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Mars Global Remote Sensing Orbiter and Small Rover at IAC Bremen 2018 02.jpg
Zhurong火tsheñ車的iūñ車咧第69改國際與航大會 (International Astronautical Congress) tén出
號名 Huétsheñ-1 (火星-1) (2018–2020)[1][2][3]
任務類型 Planetary science with an orbiter, lander and rover
操作者 中國國家航天局 (CNSA)
COSPAR ID 2020-049A
SATCAT № 45935
任無經過時間 Lua 錯誤 於 package.lua 中的第 80 行:module 'Module:Date' not found。(since launch)
Orbiter: 2 Earth years (planned)
Lua 錯誤 於 package.lua 中的第 80 行:module 'Module:Date' not found。(since orbit insertion)
Rover: 90 sols (planned)[4]
太空船類型 Orbiter上六車rover, TW-1 Deployable Camera (TDC)
製造者 中國國家航天局 (CNSA)
發射質量 Total: 5,000 kg (11,000 lb)
Orbiter: 3,175 kg (7,000 lb)
Rover:240 kg (530 lb)
寸尺 Rover: 2.6 m × 3 m × 1.85 m
發射日子 23 July 2020, 04:41:15 UTC [5]
火箭 龍March 5
發射地點 Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site, LC-101

中國航天科技集團 (CASC)

火tsheñ orbiter
Spacecraft component 太空船
Orbital insertion 10 February 2021, 11:52 UTC [6][7]
火tsheñ lander
Spacecraft component 上六車
Landing date 14 May 2021, 23:18 UTC [8][9][10]
Landing site Utopia Planitia [11]
25°06′N 109°54′E / 25.1°N 109.9°E / 25.1; 109.9 [12]
火tsheñ rover
Spacecraft component 探查車
Landing date 14 May, 2021 [13]
Landing site Utopia Planitia [11]

Thenbūn-1 (Then-būn 1 (), Then-mn̄g 1號 (TB-1, TM-1); 英語 (ing-gú): Tianwen-1 (TW-1); 漢語 (hàn-gú): 天問一號, (天問 (heavenly questions))) ()中華 (Tiong-huâ)人民 (jîn-bîn)共和國 (kiōng-hô-kok)當咧 (tng-teh)前行 (tsîng-hîng) (ê)一項 (tsi̍t-hāng) (hué)tsheñ擔策 (tàm-tshik) (exploration of mars) 任務 (līm-bū)就是 (tō-sī)中國 (Tiong-kok)火tsheñ擔粟 (tàm-tshik)計畫 (kè-uē)一部分 (tsi̍t-pōo-hūn).[14]

中國第一擺 (tē-it-pái)家己 (ka-kī)子道 (tsú-tō)發射 (huat-siā)的 "天文 (Thian-bûn)1號" 探測器 (thàm-tshik-khì) (teh)2020 ()7 (gue̍h)23 (li̍t)12:41 (hun) ()長征 (tn̂g-tsing)5號運載 (ūn-tsài)火箭 (hué-tsìnn) (CZ-5) ()海南 (hái-lâm)中國文昌 (bûn-tshiong)航天 (hâng-thian)發射場 (huat-siā-tiûnn) (WSLS) 發射升空 (sing-khong)成功 (sîng-kong) (sàng)zi̍p預定 (ū-tīng)軌道 (kuí-tō).[15] 探測器咧地球 (tē-kiû) (tsuán)îkuí ()飛行 (hui-hîng)大約 (tāi-iok)7高月 (ko-gue̍h)了後 (liáu-āu) (kàu)火tsheñ附近 (hù-kīn),咧2021年20gue̍h (tshe)10完成 (uân-sîng)火tsheñ捕獲 (póo-hi̍k)了後 (tsìn)zi̍p環火 (huân-hué)軌道。之後 (Tsi-āu) (koh)選擇 (suán-ti̍k)時居 (sî-ki)展開 (tián-khui)着陸 (tio̍h-lio̍k)順是 (sūn-sī)等等 (tíng-tíng)的火tsheñ科學 (kho-ha̍k)探測 (thàn-tshik)任務.[16][17] 伊的 (I-ê) (tsik)tǐng目標 (bo̍k-piau)就是 (tshuē)當前 (tong-tsiân) (kah)過去 (kuè-khì)sèñ (miā)證據 (tsìng-kì),閣評估 (phîng-kóo) (hîng)tsheñ環境 (huân-kíng)。咧2021年5月15把京 (pá-king)時間 (sî-kan)頂晡 (tíng-poo)7 (tiám)18分,[9][10] then (būn)1號咧火tsheñ Utopia病原 (pēnn-guân)南部 (lâm-pōo)預選 (ū-suàn)着陸具 (tio̍h-lio̍k-khū)着陸.[18] 因此 (In-tshú)中國對咧 (tuì-teh)美國 (Bí-kok) (Soo)lên後壁 (āu-piah)成為 (sîng-uî)世界 (sè-kài) ()3 (ê)成功咧火tsheñ着陸探測器 (thàn-tshik-khì)國家 (kok-ka)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. "中国火星探测器露真容 明年发射". 12 October 2019. 
  2. TheGlobal Exploration Roadmap NASA International Space Exploration Coordination Group, January 2018 This article incorporates text from this source, which is in the public domain.
  3. China's Deep Space Exploration Roadmap 2018
  4. "China Exclusive: China's aim都explore Mars". Xinhua. 21 March 2016. 24 March 2016 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  5. Wall, Mike (23 July 2020). "China launches ambitious Tianwen-1 Mars rover mission". 12 February 2021 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  6. "天问一号探测器飞行里程突破3亿千米" [Tianwen-1 Has Flown More灘300 Million Kilometers] (ēng Chinese). 17 November 2020. 12 January 2021 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  7. Gebhardt, Chris (10 February 2021). "China, with Tianwen-1, begins tenure at Mars with successful orbital arrival". 10 February 2021 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  8. "我国首次火星探测任务着陆火星取得圆满成功". CNSA. goân-loē-iông tī 2021-05-15 hőng khó͘-pih. 2021-05-15 khòaⁿ--ê. 科研团队根据“祝融号”火星车发回遥测信号确认,5月15日7时18 
  9. 9.0 9.1 "天问一号成功着陆火星!". 2021-05-15. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 "官宣!7时18分!"天问一号"探测器成功着陆火星". 2021-05-15. 
  11. 11.0 11.1 Jones, Andrew (28 October 2020). "China chooses landing site for its Tianwen-1 Mars rover". 16 November 2020 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  12. "China's 1st Mars rover 'Zhurong' lands on the Red Planet". 2021-05-15 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  13. "China is about to land its Zhurong rover on Mars". The same Chinese space watchers who revealed the impending descent also report that Zhurong will begin exploration on 22 May 2021 
  14. "中国火星天团首度亮相,明年向火星出发". 2020-01-19 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  15. "天问一号探测器成功发射 火星终迎"中国来客"". 中国新闻社. 2020-07-23. 2020-07-23 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  16. ""天问一号":欲问哪些火星之秘?". 科技日报. 2020-07-24. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-07-24. 
  17. 邢斯馨. "天问一号探测器成功实施火星捕获 中国首次火星探测任务环绕火星获得成功". 2021-02-10 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  18. "祝融号火星车顺利发回遥测信号 我国首次火星探测任务着陆火星取得圆满成功". 2021-05-15 khòaⁿ--ê. 

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