Otto Warmbier

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Otto Frederick Warmbier (1994年 12月12日 – 2017年 6月19日) () (chi̍t) (ūi)美國 (Bí-kok)大學生 (tāi-ha̍k-seng) (i) ()2016 ()1 (goe̍h)前往 (chiân-óng)北韓 (Pak-hân)觀光 (koan-kong) ()判刑 (phòaⁿ-hêng)15年勞改 (lô-kái)因為 (in-ūi)嘲提 (tau-the̍h)旅社 (lí-siā)大廳 (tōa-thiaⁿ) (ê)政治 (chèng-tī)宣傳 (soan-thoân)海報 (hái-pò).[1][2] 2017年6月, (koan)18個月 (kò-goe̍h)了後 (liáu-āu),伊被釋放 (sek-hòng).[3] 伊佇轉去 (tńg-khì) (kàu)美國了後無偌久 (bô-gōa-kú) (tiō)過身 (kòe-sin)

參考 (Chham-khó)資料 (chu-liāu)[修改]

  1. "The video that North Korea says proves US student tried to steal banner". March 18, 2016. June 15, 2017 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. "North Korea Says It's Holding U.S。 Student for 'Hostile Act'". The New York Times. January 23, 2016. January 23, 2016 khòaⁿ--ê. Young Pioneer Tours, a China-based company that operates tours to North Korea, said in a statement that one of its clients, identified as "Otto," was being detained in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang. 
  3. "Coma-stricken student released from North Korea arrives backinUS"ABC News, June 12, 2017