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稽首 (Khe-siù) (奎宿), ()號做 (hō-chò)溪木狼 (khe-bo̍k-lông) (奎木狼), ()二十八 (Jī-si̍p-pat)宿 (Siù)西方 (se-hong)白虎 (Pe̍k-hó͘)7 (siù) (ê) ()1 (siù)

稽首的 (chheⁿ)[修改]

(miâ) 漢字 (hàn-jī) 星座 (seng-chō) (sò͘) 代表 (tāi-piáu)
(Kui) Andromeda Chō/雙魚座 (Siang-hî-chō) 16 Possibly it is the rear legs or feet of theWhite Tiger。 Alternatively, it was also seen as a wild boar。
外屏 (Gōe-pîn) 外屏 雙魚座 7 A fence to screen off the cesspit of Celestial Pigsty (Tiānhùn)
天溷 (Thian-hūn) 天溷 鯨魚座 (Keng-hî-chō) 4 A manure (pit)on a farm in the pigsty
土司空 (Thó͘-su-khong) 土司空 鯨魚座 1 A controller of land and minister of works
軍南門 (Kun-lâm-bûn) 軍南門 Andromeda (Chō) 1 South gate of the barracks
閣道 (Kok-tō) 閣道 Cassiopeia座 6 A mountain path, it was also seen as the banner of Wangliang
附路 (Hū-lō͘) 附路 Cassiopeia座 1 The road pavement or alternate
王良 (Ông-liông) 王良 Cassiopeia座 5 Wang (Liang)was a famous charioteer during theSpring and Autumn period
(Chhek) Cassiopeia座 1 The whip of Wang喨