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tóng-àn:Scan the World - Venus de Milo.stl

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Scan_the_World_-_Venus_de_Milo.stl((檔案: 28.96 MB, MIME行: application/sla))

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English: 3D scan of the Venus de Milo in the Louvre, Paris, France.
Full archival information can be found on Scan the World.This object is part of "Scan The World". Scan the World is a non-profit initiative introduced by MyMiniFactory, through which we are creating a digital archive of fully 3D printable sculptures, artworks and landmarks from across the globe for the public to access for free.
Українська: 3D сканування Венери Мілоської в Луврі, Париж, Франція.
Chhut-chhù Scan the World: Scan the World Homepage
Chok-chiá Scan the World


每日媒體 本檔案當選為2021年8月7日的每日媒體。其說明如下:
English: 3D file of Venus de Milo.

Featured media
This is a featured media on Wikimedia Commons and is considered one of the finest files.

If you have a file of similar quality that can be published under a suitable copyright license, be sure to upload it, tag it, and nominate it.


Piau-sī miâ-sìnn Kâng-khuán hong-sik hun-hióng
Lí ē-sái tsū-iû:
  • hun-hióng – kho͘-pih, hoat-pò͘ kap thoân-pò͘ pún chok
  • tiông-sin siu-kái – kái-pian pún chok-phín
Àn i-hā ê tiâu-kiāⁿ
  • Piau-sī miâ-sìnn – Lí ài siá-bîng tsìng-khak ê miâ-hō, ū siū-khuân tiâu-khuán ê liân-kiat, iáu-koh-ū lí tsuè siánn-mih ê kái-piàn. Lí ē-tàng tī jīm-hô ha̍p-lí ê hong-sik tsìn-hîng, m̄-kò buē-tàng ti̍t-tsiap kóng siū-khuân hōo lí ia̍h-sī lí sú-iōng.
  • Kâng-khuán hong-sik hun-hióng – Lí nā kái-tōng, piàn-khoán, he̍k-chiá kun-kù pún chok chhòng-chō, lí kaⁿ-taⁿ ē-tàng ēng kap pún chok kâng-khoán he̍k-chiá saⁿ-chhiūⁿ ê hí-khó lâi hoat-pò͘ chò--chhut-lâi ê chok-phín.
Wikimedia Foundation
The uploader of this file has agreed to the Wikimedia Foundation 3D patent license: This file and any 3D objects depicted in the file are both my own work. I hereby grant to each user, maker, or distributor of the object depicted in the file a worldwide, royalty-free, fully-paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable and perpetual license at no additional cost under any patent or patent application I own now or in the future, to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and distribute this file and any 3D objects depicted in the file that would otherwise infringe any claims of any patents I hold now or in the future.

Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this license and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.




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有著作權 繁體中文

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資料大小 繁體中文

30,363,784 Byte

校驗和 繁體中文


斷定方法 繁體中文: SHA-1 中文 (已轉換拼寫)



日期/ 時間寸尺用者註解
現在2018年2月23日 (拜5) 11:27(28.96 MB)wikimediacommons>JonathanbeckUpdated to High Quality model
