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(National Rifle Association of America)
創始時間 1871 年 11月 17日;
152年 以前
​ (1871-11-17)
創始人 William Conant Church
George Wood Wingate
類型 501(c)(4)[1]
自招 Gun politics
Gun rights
服務 Pang-bô͘:Ill
方法 Pang-bô͘:Ill
彰近5.5百萬 (自我報告)[lower-alpha 1][2]
Charles L。 Cotton (President)
Wayne LaPierre (CEO和執行副總裁)
分支機構 NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund
NRA Foundation
NRA Special Contribution Fund
NRA Freedom Action Foundation
NRA Institute for Legislative Action
NRA Political Victory Fund
收入 (2018)
開之 (2018) $423,034,158[2]
網站 NRA.org

美國 (Bí-kok)全國 (tsuân-kok)部銃 (pōo-tshìng)協會 (hia̍p-huē) (英語 (ing-gí): National Rifle Association (NRA)),干稱 (kan-tshing)NRA, (koh)翻譯 (huan-i̍k) (tsò) "美國rifle (tshìng)協會"[3][4][lower-alpha 2] ()美國 (ê)一个 (tsi̍t-ê) (hui)盈利性 (îng-lī-sìng)民權 (bîn-kuân) Pang-bô͘:Ill; ()予人認為 (jīm-uî)是tén (hîng)Pang-bô͘:Ill

NRA支持 (tsi-tshî) Pang-bô͘:Ill的 "Hèn (huat) ()2修正案 (siu-tsìng-àn)", (pīng)tshiáñ認為 Pang-bô͘:Ill用做 (iōng-tsò) Pang-bô͘:Ill逐的 (ta̍k-ê) Pang-bô͘:Ill應該 (ing-kai)享受 (hiáng-siū)Pang-bô͘:Ill根據 (Kin-kù)1999 () Pang-bô͘:Ill的一个調查 (tiau-tsa) (tuā) ()美國國會 (kok-huē)議員 (gī-uân) (hām)工作 (kang-tsok)人員 (jîn-guân)認為: NRA是 ()美國上有 (siōng-ū)影響力 (íng-hióng-li̍k)Pang-bô͘:Ill。 NRA (sóo) (khai)tén的一切 (it-tshè)政治 (tsìng-tī)活動 (ua̍h-tāng)是以 (sī-í) "Hèn法第2修正 (siu-tsìng) (àn)" ()理論 (lí-lūn)依據 (i-kù),並tshiáñ積極 (tsik-ki̍k)投身 (tâu-sin) (teh)各項 (kok-hāng)有關 (iú-kuan)位許 (uī-hóo)公民 (kong-bîn) "持稱 (tshî-tshìng)權利 (kuân-lī)" (文宗 (bûn-tsong)權利) 的政治運動 (ūn-tōng)

註釋 (Tsù-sek)[修改]

  1. Estimates range from 3.4多6 million see membership
  2. Moregun rights sources:
    • Carter, Greg Lee (2006). Gun Control in the United States: A Reference Handbook. ABC-CLIO. p. 285. ISBN 978-1851097609. Almost all of [the groups listed] are readily classifiable as either advocating a 'gun control' or a 'gun rights' position. 
    • Knox, Neal (2009). Knox, Christopher, pian. Neal Knox: The Gun Rights War. MacFarlane Press. p. 159. ISBN 978-0976863304. One of the few advantages—possibly the only advantage—that supporters of gun rights hold is the fact that there are more one-issue voters on the pro-gun side than on the anti-gun side. 
    • Patterson, Samuel C。; Eakins, Keith R。 (1998). "Congress and Gun Control". Chū Bruce, John M。; Wilcox, Clyde. The Changing Politics of Gun Control. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. ISBN 978-0847686155. OCLC 833118449. April 8, 2014 khòaⁿ--ê. During the gun control legislation battles of the 1960s, the NRA, although it had no registered lobbyists, was the most powerful gun rights organization。 It still enjoys this distinction, although it has undergone significant change. 
    • Utter, Glenn H。 (2011). Encyclopedia of Gun Control and Gun Rights. Grey House. ISBN 978-1592376728. 
    • Wellford, Charles F; Pepper, John V; Petrie, Carol V, pian. (2013) [Print ed。 2005]. Firearms and Violence: A Critical Review (Electronic pán.). Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. p. 283. doi:10.17226/10881. ISBN 978-0309546409. Another commentator pointed out, however, that a significant number of the articles supporting the individual right model published between 1970 and 1989 were written by lawyers who had either been employed by or who represented gun rights organizations, including the NRA. Founded怹1871, the group has informed its members about firearm-related legislation since 1934, and it has directly lobbied for and against firearms legislation since 1975。

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. "National Rifle Association". ProPublica.  (英語)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Gutowski, Stephen (May 30, 2019). "NRA Membership Dues, Contributions Rebounded怹2018". The Washington Free Beacon.  (英語)
  3. Korte, Gregory (May 4, 2013). "Post-Newtown, NRA membership surges都5 million". USA Today.  (英語)
  4. Carter, Gregg Lee, pian. (2012). "National Rifle Association (NRA)". Guns in American Society: An Encyclopedia of History, Politics, Culture, and the Law. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO. pp. 616–20. ISBN 978-0313386701. June 6, 2014 khòaⁿ--ê. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is the nation's largest, oldest, and most politically powerful interest group that opposes gun laws and favors gun rights. (英語)

Ên (sin)閱獨 (ua̍t-to̍k)[修改]

師積 (Su-tsik)[修改]

雜誌 (Tsa̍p-tsì) (bûn)tsiuñ[修改]

  • Lacombe, Matthew J。 (2019). "The Political Weaponization of Gun Owners: The National Rifle Association's Cultivation, Dissemination, and Use of a Group Social Identity". The Journal of Politics. 81 (4): 1342–56. doi:10.1086/704329.  (英語)

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