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The Temple of the Rose CrossTeophilus Schweighardt Constantiens, 1618。

玫瑰 (Muî-kuì)十字會 (si̍p-jī-huē) (英語 (ing-gú): Rosicrucianism; 法語 (huat-gú): Rose-Croix; 德語 (tik-gú): Rosenkreuzer; latin (): Fraternitas Rosaceae Crucis) ()17世紀 (sè-kí) (tshoo) (teh)歐洲 (Au-tsiu)興起 (hing-khí) (ê)一種 (tsi̍t-tsióng) Pang-bô͘:Ill (hām) Pang-bô͘:Ill進前 (Tsìn-tsîng) (kui) (phian)文章 (bûn-tsiunn)出版 (tshut-pán)據稱 (kì-tshing) (hiòng)世界 (sè-kài)宣佈 (suan-pòo)一種 (kàu)今仔日 (kin-á-ji̍t) (lóng) () (tsai) (á)Pang-bô͘:Ill教團 (kàu-thuân)存在 (tsûn-tsāi); 並且 (pīng-tshiánn)尋求 (sîm-kiû)伊的 (i-ê)智識 (tì-sik) (tuì)誠濟 (tsiânn-tsē) (lâng)攏有 (lóng-ū)吸引 (khip-ín) (li̍k).[1][2] (Tsit) (ê)教團的神祕 (sîn-pì)學說 (ha̍k-suat) "建立 (kiàn-li̍p)古代 (kóo-tāi)深澳 (tshim-ò)真理 (tsin-lí) (tsi) (siōng)", (i) (tui)普通 (phóo-thong)允麻 (ún-muâ)提供 (the̍h-kiong)自然 (tsū-jiân)Pang-bô͘:Ill (kah)精神 (tsing-sîn)領域 (líng-i̍k)洞察力 (tōng-tshat-li̍k)"。(英語)[3] 宣言 (Suan-giân) ()詳細 (siông-sè) (lâi)闡述 (tshián-su̍t)這个 (tsit-ê)問題 (būn-tê); 毋kuh清楚 (tshing-tshó)結合 (kiat-ha̍p)Pang-bô͘:IllPang-bô͘:IllPang-bô͘:Ill,佮 Pang-bô͘:Ill引用 (ín-iōng).[4]

Rosicrucian宣言有序 (ū-sī) (tio̍h) "人類 (jîn-luī)普遍 (phóo-phiàn)改革 (kái-kik)",通過 (thong-kuè)一項 (tsi̍t-hāng)據稱保密 (pó-bi̍t) (kui) (tsa̍p) ()科學 (kho-ha̍k)一直到 (it-ti̍t-kàu)智識分子 (hun-tsú)器校 (khì-hāu)可能 (khó-lîng)接受 (tsiap-siū)伊。關於 (Kuan-î) (in)感是 (kám-sī)騙局 (phiàn-kio̍k), "玫瑰十字 (si̍p-jī)勳章 (hun-tsiong)" 毋知 (m̄-tsai) ()宣言所述 (sóo-su̍t) (hit) (khuán)存在,以及 (í-ki̍p)規件 (kui-kiānn)事件 (sū-kiānn)毋知敢是 (kám-sī)一个 (tsi̍t-ê) Pang-bô͘:Ill, am (khàm)一場 (tsi̍t-tiûnn)真正 (tsin-tsiànn)存在毋kuh形式 (hîng-sik) (kâng)運動 (ūn-tōng)引發 (ín-huat)爭議 (tsing-gī)

()1616年,Pang-bô͘:Ill ()命名 (bīng-miâ) (tsò) "Pang-bô͘:Ill"。 (Ū)一寡仔 (tsi̍t-kuá-á)神祕主義 (tsú-gī)學者 (ha̍k-tsiá)認為 (jīn-uî), Andreae後來 (āu--lâi)發表 (huat-piáu)這个聲明 (sing-bîng) (í)保護 (pó-hōo)家己 (ka-kī)免受 (bián-siū)當時 (tong-sî)宗教 (tsong-kàu)政治 (tsìng-tī)機構 (ki-kòo)訓怒 (hùn-nōo)遮的 (Tsia--ê)基構 (ki-kòo)袂當 (bē-tàng)溶忍 (iông-jím)言論 (giân-lūn)自由 (tsū-iû)佮宣言 (sóo)呼育 (hoo-io̍k)的 "普遍改革" 的想法 (siūnn-huat)

