Carl Gustav Jung

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Carl Gustav Jung

Carl Jung (1910)
Karl Gustav Jung

1875 年7月26日(1875-07-26)
KesswilThurgau, Switzerland
過身 1961 年 6 月 6 日 (Lua 錯誤 於第80行的package.lua中:module 'Module:Date' not found。歲)
KüsnachtZürich, Switzerland
母校 University of Basel
Children 5
Awards Honorary doctorates from Honorary Member of theRoyal Society of Medicine
任織機構 BurghölzliSwiss Army (commissioned officerinWorld War伊)
Doctoral advisor Eugen Bleuler

Carl Gustav Jung (1875年 7月26日 – 1961年 6月6日) ()瑞西 (Sūi-se) (ê)精神病學家 (cheng-sîn-pēⁿ-ha̍k-ka),是分析 (hun-sek)心理學 (sim-lí-ha̍k)起頭人 (khí-thâu-jîn) (I) (khah)有名 (ū-miâ)理論 (lí-lūn) (kap)研究 (gián-kiù) (ū)原型 (gôan-hêng) (archetypes),集體 (chi̍p-thé)無意識 (bô-ì-sek) (collective unconscious) (ia̍h)共時性 (kiōng-sî-sèng) (synchronicity)。

著作 (Tù-tsok)[修改]

書籍 (Su-tsi̍k)[修改]

文集 (Bûn-tsi̍p)[修改]

The Collected Works of C。 G。 Jung。 Eds。Herbert ReadMichael FordhamGerhard Adler。 Executive ed。 W。 McGuire。 Trans R.F.C。 Hull。 London: Routledge Kegan Paul (1953–1980)。

1。Psychiatric Studies (1902–06)
2。Experimental Researches (1904–10) (trans L。 Stein and D。 Riviere)
3。Psychogenesis of Mental Disease (1907–14; 1919–58)
4。Freud and Psychoanalysis (1906–14; 1916–30)
5。Symbols of Transformation (1911–12; 1952)
6。Psychological Types (1921)
7。Two Essays on Analytical Psychology (1912–28)
8。Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche (1916–52)
9.1 Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1934–55)
9.2 Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self (1951)
10。Civilization in Transition (1918–1959)
11。Psychology and Religion: West and East (1932–52)
12。Psychology and Alchemy (1936–44)
13。Alchemical Studies (1919–45):
14。Mysterium Coniunctionis (1955–56):
15。Spirit in Man, Art, and Literature (1929–1941)
16。The Practice of Psychotherapy (1921–25)
17。The Development of Personality (1910; 1925–43)
18。The Symbolic Life: Miscellaneous Writings
19。General Bibliography
20。General Index

補充 (Póo-tshiong) (kuàn)

A。The Zofingia Lectures
B。Psychology of the Unconscious (trans。 Beatrice M。 Hinckle)

研討 (Gián-thó)huēl運門 (ūn-bûn)

