Wikipedia:Chhiū-á-kha/Chhng-khò͘ 1

Lohankhapedia (自由的百科全書) 欲共你講..。
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注意 (Chù-ì): 一頁 (chi̍t-ia̍h) (ê)內容 (lōe-iông) () (tùi)2005 ()6 (go̍eh)以前 (í-chêng)樹仔跤 (chhiū-á-kha) ()討論 (thó-lūn)徙來 (soá-lâi) (chia) (chhiáⁿ) (mài) (tiàm)一役 (chi̍t-ia̍h)權等 (koân-téng)編輯 (pian-chi̍p)修改 (siu-kái)設使 (Siat-sú) (ū)問題 (būn-tê)chhiaⁿ踮thó-lū-ia̍h討論。


白話字 (Pe̍h-ōe-jī)chiàⁿ-jī-hoat[修改]

  • (Góa)感覺 (kám-kak)遮的文章 (bûn-chiuⁿ)應該 (èng-kai) (ài)遵守 (chun-siú)一套 (chi̍t-thò)統一 (thóng-it)的白話字chiàⁿ-jī-hoat,特別 (Te̍k-pia̍t)聲調 (siaⁿ-tiāu)寫法 (siá-hoat)比論 (Pí-lūn) (kóng): 台灣 (Tâi-ôan) (ia̍h)台灣 (Tâi-oân)? (Iōng)轉抑 (choán-ia̍h)科能 (kho-lêng)毋是 (m̄-sī)佇本 (tī-pún)方法 (hong-hoat)建議 (Kiàn-gī)參考 (chham-khó) (Tiuⁿ)女皇 (Jū-hông)的白話字基本論 (ki-pún-lūn)Pektiong08:27, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)
  • 可比 (Khó-pí)台灣原住民 (goân-chū-bîn) (siōng) (chē)私要 (su-iàu)4 (ia̍h)其中 (kî-tiong)3 (ê)轉易 (chóan-ia̍h)! 所以 (Só͘-í)我有提出 (thê-chhut)Wikipedia:白話字 (Pe̍h-oē-jī)師寫法 (Su-siá-hoat)構想 (kò͘-sióng)針對 (chiam-tùi)可能 (khó-lêng) ()一致 (it-tì)精行 (cheng-hêng)規範 (kui-hoān)LanguageXX.php ()有寡 (ū-kóa)search用的code,無的確 (bô-tek-khak)會當 (ē-tàng) (kái) (chò) (ha̍h)POJ的需要 (su-iàu)A-giâu16:28, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)

FORMAT of the year/month/day, etc。[修改]

  • 1981年, 1981年 , 1981年?
  • 1月v.s。 Chiaⁿgo̍eh。 X月3 v.s。 X月 (chhe) (saⁿ) ,X月初3.? Pektiong06:36, 30 Jan 2004 (GMT)
    • "一月 (It-go̍eh)" (單詢 (tan-sûn)表妲 (piáu-tat)順是 (sūn-sī)) () "1月" (khah)清楚 (chheng-chhó)。"1月" 會使 (ē-sái)是 "1个月" 的意思 (ì-sù) (表妲數量 (sò͘-liōng))。"正月 (Chiaⁿ-go̍eh)" 比 "一月" 較傳統 (thôan-thóng)不過 (put-kò) "一月" 較單純 (tan-sûn) (Siá) "m月d" (optional的 "初" 省錄 (séng-lio̍k))。A-giâu05:19, 16 Apr 2004 (GMT)
    • (Lâi)福建 (Hok-kiàn)地區 (tē-khu)講法 (kóng-hoat).一般 (it-poaⁿ)來講,日期 (jı̍t-kî) (pun)舊力 (kū-le̍k) (kah)新力 (sin-le̍k). ()一个 (chı̍t-ê) (),舊曆 (kū-le̍k) "二月初四",愛講 "二月 (jī-go̍eh)初四 (chhe-sì)"; (ah)新力"8月4日",就愛 (to̍h-ài)講 "百月 (peh-go̍eh)四號 (sì-hō)", ()福建,無 (lâng) (ē)講 "百月初四".建義 (kiàn-gī)台灣人 (Tâi-ôan-lâng)佇咧 (tī-leh)講新力的時陣 (sî-chūn),盡量 (chīn-liōng)莫用 (mài-iōng) "初", "初" 一般用佇 (iōng-tī)舊曆。
      • 台灣假若 (ká-ná) (chit) (khoán)區別 (khu-pia̍t)? 總是 (Chóng--sī)會使考慮 (khó-lū)。一般來講, ()無特別講是舊曆, ()準做 (chún-chò)新力。A-giâu02:32, 20 Jul 2004 (UTC)

按怎寫 (Án-chóaⁿ-siá)這馬 (chit-má)中華民國政府單位?[修改]

季長 (kùi-chióng)可能:

中華民國 (Tiong-hôa-bîn-kok)新聞局 (sin-bûn-kio̍k)
Pektiong 01:42, 27 Jan 2004 (GMT)
中華民國新聞局A-giâu16:20, 27 Jan 2004 (GMT)

按怎寫有日本 (Ji̍t-pún)漢字 (hàn-jī)人名 (lâng-miâ)帝名 (tè-miâ)?[修改]

長崎県, Nagasaki-ken==>??? 長崎 (Tn̂g-kiā) (kōan) (Kanji:長崎県;Nagasaki-ken)?

