COVID-19 kiám-chhek

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Innova SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Rapid Qualitative Lateral Flow Test kit showing a negative result

COVID-19檢測 (kiám-tshik) (COVID-19 testing) ()通過 (thong-kuè)核酸 (hi̍k-sng)抗體 (khòng-thé) (hi̍k)抗原 (khòng-guân)等等 (tíng-tíng)分子 (hun-tsú)檢測 (tshiú)tuāñ,[1][2][3][4] (kah)胸坎格 (hing-khám-keh)CT斷層 (tuān-tsân)成像 (sîng-siōng) (tíng) (ê)臨床 (lîm-tshn̂g)輔助 (hú-tsōo)手tuāñ, (tuì)人體 (lîn-thé) (kám) (ū)感ziám 201 SARS-CoV-2或者 (hi̍k-tsiá)著著 (tio̍h-tio̍h)2019 COVID-19 (lâi)診斷 (tsín-tuàn) (medical diagnosis)。

2019 COVID-19 (ê)檢測 (teh)2019 COVID-19个疫情 (i̍k-tsîng) (tiong),對即時 (tsik-sî)診斷,救治 (kiù-tī)患者 (huān-tsiá)[1][2][5][6][7][8] 疫情監視 (kàm-sī)控制 (khòng-tsè)恢復 (hue-ho̍k)經濟 (king-tsè),[9][10][11][3][12][13][14][15] (lóng)起着 (khí-tio̍h)非常 (hui-siông)關鍵 (kuan-kiān)作用 (tsok-iōng); 予人認為 (līn-uî)發現 (huat-hiān), chhet (tn̄g) (thuân)ziám (liān) (Infektkette) 的決定性 (kuat-tīng-sìng)工具 (kang-kū).[16][17] 韓國 (Hân-kok)[18][19]德國 (Tik-kok)[20] 咧疫情早期 (tsá-kî)開始 (khai-sí)廣泛 (kóng-huàn)而且 (lî-tshiánn)作有 (tsok-ū)組織 (tsoo-tsit)的檢測,隔離 (keh-lī)接觸者 (tsiap-tshiok-tsiá)追蹤 (tui-tsong)措施 (tshòo-si); (hông)認為是 (i)會使 (ē-sái) (khah)成功 (sîng-kong)控制Covid-19疫情的背後 (puē-āu)原因 (guân-in)由於 (Iû-î)病毒 (pīng-to̍k)帶譯者 (tuà-i̍k-tsiá)可能 (khó-lîng)症狀 (tsìng-tsōng)感染 (kám-jiám) (kah)目前 (bo̍k-tsîng)猶袂 (iah-bē)開發出 (khai-huat-tshut)會使普遍 (phóo-phiàn)應用 (ìng-iōng)有效 (ū-hāu)疫苗 (i̍k-biâu)或者治療 (tī-liâu)方法 (hong-huat)充分 (Tshiong-hun)的COVID-19檢測,佮及時 (ki̍p-sî)得著 (tit-tio̍h)檢測的ket (),佮接觸者追蹤,疫情監視,感染者 (kám-jiám-tsiá)隔離,控制傳染源 (thuân-jiám-guân)等共 (tíng-kiōng)衛生 (uē-sing)防護 (hông-hōo)措施, (pīng)配合 (phuè-ha̍p)保持 (pó-tshî)社交 (siā-kau)距離 (kī-lī)佩帶 (phuè-tuà)喙罨 (tshuì-am)個人 (kò-lîn)行為 (hîng-uî)方式 (hong-sik) (kái)pèn。 (Tse)攏是儘早 (tsīn-tsá)開脫 (khai-thuat)目前 (phóo)phèn的居家 (ki-ka)隔離佮出行 (tshut-hîng)限制 (hān-tsè) ()經濟衰退 (sue-thè)狀況下 (tsōng-hóng-hā)安全 (an-tsuân)重啟 (tiōng-khé)經濟的袂使無 (bē-sái-bô)步數 (pōo-sòo)

註解 (Tsù-kái)[修改]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Sheridan, Cormac (2020-03-23). "Fast, portable tests come online to curb coronavirus pandemic". Nature Biotechnology. doi:10.1038/d41587-020-00010-2. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-03-24. 2020-03-25 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical guidance: Laboratory testing for 2019-nCoV in humans". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-01-31. 6 March 2020 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Breaking Down the Two Tests踢Could Help Contain the COVID-19 Pandemic: One detects an active infection; another signals that the virus has already left the body。 Both are critical for tracking the spread of disease". Smithsonian Magazine. 2020-04-07. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-04-08. 2020-04-08 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  4. "Coronavirus testing finally gathers speed". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-12-22. 2020-11-06 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  5. Cohen, Jon; Kupferschmidt, 階 (2020-03-20). "Countries test tactics in 'war' against COVID-19". Science. 367 (6484): 1287–1288. doi:10.1126/science.367.6484.1287. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-03-20. 2020-03-20 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  6. "冠状病毒核酸检测的研究进展与展望". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-03-18. 2020-03-18 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  7. "全球遭遇新冠检测难题,多国专家联合支招". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-03-18. 2020-03-18 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  8. "Everything You Need to Know About Coronavirus Testing: How it works, why we need一, and why it's taking so damn long for the US都get people diagnosed". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-03-26. 2020-03-26 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  9. "The lost month: How a failure to test blinded the U.S. to COVID-19". The Seattle Times. 2020-03-28. 
  10. "To End The Coronavirus Crisis We Need Widespread Testing, Experts Say". NPR. 2020-03-24. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-04-08. 2020-04-07 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  11. "It's Time to Start Testing Coronavirus Immunity: Antibody tests can be faster, easy to administer and easy to scale". 
  12. "Fast COVID-19 test by山Diego's Quidel comes up big in saving Pac-12 football". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-12-02. 2020-09-27 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  13. "Covid-19 tests that give results in minutes都be rolled out across world". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2021-01-16. 2020-09-28 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  14. "The case for airport coronavirus testing, and why it matters". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-09-27. 2020-09-28 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  15. TestinginaPandemic — Improving Access,Coordination,and Prioritization
  16. "As Covid-19 Cases Surge, Europe Turns to New Testing Methods". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-12-13. 2020-10-09 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  17. "The day we let Covid-19 spin out of control". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2021-01-24. 2021-01-24 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  18. "Coronavirus cases have dropped sharply in South Korea. What's the secret to its success?". Science. 2020-03-17. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-03-20. 2020-04-11 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  19. "Experts Credit South Korea's Extensive Testing For Curbing Coronavirus Spread". Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-03-13. 2020-05-23 khòaⁿ--ê. 
  20. "Pass the salt: The minute details that helped Germany build virus defences". Reuters. 2020-04-09. Goân-pún bāng-ia̍h Pó-chûn tī 2020-04-22. 2020-04-24 khòaⁿ--ê. 

參考 (Tsham-khó) (bûn)hèn[修改]

  • This article incorporates public domain material from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention document: "Symptom-Based Strategy to Discontinue Isolation for Persons with COVID-19"。 Retrieved 5 May 2020。(英語)

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