Washington sò͘ Harper àn

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Seal of the United States Supreme Court
Argued October 11, 1989
Decided February 27, 1990
Full case name Washington, et al., Petitioners v。 Walter Harper
Citations 494 U.S. 210 (more)
110 S。 Ct。 1028; 108 L。 Ed。 2d 178; 1990U.S。 LEXIS 1174; 58 U.S.L.W。 4249
The Due Process Clause permits a state to treat an incarcerated inmate having a serious mental disorder with antipsychotic medication against his will, under the condition that彼is dangerous to himself or others and the medication prescribed is in his best medical interest。
Court membership
Case opinions
Majority Kennedy, joined by unanimous (part II); Rehnquist, White, Blackmun, O'Connor, Scalia (parts I, III, IV, V)
Concurrence Blackmun
Concur/dissent Stevens, joined by Brennan, Marshall
Laws applied
U.S。 Const。 amend。 XIV

Washington (sòo)Harper (àn), 494 U.S。 210 (1990) (英語 (ing-gú): Washington v。 Harper, 494 U.S。 210 (1990)), ()美國 (Bí-kok)最高 (tsuè-ko)法院 (huat-īnn) (ê)一起 (tsi̍t-khí)案行 (àn-kiânn)其中 (kî-tiong)一个 (tsi̍t-ê) (hông)監禁 (kam-kìm)泅犯 (siû-huān) (tio̍h) (hui)自願 (tsū-guān)用藥 (iōng-io̍h)問題 (būn-tê)起訴 (khí-sòo)Washington (tsiu)的別 (tik-pia̍t) (khòng)精神 (tsing-sîn)藥物 (io̍h-bu̍t).[1]

背景 (Puē-kíng)[修改]

Walter Harper ()1976 ()以來 (í-lâi)一直 (it-ti̍t)是Washington甘樂 (kam-ga̍k)系統 (hē-thóng)一的 (tsi̍t-ê)泅範 (siû-huān); 根據 (kin-kì)報道 (pò-tō), Harper (teh) ()服用 (ho̍k-iōng)控精神藥物的時陣 (sî-tsūn) (ē)表現 (piáu-hiān) (tshut)暴力 (pō-li̍k)行為 (hîng-uî)。 Harper (pat)兩遍 (nn̄g-piàn)予人轉移 (tsuán-î) (kàu)的詞 (ti̍k-sû)罪犯 (tsuē-huān)中心 (tiong-sim) (SOC); 這是 (tse-sī)一个觀壓 (kuan-ah)予人爭端 (tsing-tuan)出– (lâi) (ū)精神病症 (pēnn-tsìng)的泅範 (tsi)國家 (kok-ka)機構 (ki-kòo)。咧 (hia)遐Harper被迫 (pī-pik)圍背 (uî-puē)家己 (ka-kī)意願 (ì-guān)來服用精神藥物。 SOC尊詢 (tsun-sûn)伊的 (i-ê)機構審查 (sím-tsa)政策 (tsìng-tshik)造出 (tsō-tshut)強制 (kiông-tsè)泅範服藥 (ho̍k-io̍h)決定 (kuat-tīng).[1]

Harper咧中心 ()2 (pái)大耳 (tuā-hīnn)了後 (liáu-āu), Harper根據42 U.S.C。 (hiòng)州法院提起 (thê-khí)訴上 (sòo-siōng)。 1983年,指控 (tsí-khòng)這的 (tsit-ê)中心非自願 (tuì) (i)進行 (tsìn-hîng)藥物佇療 (tī-liâu)進前 (tsìn-tsîng)未當 (bē-tàng)提京 (thê-kiong)師發 (su-huat)廳政會 (thiann-tsìng-huē); 自按呢 (tsū-án-ne)圍反 (uî-huán) ()14 (tiâu)修正 (siu-tsìng)ànê政當 (tsìng-tong)程序 (tîng-sū)條款 (tiâu-khuán)初審 (Tshoo-sím)法院暴回 (pok-huê)Harper的新數 (sin-sòo); ()kuh州做高 (tsuè-ko)法院推翻 (thui-huan)原判 (guân-phuànn)並且 (pīng-tshiánn) ()案行法回 (huat-huê)初審法院。 (Hām)聲明 (siann-bîng)干焦 (kan-na)書法 (su-huat)廳政會頂懸 (tíng-kuân)這个 (tsit-ê)泅患 (siû-huān)充分 (tshiong-hun)對抗 (tuì-khòng) (sìng)程事 (tîng-sū)保護 (pó-hōo); 而請 (lî-tshiánn)國家會當 (ē-tàng)通過 (thong-kuè)明確 (bîng-khak)有力 (ū-la̍t) (kah)[494 U。S。210,211]能人 (lîng-jîn)信服 (sìn-ho̍k)的” 證據 (tsìng-kù)證明 (tsìng-bîng)強製 (kiông-tsè)藥物對觸進 (tshiok-tsìn)重要 (tiōng-iàu)的國家利益 (lī-ik)必要 (pit-iàu)有效 (ū-hāu)的,懸行 (kuân-hîng)個人 (kò-jîn)的利益和國家的利益.[1][2]

