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類型 語言資liau庫
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since 2019[1]
語言 英語
擁有者 美國SIL International
Pian-chip-chiá Eberhard, David M., Gary F。 Simons,
佮Charles D。 Fennig

Ethnologue: 世界 (Sè-kài) (ê)語言 (gú-giân) (英語 (ing-gú): Ethnologue: Languages of the World; kán-tshing tsòEthnologue, hong-keh huà (風格化) piàn-tsòEthnoloɠue) ()tsi̍t-nî tsi̍t-tōo ê ìn-suat pán hām tsāi-suànn tsham-khó tshut-pán bu̍t。 the̍h-kióng iú-kuan sè-kài hiān-tsûn gú-giân ê thóng-kè sòo-kì kah kî-thann sìn-sit。 Ethnologue ()1951 ()thâu-tsi̍t-pái huat-hîng, tsit-má ta̍k-nî iû SIL kok-tsè (SIL International) tshut-pán; SIL kok-tsè (SIL International) 是tsi̍t-king tsóng-pōo khiā-tī Bí-kok ê tsuân-kiû Ki-tok-kàu hui îng-lī tsoo-tsit。 SIL ê tsú-iàu bo̍k-tik是gián-kiù, khai-huat kap kì-lio̍k iōng-teh tsong-kàu bo̍k-tik ê gú-giân pīng-tshiánn tshiok-tsìn pat jī (識字)。

Ethnologue包括 (pau-kuat)講話 (kóng-uē) (tsiá)數量 (sòo-liōng)地點 (tē-tiám)方言 (hong-giân),語言關係 (kuan-hē)本名 (pún-miâ) (sóo)描述 (biâu-su̍t)觸種 (tak-tsióng)語言 (hām)方言內底 (lāi-té) (tuì)聖經 (sìng-king)考用 (khó-iōng) (sìng),對所報告 (pò-kò)拯興 (tsín-hing)努力 (lóo-li̍k) (phóo)lia̍k的描述; 以及 (í-ki̍p)使用 (sú-iōng)擴展 (Khok-tián)分級 (hun-kip)帶濟 (tài-tsè)中斷 (tiong-tn̄g)量表 (liōng-pió) (EGIDS) 對語言先前 (sing-tsûn)能力 (lîng-li̍k)估計 (kóo-kè).[2][3]

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. "World's largest linguistics database is getting to͘ expensive for some researchers". (ēng Eng-gí). 2022-11-22 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. Lewis, M. Paul; Simons, Gary F. (2010). "Assessing Endangerment: Expanding Fishman's GIDS" (PDF). Romanian Review of Linguistics. 55 (2): 103–120. 
  3. Bickford, J. Albert; Lewis, M. Paul; Simons, Gary F. (2015). "Rating the vitality of sign languages". Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. 36 (5): 513–527. doi:10.1080/01434632.2014.966827. 

參考 (Tsham-khó)文獻 (bûn-hiàn)[修改]

延伸 (Iân-sin)閱獨 (ua̍t-to̍k)[修改]

參閱 (Tsham-ua̍t)[修改]

  • Linguasphere Observatory Register
  • Lists of languages
  • List of language families
  • Expanded Graded Intergenerational Disruption Scale (EGIDS)

外部 (Guā-pōo)連迦 (liân-kia)[修改]