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健康 (Kiān-khong) (健康; 英文 (Eng-bûn): health) 或者 (he̍k-chiá)康健 (khong-kiān) (康健) 廣的 (kóng-ê) ()生物 (seng-bu̍t)個體 (kò-thé) (ê)功能性 (kong-lêng-sèng) (hām)代謝 (tāi-siā)效率 (hāu-lu̍t)水平 (chúi-pêng) (Tùi)人類 (jîn-lūi) (lâi) (kóng),健康廣的是個人 (kò-jîn)抑是 (ia̍h-sī)群體 (kûn-thé)面對 (bīn-tùi)生理 (seng-lí)心理 (sim-lí)抑是社會 (siā-hōe)挑戰 (thiau-chiàn) ()適應 (sek-èng) (kap)自我 (chū-ngó͘)管理 (koán-lí)能力 (lêng-le̍k).[1][2] 世界 (Sè-kài)衛生 (Oē-seng)組織 (Cho͘-chit) ()1946 ()定義 (tēng-gī)廣義 (kóng-gī)的健康是 "健康 ()干焦 (kan-na) ()症頭 (chèng-thâu)或者虛弱 (hi-jio̍k)消除 (siau-tû),健康 ()包含 (pau-hâm)體格 (thé-keh)精神 (cheng-sîn)猶與 (iáu-ū)社會的完全 (oân-choân)健康狀態 (chōng-thài)".[3][4] 織的 (Chit-ê)定義 (ū)相當 (siong-tong)爭議 (cheng-gī)特別 (te̍k-pia̍t)是佇實務 (si̍t-bū) (siōng) (chin) ()利便 (lī-piān)其中 (kî-tiong) (i) (só͘)使用 (sú-iōng)的 "完全" it ()引起 (ín-khí)相關 (siong-koan)問題 (būn-tê)產生 (sán-seng).[5][6] 後來 (Āu-lâi),也 (ū)相關組織提出 (thê-chhut)新的 (sin-ê)定義,有一寡 (chi̍t-kóa)定義 ()健康和個人的滿足 (boán-chiok) (sio)關連 (koan-liân).[7][8]

參考 (Chham-khó)[修改]

  1. Huber M, Knottnerus JA, Green, L., van der Horst H, Jadad AR, Kromhout D, Smid H. BMJ 2011; 343 (d4163)
  3. World Health Organization。 1946。WHO definition of Health, Preamble (to)the Constitution of the World Health Organization as adopted by the International Health Conference, New York, 19–22 June 1946; signed on 22 July 1946 by the representatives of 61 States (Official Records of the World Health Organization, no。 2, p。 100) and entered into force on 7 April 1948.
  4. World Health Organization。 2006。Constitution oftheWorld Health Organization - Basic Documents, Forty-fifth edition, Supplement, October 2006.
  5. Callahan D. (1973). "The WHO definition of 'health'". The Hastings Center Studies. 1 (3): 77–87. doi:10.2307/3527467. JSTOR 3527467. 
  6. Taylor S, Marandi A (2008). "How should health be defined?". BMJ. 337: a290. doi:10.1136/bmj.a290. PMID 18614520. 
  7. Bellieni CV, Buonocore G. (2009). "Pleasing desires or pleasing wishes? A new approach都pain definition". Ethics Med. 25 (1). 
  8. Sport,Disability andanOriginal Definition of Health. (February 27, 2013).

外部 (Guā-pōo)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]

healthy 這个詞.
