A-chiu kap Tāi-iûⁿ-chiu ê Sè-kài Ûi-sán lia̍t-toaⁿ
- Hari
和 (Hari Rud)附近 的Jam Minaret佮 相關 的古蹟 - Bamiyan
山谷 的文化銻 佮相關的古蹟
- Australian Fossil Mammal Sites (Riversleigh/Naracoorte)
- Central Eastern Rainforest Reserves
- Fraser Island
- Great Barrier Reef
- Greater Blue Mountains Area
- Heard and McDonald Islands
- Kakadu
國家 公園 - Lord Howe Island
- Macquarie Island
- Purnululu國家公園
- Royal Exhibition Building and Carlton Gardens
- Shark Bay
- Tasmanian Wilderness
- Uluru-Kata Tjuta國家公園
- Wet Tropics of Queensland
- Willandra Lakes Region
- Walled City of Baku with the Shirvanshah's Palace and Maiden Tower
- Historic Mosque City of Bagerhat
- Ruins of the Buddhist Vihara atPaharpur
- TheSundarbans
蒙古 [修改]
蒙古 / 露西亞 [修改]
- Uvs Nuur Basin
菲律賓 [修改]
- 菲律賓的Baroque拜堂
- Vigan的
狗 鎮 - Puerto-Princesa
地下 河 國家公園 - Banaue Rice Terraces of thePhilippine Cordilleras
- Tubbataha
珊瑚 海洋 公園
以色列 [修改]
Ia路撒冷 [修改]
- Old City of Jerusalem and its Walls
- (The Old City of Jerusalem is within East Jerusalem, which has been under Israeli control since 1967, but is not recognized as Israeli territory by the
溫 and many countries。 The site was proposed as a World Heritage site怹 1981 by Jordan, which withdrew its claims都 the city怹1988.)
印尼 [修改]
- Borobudur Temple Compounds
- Komodo國家公園
- Lorentz國家公園
- Prambanan Temple Compounds
- Sangiran Early Man Site
- Ujung Kulon國家公園
- Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra, including Gunung Leuser國家公園,Kerinci Seblat國家公園and Bukit Barisan Selatan國家公園
印度 [修改]

- Agra Fort
- Ajanta Caves
- Buddhist Monuments atSanchi
- Champaner-Pavagadh Archaeological Park
- Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus (railway station formerly called Victoria Terminus) Mumbai
- Churches and Convents ofGoa
- Darjeeling Himalayan Railway
- Elephanta Caves
- Ellora Caves
- Fatehpur Sikri
- Great Living Chola Temples, including theBrihadisvara Temple of Thanjavur; Brihadisvara Temple of Gangaikondacholisvaram; and theAiravatesvara TempleatDarasuram
- Group of Monuments atHampi
- Group of Monuments atMahabalipuram
- Group of Monuments atPattadakal
- Humayun's Tomb,Delhi
- Kaziranga國家公園
- Keoladeo國家公園
- Khajuraho Group of Monuments
- Mahabodhi Temple ComplexatBodh Gaya
- Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
- Nanda Devi國家公園
- Qutb Minar and its Monuments,Delhi
- Rock Shelters of Bhimbetka
孫 Temple,Konarak- Sundarbans國家公園
- Taj Mahal
約旦 [修改]
- Petra
- Quseir Amra
- Um er-Rasas (Kastron Mefa'a)
- BamCultural Landscape
- Meidan Emam,Esfahan
- Pasargadae
- Persepolis
- Tchogha Zanbil
- Takht-e Soleyman
日本 [修改]
- Horyu-ji
第大 的佛教 古蹟 (ja:法隆寺地域の仏教建造物) - Gusuku古蹟佮相關的Ryukyu
王國 財產 (ja:琉球王国のグスク及び関連遺産群) - Himeji
城 (ja:姫路城) - Hirosima
和平 紀念碑 (原爆 Dome) (ja:原爆ドーム) 古 Kyoto的古蹟 (Kyoto,Uji佮Otsu城市 ) (ja:古都京都の文化財)- 古Nara的古蹟 (ja:古都奈良の文化財)
- Sirakawa-go佮Gokayama的
古早 庄頭 (ja:白川郷・五箇山の合掌造り集落) - Itukusima
神社 - Kii
山脈 的聖地 佮行跤就 (ja:紀伊山地の霊場と参詣道) - Sirakami-Santi (ja:白神山地)
- Siretoko (ja:知床 (世界遺産))
- Nikko的神社佮
廟寺 (ja:日光の社寺) - Yakushima (ja:屋久島)
- Iwami
銀山 (ja:石見銀山)
- TheMausoleum of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi
- Petroglyphs within the Archaeological Landscape of Tamgaly
- Loang Phrabang (鎮)
- Vat
鋪 (廟 ) 佮佇 Champasak文化代 的相關古早於車代
- Anjar
- Baalbek
- Byblos
- Ouadi Qadisha (theHoly Valley) and theForest of the Cedars of God (Horsh Arz el-Rab)
- Tyre
馬來西亞 [修改]
- Kathmandu Valley
- Lumbini, the Birthplace of the Lord Buddha
