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Requests for bot approval

Summary of the Bot policy

  1. Respect m:Bot policyand relevant policies。
  2. Identify your bot on its user pageusing the {{bot}}template。
  3. Provide following information on both the bot's user page and the approval request:
    • Details of the bot's task (or tasks)
    • Whether the bot is manually assisted or runs automatically
    • When it operates (continuously, intermittently, or at specified intervals), and at what rate
    • The language and/or program that it is running
  4. Keep intervals of 10 (ten) seconds or longer between edits。
    • During the peak hours, try to refrain from running your bot, or slow it down at intervals of 20 (twenty) seconds or longer。
  5. Unflagged bots shall not edit many pages at high speed。
    • Edit at intervals of one minute or longer when editing 200 or more pages without bot status
  6. When requesting for approval of your bot, demonstrate a test run of 40 (to)200 edits。
    • If the task is maintaining interlanguage links or fixing double-redirects, you may start a test run without prior consensus。
    • If local users found no problem, a bureaucrat may grant bot status to your bot。
  7. List your bot (in)Wikipedia:Bot

Submit your request。

Bot status for PipepBot[修改]

Hello! I ask for permission to run my interwiki botPipepBothere, and (to)get a bot flag for (it)

  • Operator: it:User:Pipep
  • Purpose: Interwiki
  • Software: Pywikipedia
  • Have bot flag at: als, am, (an), ar, az, (bat)smg, be-x-old, bn, bs, ca, ceb, cs, cv, da, en, eo, et, fo, fur, fy, ga, hr, id, is, (ka), ksh, (la) (li), lv, mk, nap, nds, nds-nl, nn, no, pms, roa-tara, simple, sl, sr, sv, th, uk, vec
  • Details: Interwiki using Pywikipediabot。 It mostly runs manually assisted。 May run automatically in some cases。

Thank you! --it:User:Pipep 18:49, 10八月 (Peh-goe̍h)2007 (UTC)

Done! A-giâu04:20, 16九月 (Káu-goe̍h)2007 (UTC)
Thank you! it:User:Pipep07:05, 16九月2007 (UTC)

Request the bot flag for User:Alexbot[修改]

Alexbot is a cross-language and cross-project pywikipedia bot script by Alex S.H。 (Lin)。 It will run interwiki and double redirect fix script.By now it has flag in zh, zh-yue and ja, en,zh-classical, de, (ko)is requesting。 (I)request the bot flag for User:Alexbot--Alexsh 2007 ()12 (goe̍h)13-jἰt ( ()) 04:44 (UTC)

Please run some samples first, thanks。A-giâu2007年12月17-jἰt (一) 14:57 (UTC)
已經在執行了--Alexsh 2007年12月21-jἰt ( (Gō͘)) 05:49 (UTC)


Hello。伊would like都get a bot-flag on this wiki。

  • Operator: de:User:Euku
  • Purpose: Interwiki links: It adds/modifies/deletes interwiki links。
  • Software: pywikipediabot framework via SVN
  • Already has bot flag on: 51 Wikipedias, for example: ar, bn, ca, cs,deen, es, eu, da,fr (he) (hu),一, pl, ro,ru, sq, tr。 (on German Wikipedia since 2006, with >67.000 edits), lo͘k atdetails
Thank you! --Euku 2008年6月3-jἰt ( ()) 08:02 (UTC)

Bot flag for WikiDreamer Bot[修改]

  • Operator : WikiDreamer
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • Programming Language(s) : Python (pywikipedia framework)
  • Function Summary : Interwiki
  • Edit period(s) : ~20/24H
  • Edit rate requested : 50 edits / 3 hours
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N) : 81 wikipedias
  • Function Details : Interwiki from French Wikipedia

伊start my bot now for 50 test edits。 Thanks! --WikiDreamer 2008年7月31-jἰt (四) 12:45 (UTC)

Manual for new and small Wikipedias[修改]

Hello, at Meta there are pages created to help new and small Wikipedias: Manual and Wikipedia and help pages。 You are welcome to have a lo͘k and comment。 Kind regards --Ziko 2008年8月15-jἰt (午) 23:02 (UTC)

Bot flag for Ptbotgourou[修改]

  • Operator: fr:User:Gdgourou
  • Purpose:Interwiki linking
  • Programming language: Pywikipediabot
  • Already has bot flag: 65 wikipedias + Global bots (70 more)

Thanks! --Gdgourou 2008年10月7-jἰt (二) 08:25 (UTC)


Dear all, this is to request a bot flag for Synthebot。 Its technical information is summarized below。

