Thomas Hardy

Thomas Hardy (1840年 6月20日 – 1928年 1月11日)
外部 連結 [修改]
- Dorset County Museum, Dorchester, Dorset, contains the largest Hardy collections in the world, donated directly
都 the Museum by the Hardy family and enscribed on the UNESCO Memory of the World register for the United Kingdom。 - Hardy Collectionat theHarry Ransom Centerat theUniversity of Texas at Austin
- Hardy's Cottage National Trust visitor information for Hardy's birthplace。
- Hardy CountryA visitor guide for 'Hardy Country' in Dorset (sites of interest)。
- Thomas Hardyat the British Library
- AHyper-Concordance都theWorks of Thomas Hardyat the Victorian Literary Studies Archive, Nagoya University, Japan
- Letter from HardytoBertram Windle,transcribed by Birgit Plietzsch,from Collected Letters,vol 2,pp。131–133。 Retrieved 25 May 2015。
- Max Gate National Trust visitor information for Max Gate (the home Hardy designed, lived and died in)。
- TheThomas Hardy Association (TTHA)
- TheThomas Hardy Society
- TheNew Hardy Players Theatrical group specialising in the works of Thomas Hardy。
- Hardy tī Project Gutenberg ê chok-phín
- Thomas Hardy tī Internet Archive ê chok-phín