Bu̍t-hāu ha̍k

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Historical day of year for first bloom index (FBI) for the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve, Kansas (dots) fitted with a local polynomial regression model (loess in red) and a 2 standard error band (blue). Data from William Monahan.[1]

物后 (Bu̍t-hiō) (ha̍k) (Phenology; 物候學) ()teh gián-kiù sing-bu̍t sènn-miā tsiu-kî tang-tiong ê tsiu-kî sìng sū-kiānn, í-ki̍p tsia--ê sū-kiānn jû-hô siū-tio̍h khì-hāu ê kuì-tsiat sìng hām liân-tsè piàn-huà í-ki̍p tshe-sek tē ê in-sòo (pí-jû hái-pua̍t) (ê)影響 (íng-hióng).[2] 範例 (Huān-lē)包括 (pau-kuat)葉仔 (hio̍h-á) (hām)花蕾 (hue-luí)出現 (tshut-hiān)日期 (ji̍t-kî)易仔 (ia̍h-á) ()1 (pái)飛行 (hui-hîng)侯鳥 (hâu-niáu)的第1 (tshù)出現,落葉樹 (lo̍h-hio̍h-tshiū)的葉仔變色 (piàn-sik)落葉 (lo̍h-hio̍h)的日期,鳥類 (niáu-luī)兩棲 (lióng-tshe)動物 (tōng-bu̍t)產暖 (sán-luán)的日期,或者 (hi̍k-tsiá)溫帶 (un-tài)蜜蜂 (bi̍t-phang)群落 (kûn-lo̍h)發育 (huat-io̍k)週期 (tsiu-kî) (Teh)關於 (kuan-î)生態 (sing-thài)學的khoh (ak)文獻 (bûn-hiàn)當中 (tang-tiong)物后學 (bu̍t-hiō-ha̍k)織的 (tsit-ê)術語 (su̍t-gú)閣卡 (koh-khah)普遍 (phóo-phiàn)用咧 (iōng-teh)表示 (piáu-sī)任和 (jīm-hô)季節 (kuì-tsiat) (sìng)生物 (sing-bu̍t)現象 (hiān-siōng)時間 (sî-kan)範圍 (huān-uî); 包括做後 (tsuè-āu)一擺 (tsi̍t-pái)出現的日期 (比如 (pí-jû)一个 (tsi̍t-ê)物種 (bu̍t-tsióng)的季節性物候 (bu̍t-hāu)可能 (khó-lîng) ()4 (gue̍h) (kàu)9月),

由於 (Iû-î)城濟 (siânn-tsē)一類 (tsi̍t-luī)現象 (tuì)氣候 (khì-hāu)微小 (bî-sió)變化 (piàn-huà)非常 (hui-siông)敏感 (bín-kám)尤其 (iû-kî)是對溫度 (un-tōo),物候記錄 (kì-lio̍k)會當 (ē-tàng)變做 (piàn-tsò)歷史 (li̍k-sú)氣候學內底 (lāi-té)溫度有路用 (ū-lōo-iōng)代表 (tāi-piáu); 特別 (ti̍k-pia̍t)是咧氣候變化和全球 (tsuân-kiû) (piàn) (luán) (變暖) 的研究 (gián-kiù)東中 (tang-tiong)。比如,歐洲 (Au-tsiu)葡萄 (phû-tô)收域 (siu-hi̍k)的葡萄知培 (tsai-puê)記錄已經 (í-king)予人用咧重建 (tiông-kiàn)500 (guā)年前 (nî-tsîng)夏季 (hā-kuì) (夏季) 生長 (sing-tióng)季節溫度的記錄.[3][4] 除了 (Tû-liáu)提強 (the̍h-kióng) ()儀器 (gî-khì)測量 (tshik-liông)閣較 (koh-khah) (tn̂g)的歷史居線 (ki-suànn)以外 (í-guā),物候關策 (kuan-tshik)猶閣 (iah-koh)提強 (kap)全球變暖相關 (siong-kuan)冬筠 (tong-ûn)變化的 (ko)時間分辨 (hun-piān) (lu̍t).[5][6]

註解 (Tsù-kái)[edit]

  1. Monahan, William B.; Rosemartin, Alyssa; Gerst, Katharine L.; Fisichelli, Nicholas A.; Ault, Toby; Schwartz, Mark D.; Gross, John E.; Weltzin, Jake F. (2016). "Climate change is advancing spring onset across the U.S. National park system". Ecosphere. 7 (10): e01465. doi:10.1002/ecs2.1465. 
  2. "Phenology". Merriam-Webster. 2020. 
  3. Meier, Nicole (2007). "Grape Harvest Records as a Proxy for Swiss April to August Temperature Reconstructions" (PDF). Diplomarbeit der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bern (Thesis of Philosophy and Science Faculty of the University of Bern). goân-loē-iông (PDF) tī 2008-12-17 hőng khó͘-pih. 2007-12-25 khòaⁿ--ê. Phenological grape harvest observations in Switzerland over the last 500 years have been used as a proxy indicator for reconstructing past temperature variability。 
  4. Meier, N。; Rutishauser, T。; Luterbacher, J。; Pfister, C。; Wanner, H。 (2007). "Grape Harvest Dates as a proxy for Swiss April to August Temperature Reconstructions back to AD 1480". Geophysical Research Letters. 34 (20): L20705. Bibcode:2007GeoRL..3420705M. doi:10.1029/2007GL031381. goân-loē-iông tī 2012-09-29 hőng khó͘-pih. 2009-04-28 khòaⁿ--ê. Phenological grape harvest observations in Switzerland over the last 500 years have been used as a proxy indicator for reconstructing past temperature variability。 
  5. Menzel, A。; Sparks, T.H。; Estrella, N。; Koch, E。; Aasa, A。; Ahas, R。; Alm-kübler, K。; Bissolli, P。; Braslavská, O。; Briede, A。; et al. (2006). "European phenological response to climate change matches the warming pattern". Global Change Biology. 12 (10): 1969–1976. Bibcode:2006GCBio..12.1969M. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2006.01193.x. One of the preferred indicators is phenology, the science of natural recurring events, as their recorded dates provide a high-temporal resolution of ongoing changes。 
  6. Schwartz, M。 D。; Ahas, R。; Aasa, A。 (2006). "Onset of spring starting earlier across the Northern Hemisphere". Global Change Biology. 12 (2): 343–351. Bibcode:2006GCBio..12..343S. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2486.2005.01097.x. SI first leaf dates, measuring change in the start of ‘early spring’ (roughly the time of shrub budburst and lawn first greening), are getting earlier in nearly all parts of the Northern Hemisphere。 The average rate of change over the 1955–2002 period is approximately -1.2 days per decade。 

參考 (Tsham-khó)文獻[edit]

參閱 (Tsham-ua̍t)[edit]

  • Citizen science
  • Nature Detectives
  • Season creep
  • Growing degree-day
  • Biological life cycle

外部 (Guā-pōo)連迦 (liân-kia)[edit]