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女宿 (Lú-siù) (女宿), ()號做 (hō-chò)女土蝠 (lú-thó͘-hok) (女土蝠), ()二十八 (Jī-si̍p-pat)宿 (Siù)北方 (pak-hong)玄武 (Hiân-bú)7 (siù) (ê) ()3 (siù)

女宿的 (chheⁿ)[修改]

(miâ) 漢字 (hàn-jī) 星座 (seng-chō) (sò͘) 代表 (tāi-piáu)
() 水瓶座 (Chúi-pân-chō) 4 Women's matters, women weaving, the turtle or snake basaltic
十二國 (Si̍p-jī-kok) 十二國 山羊座 (Soaⁿ-iûⁿ-chō) 16 Twelve states of Ancient China
離珠 (Lī-chu) 離珠 鴟鴞座 (Bā-hio̍h-chō)/水瓶座 5 Women's social position and decorative beads
敗瓜 (Pāi-koa) 敗瓜 海豚座 (Hái-thûn-chō) 5 Bad melon
予歌 (Hō͘-koa) 瓠瓜 海豚座 5 One kind of green melon white
天津 (Thian-chin) 天津 天鵝座 (Thian-ngô͘-chō) 9 Galaxy's ferry, a bridge across the Milky Way
奚仲 (Hê-tiōng) 奚仲 天鵝座 4 Xi Zhong was the inventor of chariots who lived during theXia Dynasty
扶筐 (Hû-khong) 扶筐 天龍座 (Thian-lêng-chō) 7 Mulberry leaf and equipment