美國最高法院受與 (siū-ú)tiàukuàn (līn)g(Writ of Certiorari).[3] 美國心理 (sim-lí)學會 (ha̍k-huē)提交 (thê-kau)一份 (tsi̍t-hūn)華徵 (huâ-ting) ()簡報 (kán-pò)” (amicus brief) 以來支持 (tsi-tshî)泅範域的 (hi̍k-tik)政當程序廳政會 (ê)權利 (kuân-lī)指出 (tsí-tshut)對一个皇監禁的泅範進行強製藥物治療 (tī-liâu)違反 (uî-huán)美國憲法 (hiàn-huat)正當 (tsìng-tong)程士 (tîng-sū)平等 (pîng-tíng)保後 (pó-hōo) (kah)言論 (giân-lūn)自由 (tsū-iû)的條款.[4]

法院意見 (ì-kiàn)[修改]

法院推翻判決 (phuànn-kuat)認為 (jīm-uî)今記 (kin-kì) "2Turner v。 Safley, 482 U.S。 78 (1987)" 內底 (lāi-té)提縣 (thê-hiân)卡加 (khah-ke)的審查標準 (piau-tsún),咧本按 (pún-àn)當中 (tang-tiong)使用 (sú-iōng)內部 (lāi-pōo)基構 (ki-kòo)審查有到通 (ū-kàu-thang)造出佇療的決定。

美國最高法院裁定 (tshâi-tīng), "正當程署 (tîng-sū)條款" (Due Process Clause) 恩準 (un-tsún)一个州會當違背 (uî-puē)泅犯的意願使用控精神藥物來治療患有 (huān-iú)嚴重 (giâm-tiōng)精神眾礙 (tsiòng-gāi) (koh)予人皇監禁的泅範; 條件 (tiâu-kiānn)是泅範對家己或者 (hi̍k-tsiá)他人 (thann-jîn)構成 (kòo-sîng)肥險 (huî-hiám)並且而且 (lî-tshiánn) (sóo) (khui)的藥物是對泅範具有 (kū-iú)上好 (siōng-hó)疫學 (i̍k-ha̍k)利益.[1]

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Washington v。 Harper, 494 U.S. 210 (1990).
  2. Gary, Melton (1997). Psychological Evaluations for the Courts: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals and Lawyers (2nd pán.). New York: The Guilford Press. pp. 134, 350–351. ISBN 978-1-57230-236-5. 
  3. "Washington' et al., Petitioners v. Walter Harper". 2007-10-10 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  4. "Washington v. Harper, 494 U.S. 210". American Psychological Association. 2007-10-10 khòaⁿ--ê. 

Ên (sin)閱獨 (ua̍t-to̍k)[修改]

  • Mclearen, Alix M。; Ryba, Nancy L。 (2003). "Identifying Severely Mentally Ill Inmates: Can Small Jails Comply with Detection Standards?". Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. 37 (1): 25–40. doi:10.1300/J076v37n01_03. 

參閱 (Tsham-ua̍t)[修改]

  • Pang-bô͘:Ill504 U.S. 127 (1992) (Riggins數Nevada案)
  • List of United States Supreme Court cases, volume 494
  • United States Reports
  • Fourteenth Amendment (to)the United States Constitution

外部 (Guā-pōo)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]