  • Operator: Julian Mendez
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: mostly automatic in autonomous mode; sometimes manually assisted to solve interwiki conflicts
  • Programming Language(s): pywikipedia (source code)
  • Function Summary: interwiki links
  • Already has a bot flag on: more than 100 wikipedias (SUL), and approved in many others as globalbot

Further technical information is available on its main page。 Thank you in advance。 Regards, --Julian 2008年10月11-jἰt ( (La̍k)) 11:27 (UTC)



  • Operator: Luuva
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: automatic
  • Programming Language(s): pywikipedia (,
  • Function Summary: interwiki links, stub page creating
  • Already has a bot flag on: en wikipedia (only work on interwiki funtion)。

感社 (kám-siā).--Luuva 2008年10月21-jἰt (二) 08:19 (UTC)



  • Operator: DJSasso
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: automatic
  • Programming Language(s): pywikipedia/
  • Function Summary: interwiki
  • Already has a bot flag on: als,安, ar, ast, ba, be, en, eo, es, fr,彼, (io),一, ru, simple, sw, vec, vo, wuu, yo, zh, zh-yue, zu

伊will make 50 local test edits for you to view -Djsasso 2009年1月24-jἰt ( (Pài)6) 20:25 (UTC)

Bot flag request for DirlBot[修改]

Please tell me, where I can ask for bot status fo DirlBot

  • Operator: Chesnok
  • Function summary: interwiki
  • Function details: automatic interwiki using Pywikipedia framework
  • Programming language: Python
  • Already haveaflagon (incl。global botflag): ab, af, ak, als, am,安, (ang), ar, arc, arz, as, ast, av, ay, az, ba, bcl, be, be-x-old, bg, bi, bm, bo, bpy, bs, bug, bxr, ca, cbk-zam, cdo, ce, ch, chy, cr, crh, cs, csb, cu, da, de, diq, dsb, dz, ee, el, eml, en, eo, es, et, ext, fa, ff, fi, fj, fo, fr, frp, fur, gan, glk, gn, got, gu, gv, haw,彼, (hi), hif, hr, hsb, ht,俘, (ia), id, ie, ilo,育,一, (iu), ja, jbo, kaa, kab, kl, km, kn,高, (ku), kw, ky,拉, lad, lb,離, lmo, ln, lt, lv, map-bms, mdf, mg, mk, mn, myv, (na) (nah), new, nl, no, nov, nrm, nv, (om), os, pa, pam, pap, pdc, pl, ps, pt, rm, rmy, ro, roa-rup, roa-tara, ru, (sa), sah, sco, sd, se, simple,西 (si), sk, sl, sm, sn, so, sr, ss, sv, sw, tet, tg, (ti), tn,多, tpi, tr, ts, uk, uz, vo, wa, wo, wuu, xal, yi, yo, zh, zu
  • Pending flag on: eu, oc, pms, sh, sq, szl, ug, vi
  • Contributions

Thank you! — Chesnok2009年3月9-jἰt (拜1) 12:34 (UTC)

新吲 (Sin-chhín)bot flag (hō͘) Hyperbot[修改]


  • Operator: Hypercube
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: automatic
  • Programming Language(s): Python (pywikipedia)
  • Function Summary: ()人物 (jîn-bu̍t) (ê)文章 (bûn-chiuⁿ) (ka)default sort key,順紲 (sūn-soà)類別 (lūi-pia̍t)內底 (lāi-té)舊的 (kū-ê)sort key提掉 (the̍h-tiāu)
  • Already has a bot flag on: Neptune

Hypercube 2009年4月8-jἰt (拜3) 00:55 (UTC)

新吲bot flag予 FoxBot[修改]


  • Operator: Foxie001
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: automatic
  • Programming Language(s): Python (pywikipedia), daily updated
  • Function Summary: interwiki
  • Already has a bot flag on: sw

Thanks in advance - Foxie0012009年8月5-jἰt (拜3) 16:38 (UTC)

Bot flag request for Egmontbot[修改]

  • Operator: Egmontaz
  • Function summary: interwiki
  • Function details: assisted interwiki using Pywikipedia framework
  • Programming language: Python
  • Already have 39 wikis: an, ar, arz,捌smg, be-x-old, bg, bn, br, bs, ca, cs, el, eo, es, et, eu, fa, gl,彼, hr,俘,一,家, lv, mhr, mk, ms, oc, pnt, ru, simple, sk, sl, sq, sw, th, tr, vo, zh (verify)