Pektiong 01:42, 27 Jan 2004 (GMT)
Nagasaki縣 (日文 (Ji̍t-bûn):長崎県)?
常用 (Siông-iōng) (miâ) ( ()東京 (Tang-kiaⁿ)大阪 (Tāi-pán)北海道 (Pak-hái-tō)) 會使寫何老 (Hō-ló) (im)
A-giâu 16:17, 27 Jan 2004 (GMT)

按怎 (Án-choáⁿ) ()Talk:Thâu Ia̍h煩原 (hoân-goân)轉去 (tńg-khì)?[修改]

Talk:Thâu Ia̍h (taⁿ) (choán) (khì)討論,討論本身 (pún-sin) (koh)轉lai遮。我 (siūⁿ) (beh)維持 (î-chhî)Talk:Thâu Ia̍h關係 (koan-hē) (Thâu)的討論空間 (khong-kan) (Kám)有人 (chai)按怎處理 (chhú-lí)? A-giâu16:41, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)

解好 (Kái-hó)a。愛 (chhī) (對XXX轉來 (choán--lâi)) 內底 (lāi-té) (mi̍h)去改Pektiong02:39, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)
(Iáu)是轉來遮 :( A-giâu15:44, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)
(Kái) ()壓! A-giâu09:30, 1 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Zh-cfr = "閩南語"[修改]

MediaWiki的Names。php檔案 (tóng-àn)用 "閩南語" 這3 () (Che)表示 (piáu-sī)以後 (í-āu)Wikipedia的 "語濟 (gí-chè)連結 (liân-kiat)" (interlanguage link) 會用 (chit)稱呼 (chheng-ho͘) (kap)寫法。 (Chāi)了解 (liáu-kái),這是Wikipedia的技術 (ki-su̍t)人員 (jîn-oân)家己 (ka-tī)決定的 (koat-tēng--ê)。請 (mn̄g) (lín)敢角 (kám-kak)

  • 名稱 (miâ-chheng)文字 (bûn-jī) (lóng)會董 (ē-táng)接受 (chiap-siū);
  • 未當 (bē-tàng)接受名青 (miâ-chheng)佮文字,應該改做___;
  • 會當接受文字,名應該改___;
  • 會當接受名,文字應該改___。

A-giâu 17:16, 22 Jun 2004 (UTC)

奇怪 (Kî-koài)現象 (hiān-siōng): subdomain是 "minnan" 毋過 (m̄-koh)語界 (gí-kài) ()是 "Zh-cfr"! 到時陣 (Kàu-sî-chūn)毋知 (m̄-chai)欲按怎 (liân) (kàu)遮來。A-giâu15:47, 23 Jun 2004 (UTC)

腔口 (Khiuⁿ-kháu)[修改]

安怎 (An-chóaⁿ)標示 (piau-sī)文章標題 (piau-tê)坑口 (khiⁿ-kháu)? Khp比講 (ke)( (chôaⁿ))/ (koe)( (chiang))?Pektiong 07:23, 26 Jun 2004 (UTC)

我是感覺 "伯科全事 (pek-kho-choân-sū)" 的重心 (tiōng-sim)是佇內容。腔口的差譯 (chha-e̍k)主要 (chú-iàu)字辭典 (jī-sû-tián)工課 (khang-khòe)。不過 (ūi)方便 (hong-piān)超揣 (chhiau-chhōe)資料 (chu-liāu),會當 (siat)相關 (siong-koan)轉易 (choán-ia̍h) (redirects), chhchh (Ke)轉去 (Koe)
佇文章內短 (lāi-té),我較無欽響 (khim-hióng) (chù) (kâng)腔口,一般嘛無注漢字尤其 (iû-kî)漢字寫法無標準化 (piau-chún-hòa)情形 (chêng-hêng)未少 (bē-chió),我無才調 (châi-tiāu)括定 (koat-tēng)按怎 (án-nóa)寫較好。A-giâu16:29, 26 Jun 2004 (UTC)
這買 (Chit-mái)閣來講白話字拄著 (tú--tio̍h)的1寡仔 (kóa-á)問題 (būn-tôe),這 (hām)腔狗 (khiuⁿ-káu)底代 (tī-tāi)代誌 (tāi-chì)簡仔 (kán-ná)不止仔 (put-chí-á)大條 (tōa-tiâu)佇咧 (tī--leh)! 我這chām-á佇福建這pêng (tàu)介紹 (kài-siāu),鬥推銷 (thui-siau) (lán)這本 (chit-pún)閩南語 (Bân-lâm-gí) (pán)wikipedia (put)jī-kò總是 (chóng-sī)定定 (tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ)拄著 (tú-tio̍h)1寡仔困擾 (khùn-jiáu)。其中有一層 (chi̍t-chân)代誌就是 (to̍h-sī)大多數 (tōa-to-sò͘)泉州 (Chôan-chiu)人攏怨坦 (òan-thán)POJ聲韻 (siaⁿ-ūn)系統 (hē-thóng) (chiâⁿ)適合 (sek-ha̍p)泉州話 (Chôan-chiu-ōe),意思是講大多數的泉州人 (Chôan-chiu-lâng)未曉通 (bōe-hiáu-thang)寫POJ。因為 (In-ūi) (in)袂曉 (bōe-hiáu)寫,欲鼓勵 (kó͘-lē) (in)參與 (chham-ú) (to̍h)較無可能。我是 (leh)想講 (siūⁿ-kóng),泉州這角勢 (kak-sì)人口 (jîn-kháu)原仔 (ôan-á)賣少 (bōe-chió)若是 (nā-sī)會當來參與POJ ( 抑是 (ah-sī) ) wikipedia的創作 (chhòng-chok)實在 (si̍t-chāi)是1 (chióng)真大 (chin-tōa)e支援 (chi-ōan) (iah)毋過,代先 (tāi-seng)著愛 (to̍h-ài) (seng)解決 (kái-koat)POJ ( (sio̍k)廈門話 (Ē-mn̂g-ōe)聲運 (siaⁿ-ūn)系統 ) 和泉州畫 (Chôan-chiu-ōe)按怎 (án-chóaⁿ)接接 (chih-chiap)這个 (chit-ê)問題。解決問題了後 (liáu-āu) (chiah)有可能吸引 (khip-ín)泉州,東安 (Tang-oaⁿ)這角勢的朋友 (pêng-iú)來參與。我想一个 (chi̍t-ê)初部 (chho͘-pō͘)解決的步數 (pō͘-sò͘) (tah)北大 (Pak-Tāi)中文 (Tiong-bûn)論壇 (Lūn-tôaⁿ) (hia),請咱國為 (kok-ūi)做伙 (chò-hóe) (khòaⁿ)māi leh,順紲 (sūn-sòa)探討一會 (thàm-thó--chi̍t-ē)按呢 (án-ne) (kám)好 ? [Pak-Tāi Tiong-bûn Lūn-tôaⁿ]--limkianhui 19:32, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)