Analytical Psychology (1925)
Dream Analysis (1928–30)[21]
Visions (1930-34)
The Kundalini Yoga (1932)
Nietzsche's Zarathustra (1934-39)
Children's Dreams (1936-1940)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. Jung, C.G. ([1959 ] 1969). The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works, Volume 9, Part 1, Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-01833-1. par. 259
  2. 移至: 2.0 2.1 Carl Jung (1959) [1954]. "Concerning the Archetypes, with Special Reference都the Anima Concept (Translated from Uber den Archetypus mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des AnimabegriffesVon den Wurzeln des Bewusstseins (Zurich: Rascher, 1954))". The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Collected Works, Volume 9, Part 1. Princeton University Press. p。 55, para。 113. ISBN 978-0-691-01833-1. 
  3. Carl Jung (1973) [1950]. Adler, Gerhard; Jaffé, Aniela, pian. C.G.Jung Letters. 1: 1906–1950. Translated by Hull, R. F. C. Princeton University Press. letter 28 February 1932, page 88. ISBN 978-0-691-09895-1. Here are my answers to your questions about Goethe: My mother drew my attention to Faust when I was about 15 years old... Goethe was important都me because of Faust... 怹my circle, Faust is an object of lively interest. 伊once knew a wholesaler who always carried a pocket edition of Faust around with欣. 
  4. Carl Jung (1963). Memories, Dreams, Reflections. Random House. p. 101. ISBN 978-0-679-72395-0. 
  5. Jung, C.G. (2014). Two Essays on Analytical Psychology. Routledge. p. 72. ISBN 9781317535362. Old Heraclitus, who was indeed a very great sage, discovered the most marvellous of all psychological laws: the regulative function of opposites. 彼called it enantiodromia, a running contrariwise, by which彼meant that sooner or later everything runs into its opposite. 
  6. Paul C。 Bishop (1 June 1996). "The use of Kant怹Jung's early psychological works". Journal of European Studies. 26 (2): 107–140. doi:10.1177/004724419602600201. 28 November 2020 khòaⁿ--ê.  Unknown parameter |s2cid= ignored (help)
  7. 移至: 7.0 7.1 Zabriskie, Beverley (2005). "Synchronicity and the I征: Jung, Pauli, and the Chinese woman". The Journal of Analytical Psychology. 50 (2): 223–235. doi:10.1111/j.0021-8774.2005.00525.x. PMID 15817044. 
  8. Memories, Dreams, Reflections. p. 68. 
  9. Falzeder, Ernst; Beebe, John (pian.). The Question of Psychological Types: The Correspondence between C。 G。 Jung and Hans Schmid-Guisan, 1915–1916. p. 30. 
  10. 移至: 10.0 10.1 Young-Eisendrath, Polly (2010). The Cambridge Companion To Jung. Cambridge University. pp. 24–30. 
  11. Carl Jung (1976). "II. Schiller's Ideas on the Type Problem". Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 6: Psychological Types. Princeton University Press. The service rendered by Schiller from our psychological point of view, as will become clear in the course of our exposition, is by no means inconsiderable, for彼offers us carefully worked out lines of approach whose value we, psychologists, are only just beginning to appreciate. 
  12. Eileen Rizo-Patron, Edward S. Casey, Jason M. Wirth (eds.), Adventures in Phenomenology: Gaston Bachelard, SUNY Press, 2017, p. 123 n. 11.
  13. Philip K. Dick (2011) [1974]. "Letter to Claudia Bush, November 26, 1974". Chū Jackson, Pamela; Lethem, Jonathan. The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. p. 50. ISBN 978-0-547-54927-9. 
  14. "What Is the Electra Complex?". 13 February 2019. 
  15. Hesse, Hermann (1973) [1950]. "Addenda, April 1950, letter to Emanuel Maier from Hermann Hesse". C.G.Jung Letters. Iû Carl Jung. Adler, Gerhard; Jaffé, Aniela, pian. 1: 1906–1950. Translated by Hull, R. F. C. Princeton University Press. p. 575. ISBN 978-0-691-09895-1. 怹1916伊underwent an analysis with a doctor friend of mine who was in part a pupil of Jung's. At that time I became acquainted with Jung's early work, the Wandlungen der Libido, which made an impression on me. 伊also read later books by Jung 
  16. Erich Neumann (2014) [1949]. "Introduction". The Origins and History of Consciousness. Princeton University Press. p. xv. ISBN 978-0-691-16359-8. The following attempt to outline the archetypal stages in the development of consciousness is based on modern depth psychology. It is an application of the analytical psychology of C. G. Jung, even where we endeavor to amplify this psychology, and even though we may speculatively overstep its boundaries. 
  17. Jordan Peterson (1999). "Preface: Descensus ad Infernos". Maps of Meaning. Routledge. p. xvii. ISBN 978-0-415-92222-7. 伊read something by Carl Jung, at about this time, that helped me understand what I was experiencing. It was Jung who formulated the concept of persona: the mask that "feigned individuality." Adoption of such a mask, according都Jung, allowed each of us- and those around us – to believe that we were authentic. Jung said... 
  18. "Jean Piaget Biography". 10 July 2020. 
  19. Kelland, Mark D. (17 August 2020). "Carl Rogers and Humanistic Psychology". 
  20. Hall, 燕 (2006). The International Thought of Martin Wight. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. p. 188. doi:10.1057/9781403983527. ISBN 978-1-4039-8352-7. 
  21. Jung, Carl Gustav (1984). Dream Analysis: Notes of the Seminar Given怹1928–1930. Princeton University Press. ISBN 978-0-691-09896-8. 

