Ji̍t-pún-kok Hiàn-hoat

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Original title 日本国憲法
Jurisdiction Japan
Date effective 3 May 1947
System Unitary parliamentary
de facto[1] constitutional monarchy
Government structure
Branches Three
Head of state Not defined in constitution.[2] TheEmperor is "the symbol of the State and of the unity of the people", but carries many functions of a head of state.[1]
Chambers Bicameral (National Diet: House of RepresentativesHouse of Councillors)
Executive Cabinet, led by aPrime Minister
Judiciary Supreme Court
Federalism Unitary
Electoral college No
First legislature 20 April 1947 (HC)
25 April 1947 (HR)
First executive 24 May 1947
First court 4 August 1947
Amendments 0[3]
Location National Archives of Japan
Author(s) Allied GHQ and members of theImperial Diet
Signatories Emperor Shōwa
Supersedes Meiji Constitution
Full text
Constitution of Japan at Wikisource

日本國 (Ji̍t-pún-kok)憲法 (Hiàn-hoat) (日本國憲法) ()日本 (Ji̍t-pún) (ê)現行 (hiān-hêng)憲法 ()號做 (hō-chò)戰後 (Chiàn-āu)憲法 (戰後憲法),和平 (Hô-pêng)憲法 (和平憲法),昭和 (Chiau-hô)憲法 (昭和憲法), ()1946 ()11 (goe̍h)3 ()公佈 (kong-pò͘), 1947年5月3號 (khí)施行 (si-hêng) (Che)日本國政府 (Chèng-hú)佇1945年投降 (tâu-hâng)了後 (liáu-āu)制定 (chè-tēng) (lâi)取代 (chhú-tāi) (Tāi)日本帝國 (Tè-kok)憲法 (sin)憲法。

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. 移至: 1.0 1.1 Kristof, Nicholas D。 (12 November 1995). "THE WORLD;Japan's State Symbols: Now You See Them 。 。 。". The New York Times. 5 October 2019 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. Kakinohana, Hōjun (23 September 2013). "個人の尊厳は憲法の基 ― 天皇の元首化は時代に逆行 ―". Japan Institute of Constitutional Law (ēng Ji̍t-pún-gí). 2019-10-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  3. "The Anomalous Life of the Japanese Constitution". Nippon.com. 15 August 2017. goân-loē-iông tī 11 August 2019 hőng khó͘-pih. 11 August 2019 khòaⁿ--ê.