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普世 (Phó͘-sè)定數 (Tiāⁿ-sò͘) (ê) (Pió)[修改]

(Liōng) 符號 (Hû-hō) (Ti̍t) Relative Standard Uncertainty
characteristic impedance of vacuum 解析失敗 (Chīn-liōng iōng MathML (chhì-giām-sèng--ê):從伺服器 "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/" 收到無效的回應 ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.")。): {\displaystyle Z_0 = \mu_0 c \,} 376.730 313 461..。 Ω 定義 (Tēng-gī)
electric constant (permittivity of free space) 解析失敗 (Chīn-liōng iōng MathML (chhì-giām-sèng--ê):從伺服器 "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/" 收到無效的回應 ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.")。): {\displaystyle \epsilon_0 = 1 / ( \mu_0 c^2 )\,} 8.854 187 817..。 × 10-12F͘m-1 定義
magnetic constant (permeability of free space) 解析失敗 (Chīn-liōng iōng MathML (chhì-giām-sèng--ê):從伺服器 "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/" 收到無效的回應 ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.")。): {\displaystyle \mu_0 \,} 4π × 10-7 N͘A-2 = 1.2566 370 614..。 × 10-6 N͘A-2 定義
Newtonian constant of gravitation 解析失敗 (Chīn-liōng iōng MathML (chhì-giām-sèng--ê):從伺服器 "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/" 收到無效的回應 ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.")。): {\displaystyle G \,} 6.6742(10) × 10-11m3͘kg-1͘s-2 1.5 × 10-4
Planck的定數 解析失敗 (Chīn-liōng iōng MathML (chhì-giām-sèng--ê):從伺服器 "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/" 收到無效的回應 ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.")。): {\displaystyle h \,} 6.626 0693(11) × 10-34 J͘s 1.7 × 10-7
Dirac的定數 解析失敗 (語法錯誤): {\displaystyle \hbar = h / (2 \{{ruby|啡|pi}})} 1.054 571 68(18) × 10-34 J͘s 1.7 × 10-7
speed of lightinvacuum 解析失敗 (Chīn-liōng iōng MathML (chhì-giām-sèng--ê):從伺服器 "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/" 收到無效的回應 ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.")。): {\displaystyle c \,} 299 792 458 m͘s-1 定義