參考 (Tsham-khó) (bûn)hèn[修改]

Ên (sin) (ua)̽t-to̽k[修改]

Introductory texts

Texts in various areas of Jungian thought

Academic texts

  • Andrew Samuels,The Political Psyche (Routledge),ISBN 978-0-415-08102-3
  • Lucy Huskinson,Nietzsche and Jung: The Whole Self in the Union of Opposites (Routledge),ISBN 978-1-58391-833-3
  • Davydov, AndreyFrom Carl Gustav Jung's Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious to Individual Archetypal Pattern。 HPA Press, 2014。ISBN 978-1-311-82008-2
  • Remo, F。 Roth: Return of the World Soul, Wolfgang Pauli, C.G。 Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality [unus mundus], Part 1: The Battle of the Giants。 Pari Publishing, 2011,ISBN 978-88-95604-12-1
  • Remo, F。 Roth: Return of the World Soul, Wolfgang Pauli, C.G。 Jung and the Challenge of Psychophysical Reality [unus mundus], Part 2: A Psychophysical Theory。 Pari Publishing, 2012,ISBN 978-88-95604-16-9


Jung-Freud relationship

  • Kerr, John。A Most Dangerous Method: The Story of Jung, Freud, and Sabina Spielrein。 Knopf, 1993。ISBN 978-0-679-40412-5

Other people's recollections of Jung

  • van der Post, Laurens,Jung and the Story of Our Time, New York: Pantheon Books, 1975。ISBN 978-0-394-49207-0
  • Hannah, Barbara,Jung, his life and work: a biographical memoir, New York: G。 P。 Putnam's Sons, 1976。 SBN: 399-50383-8
  • David Bailey's biography of his Great Aunt, Ruth Bailey, 'The English Woman and C.G.Jung' drawing extensively on her diaries and correspondence, explores the deep and long-lasting friendship between Ruth, Jung, and Jung's wife and family。

Critical scholarship

  • Maidenbaum, Aryeh (ed),Jung and the Shadow of Anti-Semitism, Berwick ME: Nicolas-Hays Inc, 2002。
  • Dohe, Carrie B。Jung's Wandering Archetype: Race and Religion in Analytical Psychology。London: Routledge, 2016。ISBN 978-1-138-88840-1
  • Grossman, Stanley (1979). "C.G。 Jung and National Socialism". Jung in Contexts: A Reader. ISBN 978-0-415-20558-0. 
  • Hanegraaff, Wouter J。 (1997). New Age Religion and Western Culture: Esotericism in the Mirror of Secular Thought. Leiden/New York/Koln: E.J。 Brill. ISBN 9781438405650. 
  • Bishop, Paul (2014). Carl Jung (Critical Lives). Reaktion Books. 
  • Richard NollThe Aryan Christ: The Secret Life of Carl Jung (Random House, 1997)
  • Shamdasani, Sonu (1998). Cult fictions: C.G。 Jung and the founding of analytical psychology. London/New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-18614-8. OCLC 560455823. 
  • Shamdasani, Sonu (2003). Jung and the making of modern psychology: the dream of a science. Cambridge, UK New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-53909-8. OCLC 57509166. 
  • Shamdasani, Sonu (2005). Jung stripped bare: By his biographers, even. London New York: Karnac. ISBN 978-1-85575-317-4. OCLC 759160070. 

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