
參考 文 hèn[修改]
- Leventhal, Lionel (2006), On Publishing: A Professional Memoir, London, England: Greenhill Books, ISBN 978-1-85367-517-1
- Bowers, Fredson。Principles of Bibliographical Description, Winchester and New Castle, Delaware: St Paul's Bibliographies and Oak Knoll Press, 2005 (reprint edition, first published
怹 1949)。
參閱 [修改]
純譯 導彈 (英語 : cruise missile;純譯 道彈 )- Pang-bô͘:Ill (039
行 潛艇 /Type 039 submarine) - Pang-bô͘:Ill (
奇蹟 逸士 和 無四常 的故事 /Marvel Tales and Unusual Stories) - Pang-bô͘:Ill
推力 重量 比 (推力 重量比,推重 比; 英語: Thrust-to-weight ratio;漢語 : 推力重量比,推重比)
外部 lên-ket[修改]
- Bookpoi。com official homepage — a comprehensive online guide to identifying first editions, rare and collectible books。
- Edition state terminology
- First Edition Points Online Reference Guide is a free searchable database of points of issue for hundreds of modern first edition books。 Includes images of cover, copyright page, dust jacket flaps, etc。
- HowtoIdentifyaFirst Edition
- Pulitzer Prize First Edition Guide is a free searchable database of first edition Pulitzer Prize for Fiction books。 Includes images and points of issue。
- Identifying First Editions,APrimer (from the International On-Line Booksellers Association) Includes discussion on general identification, bo͘k club, the reprint publishers, etc., and specific publishers。
- Glossary,International League of Antiquarian Booksellers — see "Edition", "First Edition", "Impression", "Printing" etc。