全文 (Choân-bûn)檢索 (kiám-sek) (full text search)[修改]

拄才 (Tú-chiah)發現 (hoat-hiān)全文減式 (kiám-sek)會用得 (ē-iōng-tit)! 資料庫 (Chu-liāu-khò͘)的index屆成 (kài-sêng)定期 (tēng-kî)間新 (keng-sin)有時 (Ū-sî) ()翻應 (hoan-èng) (sin)的內容? 請 (chhì)用,會使共有問題的例 ()佇遮。A-giâu16:36, 26 Jun 2004 (UTC)

  • (chhoē) "太平 (thài-pêng)" (soah) (chhiau) (chhut)Wiki

Wikipedia大使 (tāi-sài)[修改]

逐雞 (ta̍k-ke)報告 (pò-kò): 我指派 (chí-phài)家己做Hō-ló ()Wikipedia的大使A-giâu22:26, 8 Jul 2004 (UTC)

多種 (To-chióng)語言 (gí-giân)的頁[修改]

(To) (kúi)頁應該愛有多種語言/文字? ( 比論講大使館 (Tāi-sài-koán) ) Pektiong02:48, 11 Jul 2004 (UTC)

按怎讀 (Án-chóaⁿ-tha̍k)? 這頁的範圍 (hoān-ûi)可能 (chāi)人想。袂曉 (Bē-hiáu) (tha̍k)<-->讀無,佮袂曉讀Wikipedia。袂曉POJ的人是m̄是愛用漢字紹介 (siāu-kài) (hō͘)怹知? A-giâu03:38, 11 Jul 2004 (UTC)

Holopedia的尪仔標 (ang-á-phiau)[修改]

我有去 (chhéng)1个官方式 (koaⁿ-hong-sek)的尪仔標 [1]。我發現Wikipedia的政策 (chèng-chhek)允准 (ún-chún)人用家己 (ka-kī)尪仔 (ang-á) ( (chhiáⁿ) (khoàⁿ) Thâu-ia̍h)。A-giâu05:42, 25 Jul 2004 (UTC)

我有去請upload這个尪仔標的權利 (koân-lī)漸時 (Chiām-sî)用的 (to͘):

[[Image:Banlamgu-wiki-logo.png ]。

可能5 (tang)了後會 "通過 (thong-koè)" :) A-giâu05:32, 11 Sep 2004 (UTC)


http://download.wikimedia.org煞無Holopedia的 (iáⁿ),毋過有lb (無 (jōa) () (chêng)成立 (sêng-li̍p)的!)。, 26 Jul 2004 (UTC)

歹勢 (Pháiⁿ-sè) (hut)毋著 (m̄-tio̍h) (khì)。有dump。
(piàn)成實 (chiâⁿ-si̍t)無氣 (bô--khì)壓! A-giâu06:39, 21 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Puh 1个Taiwanese Encyclopedia出來 (chhut-lâi),資料對遮來的。A-giâu00:01, 3 Dec 2004 (UTC)

Name change?[修改]

Please read my recent posttowikipedia-l (I)have proposed to move (to)百倭 (peh-oe)。 Translations would be appreciated。 -- Tim Starling09:07, 8 Aug 2004 (UTC)

