18世紀的學者Adam Franz Kollár使用ethnologia這字,佇伊1783年佇Wien出版的植作Historiae ivrisqve pvblici Regni Vngariae amoenitates八共定gī[2]做 "對民族佮人民的科學,抑是,出學的人詢問濟款民族怹起源,言語,慣習,制度,而chhiá綴尾行入祖國佮古蹟,欲佇家己的時間判斷遐民族佮人民的研究.”[3] Kollár對言語學佮文化多樣性的興趣關係著伊出身的多族群多言語的洪牙利王國,佮伊自新Slovak人的背景,閣有當時Osman帝國說退時代Balkan人的變動.[4]
↑"ethno-". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. 21 March 2013 khòaⁿ--ê.
↑Zmago Šmitek and Božidar Jezernik, "The anthropological tradition in Slovenia." 怹: 番F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldán, eds. Fieldwork and Footnotes: Studies in the History of European Anthropology.1995.
↑Kollár, Adam František − Historiae jurisque publici regni Ungariae amoenitates, 伊II. Vienna., 1783
↑Gheorghiţă Geană, "Discovering the whole of humankind: the genesis of anthropology through the Hegelian looking-glass." 怹: 番F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldán, eds. Fieldwork and Footnotes: Studies in the History of European Anthropology.1995.