Ji̍t-Lō͘ Chiàn-cheng

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Russo-Japanese War
Clockwise from top: Russian cruiser Pallada under fire atPort Arthur, Russian cavalry atMukdenRussian cruiser Varyag and gunboat KorietzatChemulpo Bay, Japanese dead at Port Arthur, Japanese infantry crossing the Yalu River
時間: 8 February 1904

 – 5 September 1905

地點: ManchuriaYellow SeaKoreaSea of Japan
結果: Japanese victory
Pang-bô͘:Ublist Pang-bô͘:Ublist
1,365,000 (total)[1]
  • 700,000 (peak)
1,200,000 (total)[1]
  • 650,000 (peak)
  • 34,000–52,623 killed or died of wounds
  • 9,300–18,830 died of disease
  • 146,032 wounded
  • 74,369 captured
  • 8 battleships sunk
  • 2 battleships captured

Total: 43,300–120,000[2][3]

  • 47,152–47,400 killed
  • 11,424–11,500 died of wounds
  • 21,802–27,200 died of disease
  • 2 battleships sunk

Total: 58,000–86,100[2][3]

日露 (Ji̍t-Lō͘)戰爭 (Chiàn-cheng) (日露戰爭) ()露西亞 (Lō͘-se-a)帝國 (Tè-kok) (kap)日本 (Ji̍t-pún)帝國 (chi) (ūi)滿洲 (Boán-chiu)朝鮮 (Tiâu-sián)三爭 (saⁿ-cheⁿ) (ín) (khí) (ê)戰爭,時間 (sî-kan)是1904 (kàu)1905 () (kan)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. 移至: 1.0 1.1 Mitchell, T。 J。; Smith, G。 M。 (1931). Casualties and Medical Statistics of the Great War. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. p. 6. OCLC 14739880. 
  2. 移至: 2.0 2.1 Dumas, S。; Vedel-Petersen, K.O。 (1923). Losses of Life Caused By War. Oxford: Clarendon Press. pp. 57–9. 
  3. 移至: 3.0 3.1 Matthew White. "Mid-Range Wars and Atrocities of the Twentieth Century – Russo-Japanese War". Historical Atlas of the Twentieth Century. goân-loē-iông tī 10 September 2017 hőng khó͘-pih. 17 October 2013 khòaⁿ--ê.