伊am powerless to influence your whim in changing or not changing the hostnames, but this statement is wrong: 'The Taiwanese people who write in speak the exact same language as those who write on' Please read en:Mandarin (linguistics)and en:Taiwanese (linguistics); they are not the same language。The former has zh:, the latter (as it stands) has minnan:。The problem comes down to what hostname the latter should have。 -- Kaihsu14:52, 8 Aug 2004 (UTC)
You're most certainly not "powerless to influence my whim"。伊have不my understanding into the public view and requested comments。伊will wait patiently for your detailed response。
伊'm aware of the difference between Hō-ló話and Mandarin。 My point was that Hō-ló話speakers contribute to zh:, using traditional (Han)characters。伊was clumsily attempting to convey the fact that we are not talking about two different spoken languages。伊have posted a clarification都the list。
We can't have a single hostname for Min Nan, because it is written using three different orthographies。 Two of those orthographies are already established on zh, and the third is here。伊believe it is inappropriate to refer to this one as "the Min Nan Wikipedia" when this third script is only used by a tiny minority of Min Nan speakers。 It is true that伯倭 (Peh-oe)ji is the only one of the three scripts which is specific多Hō-ló話, but伊don't think that negates my main point。 -- Tim Starling15:46, 8 Aug 2004 (UTC)
You seem to believe that when Ho-lo (oe) (= Min Nan) is written down怹番 (= Chinese) characters, it becomes the same language as Mandarin。No. (That)is one of the big myths of 'the Chinese language'。'Hō-ló話speakers contribute to zh:, using traditional番characters': To give an extreme but not inappropriate example, Italian speakers may contribute to as well, but that is because they have first learned to write in Spanish, not because Spanish is the same language as Italian。This is discussed extensively in DeFrancis's books (referenced in en:Chinese language), and as I said before,伊do not like fighting battles-already-won。 (伊certainly do not have time to write a 'detailed response' every few months to educate another person who has not read DeFrancis; nor do I feel it fair for me都defend against another's ignorance.) ¶ It is impossible for a Min Nan speaker to read aloud zh.wikipedia.org怹Min Nan without doing a mental translation (and this is a non-trivial process in the brain, not simply transliteration)。zh is not怹Min Nan (at)all。-- Kaihsu16:04, 8 Aug 2004 (UTC)
伊can testify on this (too)。 Whether Min Nan/Holo is a dialect of one single Chinese language or a language which belongs都the Chinese language family, the Chinese characters --- simplified or traditional --- are never its orthographies, because a large part of lexicon of Min Nan can't find their representation in Chinese characters (actually in the history, Chinese characters was originally designed to present classical texts in the specific middle region of China, not the vernacular tongues; it was only during the long river of history that it had been spread out to be used by local people in the provinces, who had also their own linguistic origins, even not similar都the番language.) Min Nan can't be 100% represented by Chinese characters, but alphabetic symbols can do this easily, and there are now several Min Nan spelling projects --- I think the POJ users here know them far more (that)伊do; it's never ideal to write Min Nan因Chinese characters。 And one more (thing): although a large part of Taiwanese people both speak Min Nan and use Chinese characters, but its just a multi-lingual phenomenon。怹fact, when Taiwanese people use the Chinese characters, mostly the language in their mind is Mandarin, not Min Nan。 Taiwanese people are mostly bi-lingual or tri-lingual speakers, we have at least three choices: Mandarin, Min Nan/Holo, and Hakka, and a dozen of aboriginal languages。 It's wrong to assume that "Hō-ló話speakers contribute to zh:, using traditional番characters" as an full explanation of the situation。 When peoploe contribute to zh, they think and write in Mandarin and番characters, not Hō-ló話; if people really want to write因Hō-ló話, they come to Wikipedia of Hō-ló話, because here is the only door都the authentic Min Nan writing, nowhere else can boast the same function as such --- only if new wikipedias in different orthographyies of Min Nan emerge in the future, but none now。 Therefore, POJ is now the only representation of Min Nan language in Wikipedia, and I haven't seen the necessity to exploit this identification from it now。
伊'd like to pose another example: think about the relation between Spanish (Castilian) and Galician。 The latter has more in common with Portugese that with Castilian, but it has also an orthography influenced by official Spanish。 Now if the Galician people want to have their own wikipedia, using Spanish orthography, should we change the name of their version to "Galician in Spanish orthography" or simply "Galician"? Why can't they just call them own version with the name of their own language ("Galego" I believe), if there's not another Galician version? Since now POJ version is the only version of Hō-ló話, it deserves the namesake of "Hō-ló話Wikipedia." If some people start a wikipedia with "PSDB" orthography or "Tongyong" orthography to write Hō-ló話, then the issue revives。 "" has even nothing to do with this issue。
伊'm a registered user in "", here's my page, any comments are appreciated。zh:User_talk:MilchFlasche-- 06:29, 9 Aug 2004 (UTC)
There's also now some discussion here: zh:Wikipedia:互助客栈。伊haven't learnt盃倭 (Poe-oe)ji, but伊hope to listen to people who really know it well, and maybe some of you could discuss with friends from Mainland, to help them get the situation。 Both Mandarin and English are welcome。 Thank you.:) ~by zh:User_talk:MilchFlasche-- 08:29, 9 Aug 2004 (UTC)
- 伊'll stick都 (Tim)'s request -- Disagree。 The following is my comment: minnan wiki user Limkianhui left a very intriguing post in zh wiki zh:Wikipedia:互助客栈。 From his post,伊learned that the contributors of minnan wiki aren't all from Taiwan。 Also from his post, (he)stated that almost 98% of the "pronunciations" of "Min nan" dialects used in Taiwan and in Choang/Chang/Xia(泉州/漳州/廈門 -- so-called Min-nan area),are identical。 Limkianhui himself lives怹Min-nan area。
It is true that minnan wiki was started by Taiwanese using that伯倭ji (invented by dutch ministers hundreds of years ago), but the minnan wiki AND伯倭ji do attract people from different places including mainland China to help promote this specific sect of Chinese language(s)。 So,Shizhoa's original email post[2],which stated that " is Taiwanese(linguistics)(Hō-ló話)", already lost its ground。
If, the reason of this "change" is for the saving of computer resources, thenminnan wiki shouldn't even exist at the first place。 (Are we having sub-domain names for all the dialects from China, India and others?) If it's not, then, why the name change?--- Djyang from zh and en wiki

Thanks for your comments everyone, and sorry for wasting your time。 It seems pretty clear that all the interested parties think it should stay as it is。 While伊'm here, maybe I should ask what your preferred domain name would be:

  1. zh-min-nan
  2. minnan
  3. min-nan
  4. something else?

-- Tim Starling00:02, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Well, it wasn't a waste of time for me, really。As for the language code, last time it was discussed the preference was for zh-min-nan。伊believe that hasn't changed。(Hope the hyphen thingie won't screw up Wikipedia's tag scheme.) Thanks。A-giâu04:07, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
zh-min-nan please。 Please also help to fix the inter-language link都the zh-min-nan wikipedia。 Thanks。Pektiong04:12, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Could you guys show me where to find your last discussion about the code? 伊'm quite curious about why you chose "zh-min-nan" instead of "minnan"。 :)zh:User_talk:MilchFlasche-- 18:43, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
Basically, because the RFC 3066 language-tag of the language is zh-minnanPektiong19:32, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)
..。 which is an extension of ISO 639, which in turn Wikipedia tries use by default。See also RFC 3066 Language code assignments -- Kaihsu19:33, 10 Aug 2004 (UTC)


站名 (chām-miâ) (pìⁿ)zh-min-nan,毋過影相 (iáⁿ-siòng), CSS等等 (téng-téng)位佇 (ūi-tī)重耽 (têng-tâⁿ)A-giâu03:22, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

今,紡見 (pháng--kìⁿ)影上 (iáⁿ-siōng) (hoat) (thang) (chhōe)轉來無 (tńg--lâi--bô) ? --limkianhui 05:23, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
應該有法都 (hoat-to͘)A-giâu05:34, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

