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System 免疫系統

Basophil (漢語 (hàn-gú): 嗜鹼性粒細胞; Sī kinn-sìng lia̍p sè-pau; Sī kiⁿ-sèng lia̍p sè-pau; 應語 (ing-gú): Basophils) () (pe̍h)細胞 (sè-pau) (ê)一種 (tsi̍t-tsióng) ()鹼性 (kinn-sìng) (lia̍p)細胞是 (siōng) ()定定 (tiānn-tiānn)看著 (khuànn-tio̍h)的粒細胞類型 (luī-hîng)大約 (tāi-iok) (tsiàm)循環 (sûn-huân)白細胞的0.5% (tsì)1%.[1] 毋高 (M̄-ko) (in)上大 (siōng-tūa)的粒細胞類型。怹負積 (hū-tsik)免疫 (bián-i̍k)反應 (huán-ìng)過程 (kuè-tîng) (tiong)炎正 (iām-tsìng)反應; 以及 (í-ki̍p)急性 (kip-sìng) (hām)萬性 (bān-sìng)過敏 (kuè-bín) (sìng)病症 (pēnn-tsìng)成做 (tsiânn-tsò); 包括 (pau-kuat)過敏反應,彼車 (he-ku) (ti̍k)英性 (ing-sìng)皮炎 (phuê-iām) (kah)花粉 (hue-hún) (tsìng).[2] 嗜鹼性粒細胞 (koh)產生 (sán-sing)協調 (hia̍p-tiāu)免疫反應的花合物 (hua-ha̍p-bu̍t); 包括引起 (ín-khí)炎政 (iām-tsìng)組安 (tsoo-an)血稱 (hiat-tshing) (sòo); 以及皇指 (hông-tsí)血液 (hiat-i̍k)迎構 (gîng-kòo)肝素 (kuann-sòo) (肝素),[3] 雖罔 (sui-bóng)含量 (hâm-liōng) ()肥大 (puî-tuā)細胞粒當中 (tang-tiong)的含量較少 (khah-tsió).[4] 肥大 (Puî-tāi)細胞 (pat)予人認為 (jīn-uî) ()血液遷移 (tshian-î) (kàu)伊的 (i-ê)注流 (tsù-liû)組織 (tsoo-tsit) (結締 (kiat-tè)組織 (結締組織)) 的嗜鹼性粒細胞; 毋高現在 (hiān-tsāi)已經 (í-king) (tsai) (á) (in)是無 (kâng)類型的細胞.[5]

嗜鹼性粒細胞是由 (sī-iû)德國 (Tik-kok)醫生 (i-sing)Paul Ehrlich ()1879 ()發現 (huat-hiān)的, 1年 (tsîng)Paul Ehrlich (teh)組織東中 (tang-tiong)發現一種細胞類型, Paul Ehrlich () (i)叫做 (kiò-tsò)Mastzellen (這馬 (tsit-má)的肥大細胞).[6] Ehrlich因為 (in-uī)伊的發現而來 (jî-lâi)獲得 (hi̍k-tik)1908年Nobel生理 (sing-lí) (tsióng)或者 (hi̍k-tsiá)醫學 (i-ha̍k) (tsióng)

嗜鹼性粒細胞質的 (tsit-ê)名稱 (bîng-tshing)原維 (guân-î)遮的 (tsia--ê)細胞是是鹼性的,; 就是 (tio̍h-sī) (tsiânn)容易 (iông-ī) (hōo)鹼性爾料 (ní-liāu)染色 (ní-sik) () (tôo) (sóo)表示 (piáu-sī)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. "Blood differential test". Medline Plus. U.S. National Library of Medicine. goân-loē-iông tī 21 April 2016 hőng khó͘-pih. 22 April 2016 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. Mukai K, Galli SJ (2013). "Basophils". Basophils. eLS. Online. doi:10.1002/9780470015902.a0001120.pub3. ISBN 978-0470016176. goân-loē-iông tī 2016-05-01 hőng khó͘-pih. 
  3. Khurana (2009). Textbook Of Medical Physiology (2nd pán.). Elsevier. p. 180. ISBN 978-81-8147-850-4. goân-loē-iông tī 2018-05-04 hőng khó͘-pih. 
  4. Stone KD, Prussin C, Metcalfe DD (February 2010). "IgE, mast cells, basophils, and eosinophils". The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 125 (2 Suppl 2): S73–80. doi:10.1016/j.jaci.2009.11.017. PMC 2847274Freely accessible. PMID 20176269. 
  5. Franco CB, Chen CC, Drukker M, Weissman IL, Galli SJ (April 2010). "Distinguishing mast cell and granulocyte differentiation at the single-cell level". Cell Stem Cell. 6 (4): 361–8. doi:10.1016/j.stem.2010.02.013. PMC 2852254Freely accessible. PMID 20362540. 
  6. Blank U, Falcone FH, Nilsson G (September 2013). "The history of mast cell and basophil research - some lessons learnt from the last century". Allergy. 68 (9): 1093–101. doi:10.1111/all.12197. PMID 23991682. 

參考 (Tsham-khó)文獻 (bûn-hiàn)[修改]

  • Ярилин А。 А。 (2010). Иммунология (免疫學). М。: ГЭОТАР-Медиа. ISBN 978-5-9704-1319-7.  (俄語)

參閱 (Tsham-ua̍t)[修改]

  • Allergy
  • Diamine oxidase
  • Eosinophil
  • Food intolerance
  • Histamine
  • Histamine intolerance
  • Histamine N-methyltransferase]- or HNMT
  • Mast cell
  • List of distinct cell types in the adult human body
  • Heparin (肝素/肝素 (koaⁿ-sò͘))

外部 (Guā-pōo)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]


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