Regards。 --Egmontaz 2010年4月25-jἰt (禮拜 (Lé-pài)) 17:30 (UTC)

Bot flag request for EmausBot[修改]

Thanks! --Emaus 2010年6月21-jἰt (拜1) 20:58 (UTC)


  • 1。 Operator : Wikitanvir
  • 2。 Automatic or Manually Assisted : Automatic
  • 3。 Programming Language(s) : Python (pywikipedia)
  • 4。 Function Summary : Interwiki
  • 5。 Edit period(s) : Daily
  • 6。 Edit rate requested : 2/3 edits per minute at most
  • 7。 Already has a bot flag (Y/N) : Y
  • 8。 Function Details : Bot will patrol recent changes and new pages, and add, remove, or modify interwiki links in autonomous mode。

Currently doing some test edits。 Notify me if there is a problem。 — Tanvir • 2010年10月1-jἰt (拜5) 07:02 (UTC)


伊request a bot flag for TjBot

.。 Contributions in all Wikimedia projectsseehere。 Flags and edit counter in other projectsseehere

— Tjmoel Icons-flag-id.png bicara18:01, 27十一月 (Cha̍p-it-goe̍h)2010 (UTC)

Ripchip Bot[修改]

Thanks in advance。Béria Limamsg2011年3月14-jἰt (拜1) 21:23 (UTC)


Thanks in advance! --Cocu 2011年6月3-jἰt (拜5) 16:24 (UTC)


  • Botname : HiW-Bot
  • Operator : Hedwig in Washington
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : automatic
  • Programming Language(s) : Python (pywikipedia), daily update
  • Function Summary : Interwiki, Internationalization by removing chaos in Babel-Category so it can be used properly and easy。
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N) : Yes: 44 Wikis so far, others pending。seehere
  • Function Details : just using the standard

伊humbly request bot status on this wiki in order to update Interwiki, and improve Internationalization by removing chaos in Babel so it can be used properly and easy by everyone。

Thank you for consideration! --Hedwig in Washington 2011年9月19-jἰt (拜1) 20:46 (UTC)


  • Botname : Vagobot
  • Operator : Vago
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted : automatic, manually
  • Programming Language(s) : Python (pywikipedia), daily update
  • Function Summary : Interwiki, fixing double redirect, link Ga, FA
  • Already has a bot flag (Y/N) : Yes +107 wikis
  • Function Details : just using the standard scripts

Thanks!Vago 2011年10月25-jἰt (拜2) 10:10 (UTC)

Bot flag request for S205643bot[修改]

  • Operator: S205643
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Both。
  • Programming Language: Pywikipedia
  • Function Summary: Interwiki links, categories establishment, redirections, stub articles creation。
  • Already has a bot flag on: None。

--S205643 (對話) 2015年3月15-ji̍t (Lé拜) 09:50 (UTC)

(OK) --Kaihsu (對話) 2015年3月16 (ji̍t) (拜1) 07:08 (UTC)

Bot flag request for Shinybot[修改]

  • Operator: Sunshine567
  • Function summary: redirect page built。
  • Function details: building up臺羅 (Tâi-lô)redirect pages (from TL to POJ), adding stub templates, and other minor editings。
  • Programming language: AWB and sometimes manually。
  • Already have 0 wikis: requesting onenand zh

(Ài) (chhiáⁿ) () (seng) (khui)Shinybot這个 (chit-ê)口座 (kháu-chō) (註冊 (chù-chheh)), (chiah)會當 (ē-tàng) (thè) (siat)bot身份 (sin-hūn)。 --Luuva (對話) 2016年5月3日 (拜2) 06:35 (UTC)


屋。 --A-lú-mih (thó-lūn) 2019年7月22日 (拜1) 00:57 (UTC)


  • Operator: Lamchuhan
  • Automatic or Manually Assisted: Both。
  • Programming Language: Python or AWB
  • Function Summary: Administration works such as interwiki links, categories establishment, redirections, stub articles creation, massive deletions, welcomes。
  • Already has a bot flag on: None, but伊already have another botLamchuhan-bothere (at)this version for several years。 If it is possible,伊would like to have admin authority for this bot。 Thanks。

--Lamchuhan (thó-lūn) 2020年3月9日 (拜1) 00:39 (UTC)

屋 --A-lú-mih (thó-lūn) 2020年3月9日 (拜1) 07:52 (UTC)

An additional property was added as user requested。

  • Adminbot (Yes/No): Yes

--A-lú-mih (thó-lūn) 2020年3月9日 (拜1) 08:02 (UTC)