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昴宿 (Báu-siù) (昴宿), ()號做 (hō-chò)昴日雞 (báu-ji̍t-ke) (昴日雞), ()二十八 (Jī-si̍p-pat)宿 (Siù)西方 (se-hong)白虎 (Pe̍k-hó͘)7 (siù) (ê) ()4 (siù)

昴宿的 (chheⁿ)[修改]

(miâ) 漢字 (hàn-jī) 星座 (seng-chō) (sò͘) 代表 (tāi-piáu)
(Báu) 金牛座 (Kim-gû-chō)/Messier 45 7 The maned head
天河 (Thian-hô) 天河 牡羊座 (Bó͘-iûⁿ-chō) 1 River in the sky
(Goa̍t) 金牛座 1 Mo͘n spirit
天陰 (Thian-im) 天陰 牡羊座/金牛座 5 Overcast sky force, or the shadows of north mountain, or that officials of the emperor which hunting together
芻蒿 (Cho͘-ho) 芻蒿 鯨魚座 (Keng-hî-chō) 6 Hay and cattle food
天宛 (Thian-oàn) 天苑 鯨魚座/Eridanus (Chō) 16 Imperial family's ranch
卷舌 (Koán-sia̍t) 卷舌 Perseus (Chō) 6 Shape of the curled tongue
天讒 (Thian-chhâm) 天讒 Perseus座 1 The tongue which said slanderous
礪石 (Lē-se̍k) 礪石 Andromeda造/Perseus造/金牛座 4 Grindstone