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斗宿 (Tó͘-siù) (斗宿), ()號做 (hō-chò)斗木獬 (tó͘-bo̍k-hāi) (斗木獬), ()二十八 (Jī-si̍p-pat)宿 (Siù)北方 (pak-hong)玄武 (Hiân-bú)7 (siù) (ê) ()1 (siù)

斗宿的 (chheⁿ)[修改]

(miâ) 漢字 (hàn-jī) 星座 (seng-chō) (sò͘) 代表 (tāi-piáu)
(Tó͘) 射手座 (Siā-chhiú-chō) 6 Shaped like the Big Dipper, also refers temple in the sky or the snake-shaped basalt
(Kiàn) 射手座 6 (Sun), mo͘n and star are related by the city, also refers (to)the flag
天弁 (Thian-piān) 天弁 鴟鴞座 (Bā-hio̍h-chō)/盾牌座 (Tún-pâi-chō) 9 Officials of the market
(Piat) 調鏡座 (Tiàu-kiàⁿ-chō)/南冠座 (Lâm-koan-chō) 11 The river turtles
天雞 (Thian-ke) 天雞 射手座 2 Chicken in the sky, the God's chicken
天籥 (Thian-io̍k) 天籥 Ophiuchus (Chō)/射手座 8 Locks open and close by the ecliptic
狗國 (Kó͘-kok) 狗國 射手座 4 Dogs live in the kingdom
天淵 (Thian-ian) 天淵 射手座 3 Pond in the sky
(Kó͘) 射手座 2 Guardian dog in the gate
農丈人 (Lông-tiōng-jîn) 農丈人 射手座 1 Director of palm farming