán he̍k-chiá saⁿ-chhiūⁿ ê hí-khó lâi hoat-pò͘ chò--chhut-lâi ê chok-phín.




描繪內容 繁體中文

創作作者 繁體中文


客體角色 繁體中文: 攝影師 繁體中文
作者姓名字串 繁體中文: Andrew Curtis

著作權狀態 繁體中文

有著作權 繁體中文

視角坐標 繁體中文

54°50'50.6"N, 1°20'39.5"W

相機朝向 簡體中文 (已轉換拼寫): 67 角度

產地 中文 (已轉換拼寫)

描述地坐標 中文 (已轉換拼寫)

54°50'50.96"N, 1°20'36.96"W

相機朝向 簡體中文 (已轉換拼寫): 67 角度

多媒體型式 繁體中文


校驗和 繁體中文


斷定方法 繁體中文: SHA-1 中文 (已轉換拼寫)

資料大小 繁體中文

92,602 Byte

高度 繁體中文

480 ōe-sò͘

寬度 繁體中文

640 ōe-sò͘



日期/ 時間細張圖寸尺用者註解
現在2011年3月3日 (拜4) 02:532011年3月3日 (拜4) 02:53版本的細圖640 × 480(90 KB)wikimediacommons>GeographBot== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |description={{en|1=Church of St Mary The Virgin, Seaham This is recognised as one of the 20 oldest surviving churches in the whole country and the only surviving building of the original Saxon Village. The church was