咧伊的作品 (tsok-phín) "Silentium Post Clamores" (1617年) 當中 (tang-tiong), Rosicrucian Pang-bô͘:Ill (1568-1622年) 咧以下 (í-hā)陳述 (tîn-su̍t)內底 (lāi-té)共Rosicrucianism描述 (biâu-su̍t) ()起源 (khí-guân)咧 "元史 (guân-sú)傳統 (thuân-thóng)": " (Lán)的起源是埃及 (Ai-ki̍p) Pang-bô͘:Ill,起源咧起源咧 Pang-bô͘:IllPang-bô͘:IllphosuPang-bô͘:IllPang-bô͘:Ill學派 (ha̍k-phài)佮Alápik (jîn)"。

通過神樂 (sîng-lo̍k)動黨 (tōng-tóng)時期 (sî-kî)進行 (tsìn-hîng)正承 (tsing-sîn)轉變 (tsuán-piàn),宣言影響 (íng-hióng)誠濟人物 (jîn-bu̍t)蟾球 (siâm-kiû)深奧 (tshim-ò)的智識。 17世紀的神祕 Pang-bô͘:Ill諸如 (tsu-jû)Maier,Pang-bô͘:Ill,佮 Pang-bô͘:Ill。對玫瑰十字會的世界觀 (sè-kài-kuan) (tsiânn) (kám)興趣 (hìng-tshù).[1 ]根據 (Kin-kì)歷史 (li̍k-sú)學家 (ha̍k-ka)David Stevenson的講法 (kóng-huat),玫瑰十字會對咧 Pang-bô͘:Ill產生 (sán-sing)一寡 (tsi̍t-kuá)影響.[5]

咧後來的規个 (kui-ê)碩伊 (sek-i)內底,誠濟 Pang-bô͘:Ill社會 (siā-huē)團體 (thuân-thé)聲稱 (sing-tshing)怹起源咧最初 (tsuè-tshoo)的玫瑰十字會。玫瑰十字會的象徵 (siōng-ting)Pang-bô͘:Ill或者 (hi̍k-tsiá)是玫瑰的十字。遮的社團 (siā-thuân)當中上有 (siōng-ū)影響力 (íng-hióng-li̍k)的是 Pang-bô͘:Ill,伊是源自 (guân-tsū)Pang-bô͘:Ill,伊的成員 (sîng-uân)當中有成濟 (tsiânn-tsē)賢人 (gâu-lâng)上大 (Siōng-tuā)的是 Pang-bô͘:Ill這是 (tse-sī)一个總部 (tsóng-pōo)徛佇 (khiā-tī)California (tsiu) (San)Jose跨國 (khuà-kok)組織 (tsoo-tsit)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. Yates, Frances A。(1972),The Rosicrucian Enlightenment, London (英語)
  2. Vickers, Brian (June 1979), "Frances Yates and the Writing of History", The Journal of Modern History, 51 (2, Technology and War): 287–316, doi:10.1086/241901  (英語)
  3. Lindgren, Carl Edwin, The way of the Rose Cross; A Historical Perception, 1614–1620, goân-loē-iông tī 8 November 2012 hőng khó͘-pih . Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, Volume 18, Number 3:141–48. 1995. (英語)
  4. Martin, Pierre. Lodges, Orders and the Rosicross: Rosicrucianism in Lodges, Orders and Initiating Societies since the early 16th century. Edition Oriflamme, 2017. ISBN 9783952426258 (英語)
  5. "The Catholic Historical Review, Vol。 5, No。 2/3 (Jul。 - Oct., 1919), pp。 265–270 by Joseph A。 Murray; Vol。 LXXXII of Studies in History, Economics and Public Law by The Faculty of Political Science; Columbia University Press (1918)". Review of New England and the Bavarian Illuminati by Vernon Stauffer. Catholic University of America Press. JSTOR 25011641.  (英語)

參考 (Tsham-khó)文獻 (bûn-hiàn)[修改]

