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民族學 (Bîn-cho̍k-ha̍k) (英語 (Eng-gí): ethnology; 希臘 (Hi-lia̍p)gí-goân: ἔθνος,ethnos, ì-sù民族 (bîn-cho̍k), tùi-tâng英語nation.[1]) ()人類學 (jîn-lūi-ha̍k) (ê)分支 (hun-ki)專門 (choan-bûn)比較 (pí-kàu) (kap)分析 (hun-sek) () (kâng) (kûn)人民 (jîn-bîn)性質 (sèng-chit) (in) (chi) (kan)官系 (koan-hē)

用語 (Iōng-gí)[修改]

18世紀 (sè-kí)學者 (ha̍k-chiá)Adam Franz Kollár使用 (sú-iōng)ethnologia (chit) () () (i)1783 ()Wien出版 (chhut-pán)植作 (tì-chok)Historiae ivrisqve pvblici Regni Vngariae amoenitates (pat) () (tēng)[2] (chò) " (tùi)民族人民科學 (kho-ha̍k) (ia̍h)是,出學 (chhut-o̍h) (lâng)詢問 (sûn-mn̄g) (chē) (khoán)民族怹起源 (khí-goân)言語 (giân-gí)慣習 (koàn-si̍p)制度 (chè-tō͘) ()chhiá綴尾 (tè-bé) (kiâⁿ) (ji̍p)祖國 (chó͘-kok)古蹟 (kó͘-chek) (beh)家己 (ka-tī)時間 (sî-kan)判斷 (phòaⁿ-toān) (hia)民族佮人民的研究 (gián-kiù).”[3] Kollár對言語學 (giân-gí-ha̍k)文化 (bûn-hòa)多樣性 (to-iūⁿ-sèng)興趣 (hèng-chhù)關係 (koan-hē) (tio̍h)出身 (chhut-sin)多族群 (to-cho̍k-kûn)多言語 (to-giân-gí)洪牙利 (Hông-gâ-lī)王國 (Ông-kok),佮伊自新 (chū-sin)Slovak人背景 (pōe-kéng) (koh) (ū)當時 (tong-sî)Osman帝國 (Tè-kok)說退 (soeh-thè)時代 (sî-tāi)Balkan人變動 (piàn-tōng).[4]

參照 (Chham-chiàu)[修改]

  1. "ethno-". Oxford Dictionaries. Oxford University Press. 21 March 2013 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. Zmago Šmitek and Božidar Jezernik, "The anthropological tradition in Slovenia." 怹: (Han)F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldán, eds. Fieldwork and Footnotes: Studies in the History of European Anthropology.1995.
  3. Kollár, Adam František − Historiae jurisque publici regni Ungariae amoenitates, 伊II. Vienna., 1783
  4. Gheorghiţă Geană, "Discovering the whole of humankind: the genesis of anthropology through the Hegelian looking-glass." 怹: 番F. Vermeulen and Arturo Alvarez Roldán, eds. Fieldwork and Footnotes: Studies in the History of European Anthropology.1995.