Halle Berry

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Halle Berry (2013)

Halle Maria Berry (pún-miâMaria Halle Berry; 1966年 7月15日 出世 )[1] ()美國 (Bí-kok) (ê)查某 (cha-bó͘)演員 (ián-goân) (kiam)時尚 (sî-siōng)model

參考 (Chham-khó)[修改]

  1. Although Britannica Kids givesa1968 birthdate, (archived from the original on August 17, 2012), she stated in interviews prior to August 2006 that she would turn 40then. See: FemaleFirst, DarkHorizons, FilmMonthly, and see also CBS. Accessed May 5, 2007.