World Wide Web

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Three capital letter W superimposed on each other, on top the slogan "Let’s Share What We Know", and below "World Wide Web"
The historic World Wide Web logo, designed by Robert Cailliau
A web page displayed in a web browser
A global map of the Web Index for countries怹2014

World Wide Web (ì-sù: "sè-kài khoah ê bāng-á"),簡略 (kán-lio̍k) (chò)WWW或者 (he̍k-chiá) (kiò)Web (" (bāng)"), Hō-ló (ōe)一般 (it-poaⁿ) (kóng)網路 (bāng-lō͘) () (chi̍t) (khoán)建立 (kiàn-li̍p) ()Internet頂面 (téng-bīn) (ê)通信 (thong-sìn)形式 (hêng-sek) (I)基本 (ki-pún)成分 (sêng-hun)包括 (pau-koat) (thò)指定 (chí-tēng)文件 (bûn-kiāⁿ) (document) 元素 (goân-sò͘)系統 (hē-thóng)經過 (keng-kòe)一定 (it-tēng)地址 (tē-chí)會使 (ē-sài) (chhōe) (tio̍h)一定的文件。遮的 (Chia-ê)文件,是通過 (thong-kòe)HTTP (chit)通信協定 (hia̍p-tēng) (lâi)放送 (hòng-sàng)

用語 (Iōng-gí)[修改]

World Wide Web (kap)Internet有時 (ū-sî)予人 (tòng)仝款 (kâng-khoán)意思 (ì-sù) (teh)講。總是 (Chóng-sī) (in) (nn̄g) (hāng) (mi̍h)無仝的 (bô-kâng--ê)。 Internet是通世界 (thong-sè-kài)電腦 (tiān-náu)網路相接 (sio-chiap)產生 (sán-seng)的系統。 ()World Wide Web是通世界文件佮其他 (kî-tha)Web資源 (chu-goân) (Web resource) 的一个 (chi̍t-ê)集合 (chi̍p-ha̍p),怹經過hyperlinkURI連結 (liân-kiat) (Hia)Web資源一般是通過HTTP予人出入 (chhut-ji̍p) (che)HTTP加奈 (ka-ta)是Internet (chē)通信協定其中 (kî-tiong)一款.[1]

參考 (chham-khó)台灣 (Tâi-oân)華語 (Hôa-gí)翻譯 (hoan-e̍k) (pún)物件 (mi̍h-kiāⁿ)全明 (choân-miâ)會當 (ē-tàng)叫 "全球 (Choân-kiû)資訊 (Chu-sìn)網" (全球資訊網); 其他所在 (só͘-chāi)一般翻譯做 "萬維網 (Bān-ûi-bāng)" (萬維網)。


  • Harry Henderson (2009). "World Wide Web". Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology (Revised Edition). Facts On File. ISBN 978-0-8160-6382-6. 

注跤 (Chù-kha)[修改]

  1. "What is the difference between the Web and the Internet?". World Wide Web Consortium. 18 April 2016 khòaⁿ--ê.