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室宿 (Sek-siù) (室宿), ()號做 (hō-chò)室火豬 (sek-hóⁿ-ti) (室火豬), ()二十八 (Jī-si̍p-pat)宿 (Siù)北方 (pak-hong)玄武 (Hiân-bú)7 (siù) (ê) ()6 (siù)

室宿的 (chheⁿ)[修改]

(miâ) 漢字 (hàn-jī) 星座 (seng-chō) (sò͘) 代表 (tāi-piáu)
(Sek) Pegasus (Chō) 2 Operating room, also on behalf of Black Tortoise body
離宮 (Lī-kiong) 離宮 Pegasus座 6 An imperial palace
雷電 (Lûi-tiān) 雷電 Pegasus座 6 The God of mine
壘壁陣 (Lúi-phek-tīn) 壘壁陣 雙魚座 (Siang-hî-chō)/水瓶座 (Chúi-pân-chō)/山羊座 (Soaⁿ-iûⁿ-chō) 12 Fortifications around the barracks
羽林軍 (Ú-lîm-kun) 羽林軍 水瓶座/南魚座 (Lâm-hî-chō) 45 The ancient imperial guards
鈇鉞 (Hu-oa̍t) 鈇鉞 水瓶座 3 The axe for executions of death penalty
北落師門 (Pok-lo̍k-su-bûn) 北落師門 南魚座 1 Barrack's north gate
八魁 (Pat-khoe) 八魁 鯨魚座 (Keng-hî-chō) 6 The trap to capture animals, hunting animals on behalf of the officials responsible for
天綱 (Thian-kong) 天綱 南魚座 1 Military bo͘k
土公吏 (Thó͘-kong-lī) 土公吏 Pegasus座 2 Officials responsible for civil engineering building, or the officials responsible for logistics
螣蛇 (Têng-siâ) 螣蛇 Andromeda (Chō)/杜定座 (Tō͘-tēng-chō)/Cassiopeia造/Cepheus座/天鵝座 (Thian-ngô͘-chō) 22 Shape of flying snakes