Melbourne hông-ka hū-kho pēⁿ-īⁿ

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Melbourne皇家 (hông-ka)婦科 (hū-kho)病院 (pēnn-īnn) (英語 (ing-gú): Royal Women's Hospital; 漢語 (hàn-gú): 墨爾本皇家婦科醫院) ()一間 (tsi̍t-king)徛咧 (khiā-teh)澳洲 (Ò-tsiu)Melbourne北部 (pak-pōo)郊區 (kau-khu)Parkville (khu) (Parkville, Victoria) (ê)病院,猶是 (iah-sī)澳洲歷史 (li̍k-sú) (siōng)悠久 (iu-kiú)的婦科病院 ()如今 (jû-kim)澳洲規模 (kui-bôo)相大 (siong-tuā)婦產科 (hū-sán-kho)病院[1]。皇家婦科病院位著 (uī-tio̍h)Melbourne的女性 (lú-sìng) (teh)產科 (sán-kho),婦科,新生 (sin-sing) ()護理 (hōo-lí),婦科癌症 (gâm-tsìng) (kap)女性健康 (kiān-khong)等等 (tíng-tíng)方面 (hong-bīn)提供 (the̍h-kiong) (tsuân)方位 (hong-uī)醫療 (i-liâu)服務 (ho̍k-bū).[2] 除此 (Tî-tshú)之外 (tsi-guā), Melbourne皇家婦科病院猶閣 (iah-koh)提供其他 (kî-thann)的健康補充 (póo-tshiong)服務,比如 (pí-jû)社工 (siā-kang)物理 (bu̍t-lí)治療 (tī-liâu)營養學 (îng-ióng-ha̍k)心理 (sim-lí)關懷 (kuan-huâi)。 Melbourne皇家婦科病院內底 (lāi-té)益閣 (iah-koh)設有 (siat-ū)提供子宮 (tsí-kiong)內膜 (luē-mo̍oh)異位 (ī-uī) (tsìng) (子宮內膜異位症),慢性 (bān-sìng)盆腔 (phûn-khiong)痛疼 (thàng-thiànn) (慢性盆腔疼痛),癌症 (āu)更年期 (king-nî-kî)pēnntsìng,不孕症 (put-īn-tsìng) (不孕症)[3]專科 (tsuan-kho)診所 (tsín-sóo)。 Melbourne皇家婦科病院是一經 (tsi̍t-king)擁有 (ióng-iú)200 (guā)病床 (pēnn-tshn̂g)大型 (tuā-hîng)教學 (kàu-ha̍k)病院,為著 (uī-tio̍h)Melbourne大學 (tāi-ha̍k)[4] (hām) (La)Trobe大學[5]醫學 (i-ha̍k) (īnn)提供實習 (si̍t-si̍p),教學佮研究 (gián-kiù)場所 (tiûnn-sóo)。咧Melbourne皇家婦科病院的大樓 (tuā-lâu)內底益閣設有 (siat-iú)Frances Perry私立 (su-li̍p)病院 (Frances Perry Private Hospital),是一經擁有69 (ê)床位 (tshn̂g-uī)的私立婦科病院[6]

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. Royal Women's Hospital. "Overview" (html). (ēng English). Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-06-02. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. The Women's is Australia's largest public maternity hospital. Primary and tertiary maternity care is provided at the hospital. 
  2. "Royal Women's Hospital Official website". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-07-02. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  3. Melbourne IVF 易面存案備份Accessed April 28, 2007
  4. University of Melbourne. "Clinical Elective - Royal Women's Hospital" (html). (ēng English). Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-05-30. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. The medical student elective program at The Royal Women’s Hospital is administered by The University of Melbourne, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology based at The Royal Women’s Hospital. 
  5. La Trobe University. "The Women's" (html). (ēng English). Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-04-09. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. The longstanding partnership between the Royal Women’s Hospital (the Women’s) and La Trobe University is underpinned by a high-quality research program and clinical placements scheme. 
  6. Frances Perry House. "About Frances Perry House" (html). (ēng English). Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2023-04-09. 2023-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. The hospital accommodates 93 beds including surgical and maternity units, Level 4 Special Care Nursery, 6 birthing suites, 4 operating theatres, a day surgery unit and urodynamics procedure room. 

參閱 (Tsham-ua̍t)[修改]

  • Frances Perry Private Hospital
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease

外部 (Guā-pōo)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]