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壁宿 (Phek-siù) (壁宿) ()二十八 (Jī-si̍p-pat)宿 (Siù)北方 (pak-hong)玄武 (Hiân-bú)7 (siù) (ê) ()7 (siù)

壁宿的 (chheⁿ)[修改]

(miâ) 漢字 (hàn-jī) 星座 (seng-chō) (sò͘) 代表 (tāi-piáu)
(Phek) Pegasus (Chō)/Andromeda (Chō) 2 Walls, the library
霹靂 (Phek-le̍k) 霹靂 雙魚座 (Siang-hî-chō) 5 A thunderclap
雲雨 (Hûn-ú) 雲雨 雙魚座 4 cloud and rain
天廄 (Thian-kì) 天廄 Andromeda座 3 Stable, or the people who manage stable
鈇鑕 (Hu-chit) 鈇鑕 鯨魚座 (Keng-hî-chō) 5 The sickle for harvesting
土公 (Thó͘-kong) 土公 雙魚座 2 Officials responsible for infrastructure and construction