Schlup sò͘ Delo àn

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Seal of the United States Supreme Court
Argued October 3, 1994
Decided January 23, 1995
Full case name Lloyd Schlup, Petitioner v。 Paul K。 Delo, Superintendent, Potosi Correctional Center
Citations 513 U.S. 298 (more)
115 S。 Ct。 851; 130 L。 Ed。 2d 808; 1995U.S。 LEXIS 701
Case history
Prior 11 F.3d 738 (8th Cir。1993); cert。 granted,511 U.S. 1003 (1994)。
A condemned man can bypass the procedural bar on successive federal habeas corpus petitions if彼shows that "a constitutional violation has probably resulted in the conviction of one who is actually innocent"。
Court membership
Case opinions
Majority Stevens, joined by O'Connor, Souter, Ginsburg, Breyer
Concurrence O'Connor
Dissent Rehnquist, joined by Kennedy, Thomas
Dissent Scalia, joined by Thomas

Schlup (sòo)Delo (àn), 513 U.S。 298 (1995) (Schlup v。 Delo, 513 U.S。 298 (1995)), ()一件 (tsi̍t-kiānn)有關 (iú-kuan)行署 (hîng-sū) (ê)案件 (àn-kiānn); 則是 (tsik-sī)美國 (Bí-kok)最高 (tsuè-ko)法院 (huat-īnn)今無 (kin-kì)新的 (sin-ê)無濟 (bô-tsuē)政記 (tsìng-kì)擴大 (khok-tāi)重新 (tiông-sin)審理 (sím-lí)原先 (guân-sian)案件的能錄 (lîng-li̍k).[1]

Missouri (tsiu)泅範 (siû-huān)就是 (tio̍h-sī) (sió)請願者 (tshíng-guān-tsiá)Lloyd E。 Schlup, Jr。因為 (in-uī)1984 ()模殺 (bôo-sat)一名 (tsi̍t-miâ)叫做 (kiò-tsò)Arthur Dade的範人 (huān-jîn)如來 (jî-lâi)予人 (phuànn)死刑 (sí-hîng); Dade提出 (thê-tshut)人身 (jîn-sin)保護另 (pó-hōo-līng)請願 (tshíng-guān) (su)生稱 (sing-tshing)憲法 (hiàn-huat)造悟 (tshò-ngōo)北奪 (pak-tua̍t)陪審團 (puê-sím-thuân)本來 (pún-lâi)會當 (ē-tàng)證明 (tsìng-bîng) (i)無罪 (bô-tsuē)證據 (tsìng-kì)。法院授予 (siū-ú)雕慣另 (tiau-kuàn-līng)以來 (í-lâi)考慮 (khó-lū)Sawyer數Whitley案[2]標準 (piau-tsún) (kám)會當提供 (thê-kiong)適當 (sik-tòng)保護 (pó-hōo); 以來予人 (tsí)因為此括 (tshú-kuat)實際 (si̍t-tsè) (siōng) ()ko͘ (tsiá)如來致使 (tì-sú)司法 (su-huat)悟判 (ngōo-phuànn)

法院的意見 (ì-kiàn)[修改]

法院認為 (jīn-uî)[1] Murray數Carrier案[3]的標準要球 (iau-kiû)人新 (jîn-sin)保護的請求人 (tshíng-kiû-jîn)政盟 (tsìng-bîng) "違反 (uî-huán)憲法可能 (khó-lîng)致使 (tuì)一个 (tsi̍t-ê)實際上無ko͘的 (lâng)予人定罪 (tīng-tsuē)", id., ()496 (ia̍h) —— (teh)予人判次 (phuànn-tshù)死刑的請願 (jîn)提出實制 (si̍t-tsè) (tsuē)要求 (iau-kiû),以來被免 (pī-bián)程序 (tîng-sū)禁指 (kìm-tsí)考慮伊的 (i-ê)憲法要求的橫直 (huâinn-ti̍t)時陣 (sî-tsūn); () ()閣卡 (koh-khah)嚴格 (giâm-keh)的Sawyer標準,管轄 (kuán-hat)書發 (su-huat)不功 (put-kong)調查 (tiâu-tsa)例外 (Lē-guā)取決 (tshú-kuat)前願 (tsîng-guān) (í)考靠 (khó-khò)會使 (ē-sái) (sìn)jīmê證據 (lâi)證明家己 (ka-kī)清白 (tshing-pi̍k)的。為著 (Uī-tio̍h)滿足 (buán-tsiok)Murray數Carrier案的標準; 前願人必須 (pit-su)表明 (piáu-bîng)徛佇 (khiā-tī) (sin)政記之下 (tsi-hā)培審原 (puê-sím-guân)誠有 (tsiânn-ū)可能 ()來定罪。最高法院發回 (huat-huê)重審 (tiông-sím)裁定 (tshâi-tīng)Schlup (kám) (ū)按照 (àn-tsiàu)Carrier的要求出是 (tshut-sī)這个 (tsit-ê)證據。

紲落來 (Suà--lo̍h-lâi)發展 (huat-tián)[修改]

()1996年, Schlup或的 (hi̍k-tik)人身保予 (pó-hōo)另狀 (līng-tsōng); 理由 (lí-iû)是Schlup原來 (guân-lâi)出程 (tshut-tîng)代理人 (tāi-lí-jîn)味能 (bī-lîng)充分 (tshiong-hun)代表 (tāi-piáu)伊。 (Koh)佇1999年,咧重沉 (tiông-sím)的第2 (kang), Schlup同意 (tông-ì)成認 (sîng-jīn)患有 (huān-iú)2 (kip)謀殺 (bôo-sat)罪, (tse) (hōo)Schlup免判 (bián-phuànn)死刑.[4] Sclup的同案 (tông-àn)被告 (pī-kò)Robert Earl O'Neal因為佇1995年模殺Dade如來予人判死刑.[5]

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Schlup v。 Delo, 513 U.S. 298 (1995).
  2. Sawyer v. Whitley, 505 U.S. 333 (1992).
  3. Murray v. Carrier, 477 U.S. 478 (1986).
  4. "Additional Innocence Information". Death Penalty Information Center. January 5, 2017 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  5. "Missouri inmate executed". United Press International. December 6, 1995. April 3, 2022 khòaⁿ--ê. 

參閱 (Tsham-ua̍t)[修改]

  • List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 513
  • List of United States Supreme Court cases by the Rehnquist Court
  • Death Penalty Information Center
  • United Press International

外部 (Guā-pōo)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]