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In 2012 alone, the Palace of Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, hosted more than 10,000 intergovernmental meetings. The city hosts the highest number of international organizations in the world.[1]
The field of international relations dates from the time of the Greek historian Thucydides

國際關係學 (Kok-chè-koan-hē-ha̍k) (國際政治學) ()政治學 (chèng-tī-ha̍k) (ê) (chi̍t) (ê)分支 (hun-chi)專門 (choan-bûn)研究 (gián-kiù)戰爭 (chiàn-cheng)和平 (hô-pêng)合作 (ha̍p-chok)一體化 (it-thé-hoà) (kap)國際 (Kok-chè)組織 (cho͘-chit)等等 (téng-téng)國際社會 (siā-hoē)層面 (chân-bīn)政治 (chèng-tī)現象 (hiān-siōng)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. François Modoux, "La Suisse engagera 300 millions pour rénover le Palais des Nations", Le Temps, Friday 28 June 2013, page 9. (法語).