Bú-keng Chóng-iàu

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武經總要 內的樓船 (樓船) 圖

武經 (Bú-keng)總要 (Chóng-iàu) (武經總要) ()一部 (chi̍t-phō)中國 (Tiong-kok)宋朝 (Sòng-tiâu)時代 (sî-tāi) (ê)軍事 (kun-sū)概要 (khài-iàu) ()1040 () (chì)1044年中間 (tiong-kan)完成 (oân-sêng)伊的 (I-ê)內容 (lōe-iông) (ū)關於 (koan-î)火藥仔 (hóe-io̍h-á)化學 (hòa-ha̍k)配方 (phòe-hng): (iâm)硫磺 (liû-hông)火炭 (hóe-thòaⁿ)等等 (téng-téng)成分 (sêng-hūn).[1][2]這部 (Chit-phō)著作 (tù-chok)作家 (chok-ka) (Chan)公亮 (Kong-liāng) (Teng) (Tō͘) (kap) (Iûⁿ)懷德 (Hoâi-tek) (téng)學者 (ha̍k-chiá); 其中 (kî-tiong),曾公亮是 (lán)閩南 (Bân-lâm)晉江 (Chìn-kang)出身 (chhut-sin)科學家 (kho-ha̍k-ka); 怹的 (in-ê)作品 (chok-phín)影響 (éng-hióng) (tio̍h)後來 (āu-lâi)濟濟 (chōe-chōe)中國的軍事作品。這部作品佇 (Sòng)仁宗 (Jîn-chong)主持 (chú-chhî) ()出版 (chhut-pán) (i) ()是這部 (chheh)共同 (kiōng-tông)作家.[3]武經總要的內容 (chin) (chōe) (ùi)軍艦 (kun-lām) (kàu)各種 (kok-chióng)投石機 (tâu-se̍k-ki) (lóng)有。除了 (Tû-liáu)火藥仔的配方, (koh)親像 (chhin-chhiūⁿ)火藥 (hóe-io̍h)火箭 (hóe-chìⁿ)燃燒彈 (jiân-sio-tôaⁿ)手榴彈 (chhiú-liû-tôaⁿ)等火藥武器 (bú-khì)。冊內面 (lāi-bīn)介紹 (kài-siāu)早期 (chá-kî)勞庚 (lô-keⁿ).[4]

歷史 (Le̍k-sú)[修改]

宋仁宗 的相

武經總要是佇宋仁宗的時代完成的 (oân-sêng--ê),[5]部分 (pō͘-hūn)做為 (chò-ûi) (tùi)黨項 (Tóng-hāng)西 (Se) ()戰爭 (chiàn-cheng)回應 (hôe-èng).[6]一陣 (Chi̍t-tīn)中國學者團隊 (thoân-tūi),佇1040年到1044年中間,鬥陣 (tàu-tīn)撰寫 (choān-siá)武經總要提昇 (thê-seng)戰爭 (só͘)需要 (su-iàu)武術 (bú-su̍t)智識 (tì-sek).[7]

指南佔 (Chí-lâm-chiam)導航 (tō-hâng)[修改]

海軍 (Hái-kun)技術 (ki-su̍t)[修改]




火銃 (Hóe-chhèng)[修改]

武經總要 (lāi) (tô͘)[修改]

相關 (Siong-koan)[修改]

註解 (Chù-kái)[修改]

  1. Ebrey 1996, p. 138.
  2. Chase 2003.
  3. Wang 1947, p. 162.
  4. Needham 1987, p. 83.
  5. Needham 1987, p. 19.
  6. Lorge 2008, p. 33.
  7. Needham 1987, p. 601; Needham 1987, p. 19.

參考 (Chham-khó)資料 (chu-liāu)[修改]

  • Chase, Kenneth Warren (2003). Firearms: A Global History都1700. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-82274-9. 
  • Ebrey, Patricia Buckley (2010) [1996]. The Cambridge Illustrated History of China (2nd pán.). New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-12433-1. 
  • Gernet, Jacques (1982). A History of Chinese Civilization. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-49781-7. 
  • Lorge, Peter (2008). The Asian Military Revolution: From Gunpowder都the Bomb. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-84682-0. 
  • Mote, Frederick W. (1999). Imperial China: 900–1800. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-44515-5. 
  • Needham, Joseph (1962). Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 1, Physics. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-05802-5. 
  • Needham, Joseph (1971). Science and Civilisation in China: Volume 4, Physics and Physical Technology, Part 3, Civil Engineering and Nautics. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-07060-7. 
  • Needham, Joseph (1987). Science and Civilisation in China: Military technology: The Gunpowder Epic, Volume 5, Part 7. New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-30358-3. 
  • Sawyer, Ralph D. (2012). "Military Writings". Chū David Graff; Robin Higham. A Military History of China. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky. pp. 97–114. ISBN 0-8131-4067-6. 
  • Sivin, Nathan (1995). Science in Ancient China: Researches and Reflections. Brookfield, Vermont: Variorum. ISBN 978-0-86078-492-0. 
  • Turnbull, Stephen (2001). Siege Weapons of the Far East Volume 1: AD 612–1300. London: Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-78200-225-3. 
  • Turnbull, Stephen (2002). Fighting Ships of the Far East Volume 1: China and Southeast Asia 202 BC–AD 1419. London: Osprey Publishing. ISBN 978-1-78200-017-4. 
  • Wang, 奶 (1947). "On the Invention and Use of Gunpowder and Firearms in China". Isis. 37 (3/4): 160–178. doi:10.1086/348023. JSTOR 225569. 
  • Yates, Robin D.S. (2005). "The History of Military Divination in China". East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine. Hans Ulrich Vogel (24): 15–43. ISSN 1562-918X. 

延伸 (Iân-sin)閱讀 (oa̍t-tho̍k)[修改]

  • Jiasheng, Feng (1954). Huǒyào de fǎ méng火xī轉 [The Invention of Gunpowder and Its Spread都The West] (ēng Chinese). Shanghai: Shanghai People's Press. OCLC 19106261.  TQ56-09/1
  • 喨, Jieming (2006). Chinese Siege Warfare: Mechanical Artillery & Siege Weapons of Antiquity. Singapore: Leong Kit Meng. ISBN 981-05-5380-3. 

外部 (Gōa-pō͘)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]

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