問題欲請到 (chhéng-kàu)[修改]

有1个問題欲請較 (chhéng-kàu)各位 (kok-ūi),是按怎踮其他 (kî-thaⁿ)的wiki版pún內地 (lāi-tē)增加 (cheng-ka) " minnan " 的語言連結的時陣,會直接 (ti̍t-chiap)顯示 (hián-sī)版面 (pán-bīn)上 ?? 感無人反應 (hóan-èng)這个問題 ? 是 (gōa)袂曉通處理,抑是 (a̍h-sī)有其他的goan因 ? 感社 (Kám-siā)國威 (kok-ui) ! limkianhui

啉先 (Lim--sian), m (si) (li)操錯 (chhau-chhok) (u)登今 (teng-tann)真爭 (Chin-cheng)伊經 (i-keng)u (hiong)Wikipedia e機率 (ki-sut)jin (oan)翻英 (hoan-eng)規焦俳 (kui-na-pai)科惜 (kho-sioh)怯秋 (kha-chhiu) (chin)so,交今 (kau-tann) (iau)boe (khi)舒離 (chhu-li)。Goa傷身 (siong-sin)查屘 (cha-ban)e得着 (tit-tioh)階決 (kai-koat)A-giâu19:45, 16 Aug 2004 (UTC)
原來 (Gôan-lâi)是按呢。了解,了解。 hià的技術人員 (jîn-ôan)有影 (ū-iáⁿ)有較 (gâu)趖淡薄 (sô--tām-po̍h) ! limkianhui00:22, 17 Aug 2004 (UTC)
實在講,因負責 (hū-chek)代志 (tāi-chì)成濟, (goá)願意 (goān-ì) (tán)2月日 (goe̍h-ji̍t)A-giâu20:02, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

Bug 115: Interwiki link to minnan not working[修改]

咱可能需要提供 (thê-kiong)語言的Native NamePektiong16:47, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

希望 (Hi-bāng)您會當真絹 (chin-kìn)就佮取得 (chhú-tit)連繫 (liân-hē) (chiok)成功 (sêng-kong)Limkianhui01:43, 20 Aug 2004 (UTC)[修改]

逐雞對新請 (sin-chhéng) (閩南語 (Bân-lâm-gú)詞點 (sû-tiám)/二點 (jī-tiám)) 有社物 (siā-mi̍h)看法 (khoàⁿ-hoat)? Pektiong18:24, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

若會當予較濟人有空間發揮 (hoat-hui),應該是好事 (hó-sū)。我閣人 (koh-jîn) (khah) (hèng)寫Wikipedia :) A-giâu19:25, 19 Aug 2004 (UTC)

毯討 (thám-thó)欲按怎吸引人來 "minnan" 版質的 (chit-ê)話題 (ōe-tê)[修改]

曼籠語 (Bân-lam-gí)版的用者 (iōng-chiá) (siuⁿ) (kòe) (chió)算算咧 (sǹg-sǹg--leh)無幾的,這對咱這的 (chit-ê)版本 (pán-pún)來講,非常 (hui-siông)不利 (put-lī)。外感覺這陣 (chit-chūn)咱愛趕緊 (kóaⁿ-kín)辦法 (pān-hoat)兩轉 (niú-chóan)這个不利的勢面 (sè-bīn)若無 (nā-bô)…… 通過 (thong-kòe)這段 (chit-tōaⁿ)時間 (sî-kan)觀察 (koan-chhat)雖然 (sui-jiân)雞少 (ke-chió)攏有 (lóng-ū) (hiòng)外扣 (gōa-khàu)宣傳 (soan-thôan)熱前 (jia̍t-chêng) (teh)共人介紹佮推銷這的版本,不jī-kò來的人原仔無明顯 (bêng-hián)爭家 (cheng-ka),實在值得 (ta̍t-tit)共同 (kiōng-tông)思考 (su-khó)。外講1寡仔個人 (kò-jîn)看法 (khòaⁿ-hoat),順紲共逐个 (ta̍k-ê) (thê)1寡仔建議。外發現 (hoat-hiàn)外口 (gōa-kháu)的人真少 (chin-chió)加入 (ka-ji̍p)這个社區 (siā-khu)goan怹主要是 : 1.咱的宣傳要過 (iau-koh)無夠 (bô-kàu)真濟 (chin-chōe)人攏 ()知影 (chai-iáⁿ)有這个網站 (bāng-chām)。 2.咱使用 (sú-iōng)白話字做文字系統。白話字 (POJ) 雖然歷史 (le̍k-sú)久長 (kú-tn̂g),會當比漢字閣較 (koh-khah)容易 (iông-ī)退現 (thè-hiān)吹管的 (chhùi-kóng--ê)手寫的 (chhiú-siá--ê) (siong)對應 (tùi-èng)的關係。毋過,問地 (būn-tē)拄拄好 (tú-tú-hó)嘛是 (mā-sī)出佇遮,佮漢字的使用人所 (lâng-só͘)相比 (sio-pí), POJ盟憲 (bêng-hiàn)欠缺 (khiàm-khoat)群眾 (kûn-chiòng)基礎 (ki-chhó͘)藉的 (chià-ê)真少抑是毋捌 (m̄-bat)使用過POJ的人口,會當共分做 (pun-chò)下跤 (ē-kha)幾種 (kúi-chióng)人 :

(1)。雖然會曉 (ē-hiáu)講閩南語,毋過今本 (kin-pún)毋捌寫過 (siá--kòe)抑是看會 (khòaⁿ-kòe)閩南 (Bân-lâm)語文 (gí-bûn) (漢字, POJ抑是其他 ) 的人。

(2). (bat)看過漢字版的閩南語文抑是聘音 (phèng-im)文字 ( 毋但 (m̄-nā)POJ (niā),嘛包括 (pau-koat)其他的 (kî-thaⁿ--ê),比論講TLPA通用 (Thong-iōng) ),並且 (pēng-chhiáⁿ)小可仔 (sió-khóa-á)會曉寫。