舊的 (Kū-ê)出版品 (tshut-pán-phín)


  • Bayard, Jean-Pierre (1986) Les Rose-CroixM。 A。 Éditions, Paris,ISBN 2-86676-229-0,怹French
  • Bayard, Jean-Pierre (1990) La Spiritualité de la Rose-Croix: Histoire, Tradition et Valeur Initiatique Dangles, Saint-Jean-de-Braye, France,ISBN 2-7033-0353-X,怹French
  • Bernard, Christian (2001) Rosicrucian Order AMORC: Questions and Answers Grand Lodge of the English Language Jurisdiction, AMORC,山Jose, California,ISBN 978-1-893971-02-8; based upon the earlier versions by Harve Spencer Lewis 1929 and following, and Heindel, Max (1910) 'The Rosicrucian philosophy in questions and answersM.A。 Donohue & Company, Chicago, OCLC 67395149
  • Clymer, R。 Swinburne (1916) The Rose Cross order: a short sketch of the history of the Rose Cross order in America, together with a sketch of the life of Dr。 P。 B。 Randolph, the founder of the order Philosophical Publishing Company, Allentown, Pennsylvania, OCLC 6671066
  • Churton, Tobias (2009) The Invisible History of the Rosicrucians: The World's Most Mysterious Secret Society Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont,ISBN 978-1-59477-255-9
  • Dietzfelbinger, K。 (2005) Rosicrucians through the ages (translation of Dietzfelbinger, K。 (1998) Rozenkruisers toen en nuRozekruis Pers, Haarlem, Netherlands,ISBN 90-6732-199-0) Rozekruis Pers, Haarlem, Netherlands,ISBN 90-6732-323-3
  • Edighoffer, Roland (1982) Rose-Croix et Société Idéale selon Johann Valentin Andreae (volume 1) Arma Artis, Neuilly-sur-Seine, OCLC 39787480,怹French
  • Edighoffer, Roland (1987) Rose-Croix et Société Idéale selon Johann Valentin Andreae (volume 2) Arma Artis, Neuilly-sur-Seine, OCLC 311787409,怹French
  • Frietsch, Wolfram (1999) Die Geheimnisse der Rosenkreuzer Rowohlt, Reinbeck bei Hamburg,ISBN 3-499-60495-7,怹German
  • Gorceix, Bernard (1970) La Bible des Rose-Croix: traduction et commentaire des trois premiers écrits rosicruciens (1614–1615–1616) PUF, Paris, OCLC 64751560,怹French
  • Hall, Manly Palmer (1929) "Chapter 19: Rosicrucian and Masonic Origins" Lectures on Ancient Philosophy: An Introduction (to)the Study and Application of Rational Procedure Hall Publishing Company, Los Angeles, OCLC 2028728; full text fromThe Mystic Light
  • Hall, Manly Palmer (1928) The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Quabbalistic and Rosictucian Symbolical PhilosophyPhilosophical Research Society, Los Angeles, OCLC 1358719; seefull text fromThe Internet Sacred Text Archive
  • Heindel, Max (1909) The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception or Christian Occult Science, An Elementary Treatise Upon Man's Past Evolution, Present Constitution and Future Development Independent Book Company, Chicago, OCLC 7466633; full text of updated version entitled 'TheRosicrucian Cosmo-Conception or Mystic Christianity,AnElementary Treatise UponMan's Past Evolution,Present Constitution and Future Development fromThe Rosicrucian Fellowship
  • Jennings, Hargrave (1870) The Rosicrucians: Their Rites and Mysteries John Camden Hotten, London, OCLC 301465719; reprinted怹1976 by Arno Press, New York,ISBN 0-405-07957-5
  • Lindgren, Carl Edwin as "Neophyte" (1996) Spiritual Alchemists: Rosicrucians, the Brotherhood of Light Ars Latomorum Publications, New Orleans, Louisiana,ISBN 1-885591-18-7
  • Lindgren, Carl EdwinThe Rose Cross Order: A Historical and Philosophical View full text from Professor Lindgren’s web site
  • Macedo, António de (2000) Instruções Iniciáticas – Ensaios Espirituais (2nd edition) Hughin Editores, Lisbon; seepartial view from Hughin Editores,怹Portuguese
