Kok-ka An-choân Kò͘-būn-koaⁿ

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Assistant都the President for National Security Affairs
Jake Sullivan

since January 20, 2021
Executive Office of the President
組織成員 National Security Council
Homeland Security Council
婦積 President of the United States
任命 President of the United States
法律文書 National Security Presidential Memorandum[1]
設立 1953
頭職任 Robert Cutler
富關 Deputy National Security Advisor (DNSA)
網站 WhiteHouse.gov/NSC

國家 (Kok-ka)安全 (An-choân)事務 (Sū-bū)總統 (Chóng-thóng)副官 (Hù-koaⁿ) (Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs),一般 (it-poaⁿ) (kóng)國家安全顧問官 (Kò͘-būn-koaⁿ) (National Security Advisor), ()美國 (Bí-kok)總統行政 (Hêng-chèng) (Thiaⁿ) (ê)高級 (ko-kip)顧問 (kò͘-būn)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]