(3).基本 (ki-pún)的曉 (ê-hiáu)寫閩南語文章,毋過是用漢字寫,藉的人犯世 (hōan-sè)暫時 (chiām-sî)對聘音文字無認同 (jīn-tông)或者 (he̍k-chiá)誤會 (gō͘-hōe)佇咧。

(4).會曉用漢字寫, (khak)慣勢 (kòan-sì)讀漢字寫的文章。 POJ對怹來講卡星分 (chheⁿ-hūn)

(5).會曉用漢字寫抑是其中的1種聘音文字寫。不jī-kò因無愛 (bô-ài)用POJ,因凡勢 (hōan-sè)看POJ無夠重 (bô-kàu-tāng)

認為 (jīn-ûi)咱欲解決用者人所少這个問題,愛 (ùi)這幾的 (chit-kúi-ê)方面 (hong-bīn)錄實 (lo̍k-si̍t) :

1.因為真 (chōe)人對POJ無啥 (bô-siáⁿ)了介 (liáu-kài)抑是較無貫是 (kòan-sī)使用,所以,我建議漸時 (khui)1个專門 (choan-mn̂g)用漢字屆紹 (kài-siāu)如何 (jû-hô)託寫 (thok-siá)POJ網頁 (bāng-ia̍h)。按呢就會當為新用者創造 (chhòng-chō)1个真 (kín)熟似 (se̍k-sāi)POJ的基會 (ki-hōe),增加怹參與的信心 (sìn-sim) (ka)興趣 (hèng-chhù)。因為真濟人其實 (kî-si̍t)嘛是想欲參與,指示 (chí-sī)怹對家己的POJ水平 (chúi-pêng)無信心,只好 (chí-hó)放棄 (hòng-khì)

2.嘉代 (Ka-tāi)宣傳, (chôan)方位 (hong-ūi)做推銷,四界 (sì-kè)去仝 (),包括佇其他語言的wikipedia做宣傳,憂其 (iu-kî)華誼 (Hôa-gî)日語 (Ji̍t-gí)版佮1寡仔屬於 (sio̍k-î)東南亞 (Tang-lâm-a)語言的版本,因為佇遐有真濟福建人 (Hok-kiàn-lâng)佮台灣人。另外 (Lēng-gōa)閣愛佇其他的網站做宣傳.--limkianhui 17:55, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)

(Chiâⁿ)好的建議,感謝 (kám-siā)。咱這搭 (chit-tah)成立3月日,毋閣 (m̄-koh)成績 (sêng-chek) (sǹg) ()bái。可惜 (Khó-sioh)有的 (ū-ê)朋友想欲來寫,卻是 (khiok-sī)拍字 (phah-jī)席手 (se̍k-chhiú)嶺子 (sīm-chí)對踮網路 (bāng-lō͘)編集 (pian-chi̍p)形式 (hêng-sek)無講 (kài)了解。這是真可惜的代誌,定著 (tiāⁿ-tio̍h)想辦法來客福 (khek-hok)宣傳 (Soan-thoân)方面,目前 (bo̍k-chêng)有限 (iú-hān): 無對外 (tùi-goā) (hoat)新聞個 (sin-bûn-kò)抑是正式 (chèng-sek)要請 (iau-chhiáⁿ)。這確實 (khak-si̍t) (tio̍h)加強 (ka-kiông)A-giâu20:24, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)
補充一下 (pó͘-chhiong--chi̍t-ē): Cymru ()的人講怹耽仔 (tâⁿ-á)開始 (khai-sí)干焦 (kan-na)有2 (ūi)固定 (kò͘-tēng)編輯者 (pian-chi̍p-chiá)。今1年了解,有5个。怹這馬有 >2500 (phiⁿ) (品質 (phín-chit)莫講)! cy:A-giâu04:06, 26 Aug 2004 (UTC)


我感覺是沓沓仔 (ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á)來。若是欲較緊,我有錄關 (lo̍k-koan)的看法:

  1. 台灣政府 (chèng-hú)有咧開始支持 (chi-chhî)白話字上好 (siōng-hó)是有支持白話字的電腦 (tiān-náu)處理。
  2. 台灣這馬學校 (ha̍k-hāu)有咧 ()囡若 (gín-ná)閩南語佮白話字。

這是有政府支持的好厝 (hó-chhù) (Koh)愛加強的是:

  1. 台灣的國立 (Kok-li̍p)編譯 (Pian-e̍k) (Kóan)國家 (Kok-ka)台灣文學 (Bûn-ha̍k),佮文化 (Bûn-hòa)Kián-sia̍t委員會 (Úi-ôan-hōe)營該 (êng-kai)愛用台灣人 (la̍p)稅金 (sòe-kim) (tàu)自由 (chū-iû)的Wikipedia。 ?
  2. 福建 ( (Séng)人民 (Jîn-bîn)政府),新加坡 (Sin-ka-pho) (國家政府) 嘛愛出 (chîⁿ) (la̍t)鬥相工 (tàu-saⁿ-kang)! (菲律賓 (Hui-li̍p-pin)?!)

