Ohm ê hoat-chek

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Ohm法則的 參數 (parameter) 是V,伊佮R (電阻)。

Ohm (ê)法則 (hoat-chek) (英語: Ohm's law; 漢語 (hàn-gí): 歐姆定律), ()電學 (tiān-ha̍k) (electricity, electrical science) 內底 (lāi-té)表示 (piáu-sī)導體 (tō-thé) (導電體 (tō-tiān-thé); electrical conductor) 兩爿 (nn̄g-pêng)電壓 (tiān-ap) (V) (kap)通過 (thong-kòe)導體的電流 (tiān-liû) ( (I)) (sêng)正比 (chèng-pí) (proportionality (mathematics)).[1] (Iōng)方程 (hong-têng)表示如下 (lû-hā):

解析失敗 (Chīn-liōng iōng MathML (chhì-giām-sèng--ê):從伺服器 "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/" 收到無效的回應 ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.")。): {\displaystyle V=IR,}      解析失敗 (Chīn-liōng iōng MathML (chhì-giām-sèng--ê):從伺服器 "https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/" 收到無效的回應 ("Math extension cannot connect to Restbase.")。): {\displaystyle 伊 = \frac{V}{R}}

註解 (Chù-kái)[修改]

  1. Halliday, David; Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker (2005), Fundamental of Physics (ēng Eng-gí) (7th pán.), USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., pp. pp。 691–692, ISBN 0-471-23231-9 

外部 (Gōa-pō͘)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]


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