Windows Vista

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Windows Vista (tāi-béLonghorn[1]) ()Microsoft (ê) (chi̍t) (thò)個人 (kò-jîn)電腦 (tiān-náu)作業 (chok-gia̍p)系統 (hē-thóng)。 2006 ()11 (goe̍h)8 (), Windows Vista正式 (chèng-sek)發表 (hoat-piáu)。 2007年1月30號,開始 (khai-sí) () (hō͘)一般 (it-poaⁿ)大眾 (tāi-chiòng),[2] 另外 (lēng-goā) () (thang) (ùi)Microsoft的網站 (bāng-chām)下早 (hā-chái).[3] Windows Vista是 ()Windows XP發表5 (tang) (āu) (chiah) (koh)發表的Windows作業系統的 (sin)版本 (pán-pún) (che)是Windows歷史 (le̍k-sú) (siōng),上 ()的發表間格 (keng-keh)

參考 (Chham-khó)[修改]

  1. "Media Alert: Microsoft Unveils Official Name for "Longhorn" and Sets Date for First Beta Targeted at Developers and IT Professionals". Microsoft. 22 July 2005. 2 January 2007 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. "Microsoft Launches Windows Vista and the 2007 Office System to Consumers". PressCentre. Microsoft New Zealand. 30 January 2007. 30 January 2007 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  3. "Windows Marketplace: Windows Vista Upgrade Editions: Get Started". Windows Marketplace. Microsoft. 30 January 2007. 30 January 2007 khòaⁿ--ê.