-- Kaihsu22:48, 25 Aug 2004 (UTC)


消食 (siau-si̍t) !! 好空的 (Hó-khang--ê) (lin)知 !! 這買佇中國 (Tiong-kok)北大中文論壇 [[3]],會當用IE直接看著 (khòaⁿ-tio̍h)完整 (ôan-chéng)的白話字。這是因為佇XP作業 (chok-gia̍p)系統之下 (chi-hā),這个論彈 (lūn-tôaⁿ)會當支持Lucida Sans Unicode字體 (jī-thé)。 --limkianhui 18:01, 30 Aug 2004 (UTC)

多社 (To-siā)! -- Kaihsu18:18, 30 Aug 2004 (UTC)

改進 (Kái-chìn) " (tōa)題目 (tê-bo̍k)"?[修改]

頭頁 (Thâu-ia̍h)的 "大題目" ("按照 (Àn-chiàu)大題目 (se̍h)Wikipedia"),我感覺有需要改進。怹卡濟無文章的形影 (hêng-iáⁿ)極雞 (ke̍k-ke)列單 (lia̍t-toaⁿ),毋過標題過無講是列單。我感覺Holopedia應該提供卡好的範例 (hoān-lē)A-giâu17:25, 31 Aug 2004 (UTC)


Sorry about the long delay。怹case you haven't noticed, this wiki has now moved to, with a redirect from the previous two domains。 Interlanguage links to this wiki are now working, see for example en:Min Nan。伊changed the language name which appears in the side bar from "閩南語" 多 "閩南語"。 Please let me know if that was appropriate, or if there is any better name to use。 -- Tim Starling04:45, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

伊notice images and stylesheets are no longer found。Any chance you can fix this problem while you're at (it)? I'd appreciate一。A-giâu05:32, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Sorry about that, there was a problem with the uploaded images。 Should be fixed now, although watch out for caching problems。伊'm not sure about the stylesheets, they seem to be working for me。 Is the problem still occurring? -- Tim Starling07:46, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
The images are back, thanks。Typography definitely looks different now at my end, generally for the worse -- compare this earlier snapshot and thethe current version
(Translation/翻譯 (Hoan-e̍k): 影相已經 (í-keng) (ah)勞力 (ló͘-la̍t)。我遮看著 (khoàⁿ-tio̍h)字行 (jī-hêng)確蝕 (khak-si̍t)以前的 (í-chêng--ê) (siâng),一般來講卡歹看想 (pháiⁿ-khoàⁿ-siūⁿ) -- 比到 (pí-kàu)往過 (éng-koè) (hip) (siòng)現此時 (hiān-chú-sî)的版本.) A-giâu15:41, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Browser & zh-min-nan[修改]

伊am guessing that Mozilla to͘k the header<html xmlns="" xml:lang="zh-min-nan" lang="zh-min-nan" dir="ltr">to mean that the page/document is a "Chinese" document thus番character typography is applied, with horrible consequences for Latin typography。See atypographic outcry。 -- Kaihsu15:54, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

Hmm...interesting。Tweak the stylesheet perhaps? A-giâu16:01, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
Go ahead。伊would be pleased if there is a non-proprietary solution。 -- Kaihsu17:30, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
請逐雞看這个討論: MediaWiki_talk:Monobook.cssA-giâu19:44, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)
下使 (Ē-sái)要求 (iau-kiû)Mozilla增加 "zh-min-nan" 的字行設定 (siat-tēng)A-giâu19:45, 7 Sep 2004 (UTC)
伊have submitted a Mozilla bug report: 。 Feel free to vote for一。 -- Tim Starling13:45, 9 Sep 2004 (UTC)

發現差錯 (chha-chhò)[修改]

發現1个誠嚴重 (giâm-tiōng)的差錯。我佇英文 (Eng-bûn)的 " Dengue fever " 這篇 (chit-phiⁿ)文章當中 (tang-tiong)雞語言連結 " zh-min-nan:天狗熱 (Thian-káu-jia̍t) " 了後,想袂到 (siūⁿ-bōe-kàu)連結的內容煞來變成 (piàn-sêng) " 天狗 (Thian-káu)jiaÌ " 質的錯誤 (chhò-gō͘)的網頁。請國位 (kok-ūi)趕緊 (koáⁿ-kín)來解決.--limkianhui 19:25, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

(A)giau鍋囂 (oe-hiau)階括 (kai-koat)。A-giau, (kam)通chhiaⁿ離 (sia)1 e FAQ? (Lim)s-s., to些離些這篇 (chit-phinn)! -- Kaihsu19:39, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
阿giau家 (i) (kai) (ho)壓! 多些 (To-sia)A-giau! -- Kaihsu19:43, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)
(Te)8 (siann)e (tiau)ho, (ai)些choe

才通! -- Kaihsu19:43, 5 Sep 2004 (UTC)

這个問題有1个漸時性 (chiām-sî-sèng)的處理方法。羅煩 (Lô-hoân)利用 (lī-iōng)Wikipedia:語言 (Gú-giân)連結link過去 (koè--khì) (hit)工具 (kang-khū)A-giâu10:39, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)
多謝 (To-siā), to (siā)!! 若無藉的雞西 (ke-si)頭仔 (thâu-á),我真正 (chin-chiàⁿ)寫無 (lō͘) .Limkianhui23:35, 6 Sep 2004 (UTC)

ISO DIS 639-3 and RFC 3066bis[修改]

Nearly there:

It looks like this tongue will be 'nan' in ISO DIS 639-3 and 'zh-min-nan' will stick in RFC 3066bis。 -- Kaihsu22:11, 19 Sep 2004 (UTC)

zh予人封鎖 (hong-só)?[修改]

聽講 (Thiaⁿ-kóng)華文版 (Hôa-bûn-pán)的Wikipedia閣再 (koh-chài)北京 (Pak-kiaⁿ)當局 (tong-kio̍k)封鎖。敢有人知zh-min-nan感有 (siū)影響 (éng-hióng)? A-giâu 03:39, 24 Sep 2004 (UTC)

真爭lang (ti)浙工生 (Chiat-kang-seng)相班 (siong-pan) (tu)a蒿株着 (tu-tioh)中國精夫 (cheng-hu) (hong)soWikipedia'所於 (só͘-u)e班分 (pan-pun)相蔫沙 (sio-lian-soa) (kui)a-jit long bo法度 (hoat-tō͘)jiplai,一得 (it-tit)交佮 (kau-kah)多當 (to-tng)lai E-mng liau (au)傷公 (siunn-kong) (bong)lai (ka) (chhi)寬哩 (khoann-mai), bo-gi (gō͘) (hong)so煞階株 (kai-tu) (ah)..。Limkianhui 17:37, 1 Oct 2004 (UTC)

