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地球 (Tē-kiû): (Chit) (tiuⁿ) (siòng) ()Apollo 17太空人 (thài-khong-lâng)Harrison Schmitt ()1972 ()12 (go̍eh) (chhe)7 (khì月量 (go̍eh-niû)ê lō͘nih) 歙的 (hip--ê)非洲 (Hui-chiu)南極 (Lâm-ke̍k) (kap)阿拉伯 (A-la-pek)半島 (Pòan-tó) (khoàⁿ)現現 (hiān-hiān)這逝 (Chit-chōa)漏尾 (lō͘-bóe)1 (pái) (ū) (lâng)離開 (lī-khui)近地球 (kīn-tē-kiû)軌道 (kúi-tō) (low Earth orbit), ()唯一 (î-it)1擺有地理 (tē-lí)學家 (ha̍k-ka) (khì)月球 (go̍eh-kiû)

下跤 (Ē-kha)是象 (ê)原版 (goân-pán)描述 (biâu-su̍t):

View of the Earth as seen by the Apollo 17 crew traveling toward the mo͘n。 This translunar coast photograph extends from the Mediterranean Sea area (to)the Antarctica south polar ice cap。 This is the first time the Apollo trajectory made it possible to photograph the south polar ice cap。 Note the heavy cloud cover in the Southern Hemisphere。 Almost the entire coastline of Africa is clearly visible。 The Arabian Peninsula can be seen at the northeastern edge of Africa。 The large island off the coast of Africa is the Malagasy Republic。 The Asian mainland is on the horizon toward the northeast.

NASA有超權 (chhiau-koân)品質 (phín-chit)版本 (pán-pún)

版權 (Pán-koân): 公共 (Kong-kiōng)財產 (châi-sán) (Public Domain)。
