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Water vapor (H2O)
St Johns Fog.jpg
Invisible water vapor condenses to form
visible clouds of liquid rain droplets
Liquid state Water
Solid state Ice
Molecular formula H2O
Molar mass 18.01528(33) g/mol
Melting point 0.00 °C (273.15 K)[2]
Boiling point 99.98 °C (373.13 K)[2]
specific gas constant 461.5 J/(kg͘K)
Heat of vaporization 2.27 MJ/kg
Heat capacity at 300 K 1.864 kJ/(kg͘K)[3]

水蒸氣 (Chúi-cheng-khì)[4](tsuí-ian) () (chúi) (ê)氣體 (khì-thé) (siòng) (Che)是水 ()水圈 (chúi-khoan) (hydrosphere) 當中 (tang-tiong) (chi̍t) (khóan)狀態 (chōng-thài)。水蒸氣 (thang)經過 (keng-kòe)液態 (e̍k-thài)水的蒸發 (cheng-hoat) (ia̍h)水滾 (chúi-kún) (koh) (ū) (tùi) (peng)昇華 (seng-hoa)產生 (sán-seng)

參照 (Chham-chiàu)[修改]

  1. (Lide 1992)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water (VSMOW), used for calibration, melts at 273.1500089(10) K (0.000089(10) °C) and boils at 373.1339 K (99.9839 °C)
  3. "Water Vapor – Specific Heat". May 15, 2012 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  4. Ogawa Naoyosi, pian. (1931). "水蒸氣". Tai-Nichi Dai Jiten 臺日大辭典 [台日大辭典] (ēng Ji̍t-pún-gí).