  • Matthews, John (1999) The Rosicrucian Enlightenment Revisited Lindisfarne Books, Hudson, New York,ISBN 0-940262-84-3
  • McIntosh, Christopher (1992) The Rose Cross and the Age of Reason: Eighteenth-century Rosicrucianism in Central Europe and its relationship都the Enlightenment, E.J。 Brill, New York,ISBN 90-04-09502-0
  • Palou, Jean (1964) La franc-Maçonnerie (The French Masons) Payot, Paris, OCLC 417482551,怹French
  • Pincus-Witten, Robert (1976) Occult Symbolism in France: Joséphin Péladan and the Salons de (la)Rose-Croix Garland Publishing, New York,ISBN 0-8240-2003-0
  • Rebisse, Christian (2005) Rosicrucian History and Mysteries (translation of Rebisse, Christian (2003) Rose-croix histoire et mysteres) Supreme Grand Lodge of AMORC,山Jose, California,ISBN 1-893971-05-8
  • Silberer, Herbert (1917) Problems of mysticism and its symbolism (translation of Silberer, Herbert (1914) Probleme der mystik und ihrer symbolik Heller, Vienna, OCLC 4943853) Moffat, Yard and Company, New York, OCLC 538149; reprinted怹1970 by S。 Weiser, New York,ISBN 0-87728-038-X
  • Steiner, Rudolf (1984) Esoteric Christianity and the Mission of Christian Rosenkreutz: Thirteen lectures given in various European cities in the years 1911 and 1912 (a partial translation of Steiner, Rudolf (1962) Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Führung der Menschheit: dreiundzwanzig Vorträge, gehalten in den Jahr。 1911 und 1912怹verschiedenen Städten Verlag der Rudolf Steiner-Nachlassverwaltung, Dornach, Switzerland) Rudolf Steiner Press, London, OCLC 264715257; seefull text from the Rudolf Steiner Archive
  • Steiner, Rudolf (1965) Rosicrucianism and Modern Initiation: Mystery Centres of the Middle Ages: Six lectures given in Dornach, 4–13 January 1924 (translation of Steiner, Rudolf (1950) Mepterienstätte des Mittelalters: Rosenkreuzertum und Modernes Einweihungsprinzip, printed as volume two ofThe Mission of Christian Rozenkreuz) R。 Steiner, London, OCLC 7209265; seefull text from the Rudolf Steiner Archive
  • Waite, Arthur Edward (1887) The Real History of the Rosicrucians G。 Redway, London OCLC 7080058; reprinted怹1960 by Society of Metaphysicians, Hastings, England,ISBN 1-85228-705-5; reprinted怹2000 by Garber Communications, Blauvelt, New York,ISBN 0-89345-018-9; seefull text fromThe Internet Sacred Text Archive
  • Waite, Arthur Edward (1916–1918) Complete Rosicrucian Initiations of the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross ; reprinted怹2005 ISBN 978-0-9735931-7-4 and 2007 ISBN 978-0-9783883-4-8 by Ishtar Publishing, Burnaby, British Columbia; renamed怹2008 Rosicrucian Rites and Ceremonies of the Fellowship of the Rosy Cross by Founder of the Holy Order of the Golden Dawn Arthur Edward Waite ISBN 978-0-9783883-4-8bo͘kdescription from Ishtar Publishing
  • Westcott, William Wynn (1885) Rosicrucian Thoughts on the Ever-Burning Lamps of the Ancients (pamphlet) G。 Kenning, London; reprinted怹1979 by David Medina, London,ISBN 0-9505859-2-0; seefull text fromThe Alchemy Web Site
  • Williamson, Benedict J。 (editor) (2002) The Rosicrucian Manuscripts Invisible College Press, Arlington, Virginia,ISBN 1-931468-12-5
  • Yates, Frances (1972) The Rosicrucian Enlightenment Routledge, London,ISBN 0-7100-7380-1; reprinted怹2002 by Routledge, New York,ISBN 0-415-26769-2

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  • Bibliotheca Philosophica Hermetica
  • University of Wisconsin–Madison
  • The Lost Symbol
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