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God of Destruction

Para Brahman, the Supreme Being[1]

God of Ultimate RealityMokshaKarmaTimeArtsDanceYoga and Meditation, the Destroyer of Evil, Supreme Being怹Shaivism
Member of Trimurti
Other names Shankara, Bholenath,Maheśvara, Mahadeva,RudraMahakalaSadashivaBatara GuruNataraja
Sanskrit transliteration Śiva
Devanagari शिव
Affiliation TrimurtiIshvaraParabrahman and Paramatman (Shaivism)
Abode Mount Kailash[2]
Cremation grounds (Shmashana Adhipati)
Mantra 掩Namah Shivaya
Weapon TrishulaPashupatastraParashuPinaka bow[3]
Symbols Lingam,[3] CrescentMo͘n,Damaru (Drum),Vasuki
Day Monday and also Thrayodashi
Mount Nandi (bull)[4]
Gender Male
Festivals Maha ShivaratriShraavanaKartik PurnimaBhairava Ashtami[5]
Personal information
Spouse Parvati/Sati[6][7]
Children Kartikeya (son)
Ganesha (son)[8][9]

Shiva ()印度教 (Ìn-tō͘-kàu)3 (tōa)神明 (sîn-bêng) (chi) (it) (hong)認為 (jīn-ûi)破壞者 (phò-hoāi-chiá),是消除 (siau-tû)所有 (só͘-ū)歹物 (phái-mi̍h) (ê) (sîn)

註解 (Chù-kái)[修改]

  1. Encyclopedia of World Religions. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc. 2008. pp. 445–448. ISBN 978-1-59339-491-2. 
  2. Zimmer 1972, pp. 124–126.
  3. 移至: 3.0 3.1 Fuller 2004, p. 58.
  4. Javid 2008, pp. 20–21.
  5. Dalal 2010, pp. 137, 186.
  6. Sati was the first wife of Shiva, but she immolated herself and was reborn as Parvati. Parvati has various avatars like Kali and Durga which are also associated with Shiva. 怹short, all these goddesses are the same Atma (Self) in different bodies.
  7. Kinsley 1998, p. 35.
  8. Cush, Robinson & York 2008, p. 78.
  9. Williams 1981, p. 62.

外部 (Guā-pōo)lên-ket[修改]