- Royal Chitwan國家公園
- Sagarmatha國家公園
越南 [修改]
- Huế
歷史 建築群 下龍灣 - Hội
安 舊 低市 - Mỹ Sơn聖地
豐 Nha-Kẻ甭 國家公園
- Arabian Oryx Sanctuary
- Archaeological sites ofBat,Al-Khutm and Al-Ayn
- Bahla Fort
- TheFrankincense Trail
- Archaeological Ruins atMoenjodaro
- Buddhist Ruins atTakht-i-Bahi and Neighboring City Remains atSahr-i-Bahlol
- Fort and Shalamar GardensinLahore
- Historic Monuments of Thatta
- Rohtas Fort
- Taxila
Pitcairn群島 [修改]
- Bagrati
大拜堂 and Gelati修道院 - Mtskheta的古拜堂
頂 Svaneti
新 熱蘭遮 [修改]
- New Zealand Sub-Antarctic Islands (Snares Islands, Bounty Islands, Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, and Campbell Islands)
- Te Wahipounamu - South West New Zealand (Aoraki/Mount Cook國家公園, Westland/Tai Poutini國家公園, Mount Aspiring國家公園, Fiordland國家公園)
- Tongariro國家公園
所羅門 群島[修改]
Sri Lanka[修改]
- Ancient City of Polonnaruwa
- Ancient City of Sigiriya Sigiriya
- Golden Temple of Dambulla
- Old Town of Galle and its Fortifications
- Sacred City of Anuradhapura
- Sacred City of Kandy
- Sinharaja Forest Reserve
大韓民國 [修改]
- Changdeokgung Palace Complex
- Gochang,Hwasun, and Ganghwa Dolmen Sites
- Gyeongju Historic Areas
- Haeinsa Temple Janggyeong Panjeon, the Depositories for theTripitaka Koreana Woodblocks
- Hwaseong Fortress
- Jongmyo Shrine
- Seokguram Grotto and Bulguksa Temple
朝鮮 [修改]
- Goguryeo
古墓 (高句麗)
中國 (38)[修改]
長城 (1987)泰山 ,山東省 (1987)明 ,清 故宮 ,佇北京 (1987) 佮瀋陽 (2004)- Mogao Caves,佇
甘肅省 敦煌 (1987) 秦始皇 的陵寢 ,佇山西省 西安 (1987)北京人 為止 ,佇北京市 周口店 (1987)黃山 ,安徽省 (1990)- Jiuzhaigou Valley Scenic and Historic Interest Area,Sichuan province (1992)
黃龍 風景區 ,四川省 (1992)武陵源 ,湖南省 (1992)- Mountain Resort and its Outlying Temples,Chengde,Hebei province (1994)
- Temple and Cemetery of Confucius, and the
公 Family Mansion inQufu, Shandong province (1994) 武當山 ,湖北省 (1994)- Historic Ensemble of thePotala Palace,Lhasa,Tibet (1994, 2000, 2001)
廬山 國家公園,江西省 (1996)- Mount Emei Scenic Area, including Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area inSichuan province (1996)
麗江 古城 ,雲南省 (1997)- Ancient City of
冰 Yao,山西省 (1997) - Classical Gardens of四川省,
江蘇省 (1997, 2000) - Summer Palace, an Imperial Garden怹北京 (1998)
- Temple of Heaven: an Imperial Sacrificial Altar怹北京 (1998)
武夷山 ,福建省 (1999)- Dazu Rock Carvings,四川省 (1999)
- Mount Qincheng and theDujiangyan Irrigation System,四川省 (2000)
- Ancient Villages in Southern Anhui - Xidi and Hongcun (2000)
- Longmen Grottoes, near Luoyang,
河南省 (2000) - 明,清
皇家 陵寢 (2000, 2003, 2004) (zh:明清皇家陵寝) 分岡 石窟 (2001) (zh:雲崗石窟)雲南 三江 合併 保護區 (2003) (zh:云南三江并流保护区)- Koguryo王國
王城 佮夢龍 (2004) 澳門 歷史地區 。 (2005)四專 大熊尿 保護區 (2006)殷墟 (2006) (zh:殷墟)- 中國
南方 Karst (2007) 開平 碉樓 (2007)福建 頭樓 (2008)三清山 國家公園 (2008)五臺山 (2009)
- Archaeological Site of Troy
- City of Safranbolu
- Göreme國家公園and the Rock Sites of Cappadocia
- Great Mosque and Hospital of Divrigi
- Hattusha
- Hierapolis-Pamukkale
- Historic Areas of Istanbul
- Nemrud Dagi
- Xanthos-Letoon
- State Historical and Cultural Park "Ancient Merv"
泰國 [修改]
屘 漳 Archaeological Site- Historic City of Ayutthaya and Associated Historic Towns
- Historic Town of Sukhothai and Associated Historic Towns - this includes theKampang Phet historical park and the
詩 Satchanalai historical park - Thungyai-Hoai
跤 Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuaries
- Historic Centre of Bukhara
- Historic Centre of Shakhrisyabz
- Itchan Kala
- Samarkand - Crossroads of Cultures
世界遺產 | ||