Lichfield tōa kàu-tn̂g

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Lichfield Cathedral 2010-10-13.jpg
Lichfield Cathedral的西面
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Location Staffordshire Lichfield
Country England
Denomination Church of England
Previous denomination 羅馬天主教
Tradition High church
Status 運作當中
Functional status Cathedral
Style Gothic
Years built c. 1195–1340
Length 113 m (371 ft)
Nave width 21 m (69 ft)
Width across transepts 50 m (160 ft)
Height 76.8 m (252 ft) (中央尖等)
Number of towers 3
Number of spires 3
Spire height 76.8 m (252 ft) (橫斷面),60.5 m (198 ft) (西面)
Province Canterbury
Diocese Lichfield (since 787–1075, c.1200–)
Bishop(s) Michael Ipgrave
Dean Adrian Dorber
Precentor Andrew Stead
Canon Chancellor Gregory Platten
Canon(s) Jan McFarlane (保管人)
Canon Treasurer 空位
Director of music Ben Lamb
Organist(s) Martyn Rawles

Lichfield (tuā)教堂 (kàu-tn̂g) (英語 (ing-gú): Lichfield Cathedra (Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Chad)) ()England Staffordshire Lichfield (ê)一座 (tsi̍t-tsō)聖公會 (Sìng-kong-huē)大教堂,是唯一 (uî-it) (ê)一座擁有 (ióng-iú)三个 (sann-ê)針等 (tsiam-tíng) (tiong)世紀 (sè-kí)英國 (Ing-kok)大教堂。 Lichfield大教堂 (是Lichfield教區 (kàu-khu)的大教堂,涵蓋 (hâm-kài)Staffordshire,Shropshire大部分 (tuā-pōo-hūn)地區 (tē-khu)以及 (í-ki̍p) Pang-bô͘:Ill (hām)West Midlands部分 (pōo-hūn)地區。 Lichfield大教堂是Lichfield主教 (tsú-kàu)所在地 (sóo-tsāi-tē)現任 (hiān-jīm)主教是 Pang-bô͘:Ill (i) ()2016 ()予人任命 (jīm-bīng)。 Lichfield大教堂 (tuā-kàu-tn̂g) ()一級 (it-kip)保予 (pó-hōo)建築 (kiàn-tio̍k).[1]

概覽 (Khài-lám)[修改]

(kàu)tn̂ 是現後 (hiàn-hōo)St Chad和Saint Mary的。大教tn̂ 的內部 (lāi-pōo) (tn̂g)113 m (371英尺 (ing-tshioh)),中電 (tiong-tiān)闊度 (khuah-tōo)21 m (69英尺)。中央 (Tiong-iong)針頂 (tsiam-tíng) (kuân)77 m (253英尺),西爿 (sai-pîng)針等 (kuân)大約 (tāi-iok)58 m (190英尺)。這塊 (Tsit-tè)石頭 (tsio̍h-thâu)沙嚴 (sua-giâm)來自 (lâi-tsū)Lichfield南爿 (lâm-pîng)一个 (tsi̍t-ê)採石場 (tshái-tsio̍h-tiûnn)由於 (Iû-î)天花版 (thian-hua-pán)強等 (kióng-tíng)當中 (tang-tiong)使用 (sú-iōng)的石頭的重量 (tāng-liōng),中電的 (piah)小可仔 (sió-khuá-á)向外 (hiòng-guā)歪斜 (uai-tshua̍h); 為著 (uī-tio̍h)防止 (hông-tsí) (ē)進一部 (tsìn-tsi̍t-pōo)的歪斜其中 (kî-tiong) (tāi)iokkî中大約200-300 (tùn)予人拆掉 (thiah-tiāu).[2]

Lichfield (teh)英國內戰 (lāi-tsiàn)期間 (kî-kan)遭受 (tso-siū)嚴重 (giâm-tiōng)破害 (phò-hāi)所有 (sóo-ū)採式 (tshái-sik)褒麗 (po-lê) (lóng)予人催毀 (tshui-huí)雖罔 (Sui-bóng)按呢 (án-ne)Lady Chapel窗仔門 (thang-á-mn̂g)優員 (iu-guân)包括 (pau-kuat)一寡 (tsi̍t-kuá)憲存 (hiàn-tsûn)相好 (siong-hó)中世紀 (tiong-sè-kí)Flemish採會 (tshái-huē)玻璃 (po-lê) ()1530年代 (nî-tāi)開始 (khai-sí), Lichfield來自Belgium的Herkenrode修道院 (siu-tō-īnn),佇1801年Napoleon戰爭 (tsiàn-tsing)期間Herkenrode修道院 (hông)解散 (kái-suànn)時陣 (sî-tsūn) (hōo)Brooke Boothby構碼 (kòo-bé)。 Lichfield (iōng)仝款 (kāng-khuán)計數 (kè-siàu)賣予 (bē-hōo)大教堂。 Betton和Evans (1819年) 嘛有 (mā-ū)一寡精美 (tsing-bí) (thang)a̍m,以及19世紀後期 (āu-kî)誠濟 (tsiânn-tsē)通仔門 (thang-á-mn̂g)尤其 (iû-kî)Charles Eamer Kempe的窗仔門.[2]

Lichfield福音書 (hok-im-su),嘛予人叫做 (kiò-tsò) "Chad chi (su)" (Book of Chad),是Matthew福音 (hok-im) (kah)Mark福音,以及Luke福音的早其 (tsá-kî)部份 (pōo-hūn); 主要 (tsú-iàu)用latin文字 (bûn-jī) (siá)起來 (khí-lâi)的, (ū)一寡文字是早期 (tsá-kî) ()會當 (ē-tàng)追溯 (tui-sòo) (kàu)730年前後 (tsîng-āu)彼當陣 (hit-tang-tsūn)上頭仔 (Siōng-thâu-á)兩慣 (nn̄g-kuàn)毋過 (m̄-koh)一慣 (tsi̍t-kuàn)İng (lân)內戰期間失宗 (sit-tsong)。 Lichfield福音書咧風格 (hong-keh) (siōng)佮Lindisfarne福音書密切 (bi̍t-tshiat)相關 (siong-kuan).[3]復活節 (Ho̍k-ua̍h-tsiat)聖誕節 (Sìng-tàn-tsiat) (tsit) (hūn)手果 (tshiú-kó)分會館 (hun-huē-kuán)展出 (tián-tshut)

大教堂附近 (hū-kīn)England (siong)完整 (uân-tsíng)的教堂之一 (tsi-it),包括一个中世紀埕院 (tiânn-īnn)以前 (í-tsîng)合唱團 (ha̍p-tshiùnn-thuân)人士 (jîn-sū) (sóo) (tuà)所在 (sóo-tsāi)。這三的 (sann-ê)針頂通常 (thong-siông)皇叫做 "山坑 (Suann-khenn)女士 (Lú-sū)" (Ladies of the Vale),

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

參考 (Tsham-khó)文獻 (bûn-hiàn)[修改]

參閱 (Tsham-ua̍t)[修改]

外部 (Guā-pōo)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]


Wikimedia Commons等的相關檔案: Lichfield tōa kàu-tn̂g

  • Lichfield Cathedral website
  • Manuscripts of Lichfield Cathedral—Digital facsimiles of the St Chad Gospels and Cathedral's Wycliffe New Testament; includes overlay viewer, multispectral images, historical images (gueng back (to)1887), collation, and presently sixteen interactive 3D and RTI renderings—University of Oklahoma