Pang-bô͘:Flag image/doc

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This template generates a floating flag image. Use the parameter |Image= to specify an image without "File:"/"Image:" prefix, |Pos= to control the position of the image (left, right, none or center; default right), |Image_size= to control the image size (default 210×105px), |Width= to specify image width (integer only, without any unit or suffix), |Box_width= to specify the width of the box (integer only, without any unit or suffix), |Caption= to specify the text underneath the image, and |NoCentering= to make the text not centered underneath the image. The parameter |Country= may be used to use the image specified by Template:Country data {{{Country}}} (overridden by the |Image= parameter if specified) and to generate a default caption "Flag of {{{Country}}}". Parameter names are fully case-sensitive.


Code: <syntaxhighlight lang="text">

Flag of Denmark
Flag of Germany
Flag of Nepal
Flag of Russia



Flag of Denmark
Flag of Germany
Flag of Nepal
Flag of Russia