Bí-kok Î-bîn kap Sòe-koan Chip-hêng-sū

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Logo of the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency.svg
ICE logo
HSI Special Agent badge
HSI Special Agent badge
ERO Officer badge
ERO Officer badge
Motto "Protecting National Security and Upholding Public Safety"
HSI's motto: Honor, Service, Integrity
Agency overview
Formed 2003 年 3月 1日;​ 21年 以前​ (2003-03-01)
Preceding agency
Employees 20,000+ (2016)
Annual budget $7.6 billion (FY 2018)[1]
Jurisdictional structure
Operations jurisdiction United States
Specialist jurisdictions
Operational structure
Headquarters 500 12th Street SW
Washington, D.C。, U.S。
Agency executives
Parent agency United States Department of Homeland Security

美國 (Bí-kok)移民 (Î-bîn) (kap)稅關 (Sòe-koan)執刑事 (Chip-hêng-sū) (英語 (Eng-gí): U.S。 Immigration and Customs Enforcement; ICE) ()美國 (ê)聯邦 (liân-pang)法律 (hoat-lu̍t)一行 (chi̍t-hêng)機關 (ki-koan) (sio̍k)美國國土 (Kok-thó͘)安全 (An-choân) (Pō͘) (koán) (lāi) (In)專門 (choan-bûn) ()美國邊界 (pian-kài)的安全 (kiam)守衛 (siú-ōe)國家 (kok-ka)的移民系統 (hē-thóng); 調查 (tiâu-cha)官蘭 (koan-liân)闊國 (khoah-kok)犯罪 (hoān-chōe); ()對控 (tùi-khòng)國內 (kok-lāi)國際 (kok-chè)恐怖主義 (khióng-pò͘-chú-gī)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. Cristobal Ramón, Interior Enforcement UndertheTrump Administration byTheNumbers: Part One,Removals, Bipartisan Policy Project (June 19, 2019).
  2. 2.0 2.1 "ICE Leadership". U.S。 Immigration and Customs Enforcement. January 13, 2021 khòaⁿ--ê. 

關聯 (Koan-liân)[修改]

外部 (Guā-pōo)連結 (liân-kiat)[修改]


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