Kóng-teng-kang Lô͘-si

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當咧裝配A-31 Vengeance轟炸機的女工, Nashville, Tennessee 1943

鉚釘工 (Kóng-teng-kang)螺絲 (Lô͘-si)(Rosie the Riveter) ()利次大戰 (Lī-chhù-tāi-chiàn) (ê)文化 (bûn-hòa)符號 (hû-hō)之一 (chi-it) (i) (hêng)siōngdsī戰時 (chiàn-sî)六百 (la̍k-pah) (bān)進入 (chìn-li̍p)製造業 (chè-chō-gia̍p)工廠 (kang-chhiúⁿ)女性 (lú-sèng)代表 (tāi-piáu)這寡 (Chit-kóa)穡頭 (sit-thâu)傳統上 (thoân-thóng-siōng)男性 (lâm-sèng)做的 (chòe--ê)[1]後來 (āu-lâi) (koh)成做 (chiâⁿ-chòe)女性主義 (Lú-sèng-chú-gī)以給 (í-kip)女性經濟 (keng-chè)力量 (le̍k-liōng)象徵 (siōng-tin)美國 (Bí-kok)社會 (siā-hōe) (tùi)女性 (chheng)褲裝 (khò͘-chong)廣泛 (khòng-hoān)接受 (chiap-siū) ()歸功 (kui-kong) ()鉚釘工螺絲。

鉚釘工螺絲 (siōng)有名 (ū-miâ)形象 (hêng-siōng)這張 (chit-tiuⁿ)J。 Howard Miller佇1943 ()設計 (siat-kè)海報 (hái-pò)標題 (phiau-tê)是:「 (Lán) (Chòe) (Ōe) (Kàu)

Norman Rockwell也佇1943年5 (goe̍h)29 ()發表 (hoat-piáu) (kòe)1 (tiuⁿ)類似 (lūi-sū)插圖 (chhah-tô͘)Norman Rockwell敢有 (kám-ū)看過 (khòaⁿ-kòe)Miller的海報併無 (pèng-bô)清楚 (chheng-chhó)。 Norman Rockwell的 “鉚釘工螺絲” ()拜六 (Pài-la̍k)晚報 (Boán-pò) (sòe) (hō͘)美國財政部 (Châi-chèng-pō͘) (lâi) (chòe)推銷 (thui-siau)戰爭 (chiàn-cheng)債券 (chè-kǹg)宣傳 (soan-thoân)海報。戰爭結束 (kiat-sok)了後 (liáu-āu)這幅 (chit-pak) (tô͘)因為 (in-ūi)受著 (siū-tio̍h)版權 (pán-koân)保護 (pó-hō͘) (soah)沓沓仔 (ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á)退出 (thòe-chhut)公眾 (kong-chiòng)關注 (koan-chù)。 Norman Rockwell過身 (kòe-sin)了後,伊所有 (só͘-ū)畫作 (ōe-chok)遺產 (ûi-sán) (lóng)受著積極 (chek-ke̍k)的保護。這種 (Chit-chióng)保護 ()予伊的作品 (chok-phín)收藏 (siu-chông)價值 (kè-ta̍t)起起來 (khí--khí-lâi), 2002年,這幅圖 (í)5百萬 (pah-bān)美金 (bí-kim)計數 (kè-siàu)未出 (bōe-chhut)。 “咱最衛教!” 煞 (kap) (che)倒爿 (tò-pêng)欠缺 (khiàm-khoeh)保護拄好是 (tú-hó-sī)伊後來得著 (tit-tio̍h)重頭生 (têng-thâu-siⁿ)的goan (in)之一 。

圖片 (Tô͘-phìⁿ)[修改]


J。 Howard Miller所設計的《[1]》海報

1942年,西屋 (Se-ok)電氣 (Tiān-khì)公司 (kong-si) (chhiàⁿ)Pittsburgh藝術家 (gē-su̍t-ka)J。 Howard Miller, (ùi)公司 (iōng)「戰時投入 (tâu-li̍p)」做主題 (chú-tê)設計一系列 (chi̍t-hē-lia̍t)海報。 《咱最衛教!》是 (chit)系列 (hē-lia̍t)海報 (tiong)出名 (chhut-miâ)職張 (chit-tiuⁿ)彼張 (hit-tiuⁿ)海報話出 (ōe-chhut)鉚釘工螺絲的經典 (keng-tián)形象(雖罔 (sui-bóng)彼當時 (hit-tong-sî)「鉚釘工螺絲」這个 (chit-ê)名詞 (miâ-sû)猶未 (iáu-bōe)出現 (chhut-hiān))。

流傳 (Liû-thoân) (khoah)講法 (kóng-hoat)之一 (), Miller是根據 (kun-kù)1942年的這張烏白 (o͘-pe̍h)相片 (siòng-phìⁿ)製作 (chè-chok)「咱最衛教!」,彼張相片的自覺 (chū-kak)是17 (hòe)女工 (lú-kang)Geraldine Doyle (i)當時 (tong-sî)名姓 (miâ-sìⁿ)是Geraldine Hoff Doyle),毋高 (m̄-ko)質的 (chit-ê)講法後來 (hông)證實 (chèng-si̍t)毋著的 (m̄-tio̍h--ê)[2][3][4][5]。相片等面 (téng-bīn)查某 (cha-bó͘)實際上 (si̍t-chè-siōng)另外 (lēng-gōa)一位 (chi̍t-ūi)女工Naomi Parker Fraley [6][7][8][9]。。

參見 (Chham-kiàn)[修改]

參考 (Chham-khó)文獻 (Bûn-hiàn)[修改]

  1. Rosie's proud ofherband of sisters 易面存案備份 by Kevin Cullen, Seattle Times, May 30, 2004
  2. McLellan, Dennis (2010-12-31). "Geraldine Hoff Doyle dies at 86; inspiration behind a famous wartime poster". Los Angeles Times. goân-loē-iông tī 2012-09-20 hőng khó͘-pih. 2013-06-23 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  3. Williams, Timothy (2010-12-29). "Geraldine Doyle, Iconic Face of World War II, Dies at 86". The New York Times. The New York Times Company. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2013-11-13. 2013-11-13 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  4. Memmot, Mark (2010-12-31). "Michigan Woman Who Inspired WWII 'Rosie' Poster Has Died". NPR. goân-loē-iông tī 2013-05-05 hőng khó͘-pih. 2013-06-23 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  5. "Tale of two Rosie the Riveters untangled". Lansing State Journal. 2016-03-01 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  6. Fox, Margalit (January 22, 2018). "Naomi Parker Fraley, the Real Rosie the Riveter, Dies at 96". The New York Times. goân-loē-iông tī 2018-01-22 hőng khó͘-pih. January 22, 2018 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  7. "Pretty Naomi Parker is as easy都lo͘k at as overtime pay on the... News Photo | Getty Images". www.gettyimages.com. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2018-01-27. 2018-01-23 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  8. "Museum Collections, U.S. National Park Service -". museum.nps.gov. goân-loē-iông tī 2016-03-07 hőng khó͘-pih. 2016-03-01 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  9. "Naomi Parker Fraley". www.naomiparkerfraley.com. goân-loē-iông tī 2016-03-05 hőng khó͘-pih. 2016-03-01 khòaⁿ--ê. 

外部 (Gōa-pō͘)連結 (Liân-kiat)[修改]