佇9/27有讀 (tio̍h)消失 (siau-sit),講已經解除 (kái-tû)壓...。A-giâu03:30, 2 Oct 2004 (UTC)


Wikipedia Commons有真濟張影象 (iáⁿ-siòng),會使直接佇遮用。可比講:

Psidium guajava fruit.jpg

A-giâu 03:38, 1 Nov 2004 (UTC)

影象抑 (Iáⁿ-siòng-ia̍h)有1 (chōa): "This file is a shared upload and may be used by other projects" ("這是公雞 (kong-ke)上網 (chiūⁿ-bāng)的檔案, (pa̍t)事江 (sū-kang)/界話 (kè-oē)凡勢 (hoān-sè)嘛會用")。A-giâu03:43, 1 Nov 2004 (UTC)

Translation of the week[修改]

Currently we have started a project on meta.wikipedia都get an article translated in as many wikipedias as possible every week。 The article will be about a subject that usually gets rarely translated and has a lot of links to other subjects。 Currently we have no-one to translate in your language。 If someone is interested to participate please see: meta:Translation of the week You can also submit articles from your own languages there that you think deserve translation, but have a small chance of一。 The articles must not be都short and not to long and have lots of links to possible other articles! en:user:Waerth

Thanks for the notice and inviation! A-giâu17:44, 5 Nov 2004 (UTC)

感有 (ka)nn̂g的使用說盟 (soeh-bêng)?[修改]

歹世 (pháiⁿ-sè)! 無確定 (khak-tēng)佇遮問問題感著。若是來毋著所在 (só͘-chāi),請共我講。

()來遮無 (gōa)久,對Wikipedia的使用佮編輯攏無 (kài)了解。比論講 (Pí-lūn-kóng),有時陣我會想欲 (siūⁿ-beh)圖片 (tô͘-phìⁿ),予說明 (soeh-bêng)閣較完整,毋過毋知Wikipedia敢有提供網路的空間予使用者 (sú-iōng-chiá) ()圖片,猶才 (iah-chiah)是我就愛共圖片系佇其他的所在才閣連結過來 (liân-kiat--kòe-lâi)

過有1 (hāng)就是Wikipedia內底的編輯 (pian-chip)語法 (gí-hoat)簡若 (kán-ná)佮HTML無 (sio)siâng,這感有沉物 (sím-mi̍h)資料通好參考?

魯喇 (Ló͘-lat)!


無忽毋著所在 (lah)。今...交nn̂g的說明 (soat-bêng) ()無。總是會使 (seng)Help:編輯,遐嘛有連去中文,英文版的說明。Wikipediawiki語法誠簡等 (kán-tán),摸摸咧定著會席手。
壓影象 (chhi̍h) "共檔案 ( (sàng)) 上網" 就會用得開始upload,毋過愛世二 (sè-jī)毋麼 (m̄-mó͘)共有版權 (pán-koân) (tô͘)upload--起哩 (khí-lih),按呢會遺反 (ûi-hoán)Wikipedia的規定 (kui-tēng)。這嘛需要另外1篇 (soeh)予人知。A-giâu10:32, 25 Nov 2004 (UTC)


(Chioh)問: Internet按怎翻譯較好? 我有欲區別Internet, internet, intranet, WWW, computer network (電腦網路), network遮的 (chiah-ê)概念 (kài-liām)A-giâu03:44, 26 Nov 2004 (UTC)

WWW->網網網 (bāng-bāng-bāng), intranet->內部 (lāi-pō͘)網路Pektiong06:21, 26 Nov 2004 (UTC)
WWW->我我我 (Góa-Góa-Góa)? A-giâu21:18, 26 Nov 2004 (UTC)


舊的討論 (ē)定其 (tēng-kî) (soá)去這頁會跤 (ē-kha)的頁 (subpage),暫時予做 (hō͘-chò) "倉庫 (chhng-khò͘)"。我建議若是有價值 (kè-ta̍t)議題 (gī-tê),會使對相關的抑 (liân)去遐。A-giâu00:16, 12 1g 2005 (UTC)

Delete Request[修改]

Please delete the category of Category:Koh-ka, since this is a typo of Category:Kok-ka。 Many thanks。 --Wdshu 14:19, 9 1g 2005 (UTC)

It's still red so we can ignore it and eventually the cached page with "希臘 (hi-lia̍p)" will be cleared。(彼抑猶原 (iû-goân)紅色的 (âng-sek--ê),所以會使莫插伊 (chhap--i)早萬 (chá-bān)cache的頁 (寫 "希臘") 會加己 (ka-kī)摒掉 (piàⁿ-tiāu).) A-giâu00:56, 10 1g 2005 (UTC)

International Writing Contest[修改]

Hello everybody,

怹Berlin at Dezember 2004 there was the critique that there is not enough connection in the work of all the different Wikipedias in their different languages。伊think, that an internationally linked writing contest should be one possible chance to cooperate and work together。 At March 1st there will be the start of the second writing contest in the german Wikipedia so伊thought, we can start it as an international project。 There had bee contests in the Wikipedia of the Netherlands nl:Wikipedia:Schrijfwedstrijd, the german Wikipedia de:Wikipedia:Schreibwettbewerband the english one en:Wikipedia:Danny's contestand as far as I could see一, it worked really good。

伊hope you will juin the Contest, please visit meta:International writing contestto find out more。 --, 11 1g 2005 (UTC) (Achim Raschka aka Necrophorus)

Thanks for the notice! A-giâu00:02, 12 1g 2005 (UTC)

Another Delete Request[修改]

伊made a wrong category again。Please delete Category:Kok-kok ê jin-bu̍t。Thanks。--Wdshu 19:39, 11 1g 2005 (UTC)

Sure。A-giâu00:02, 12 1g 2005 (UTC)

請去Bugzilla投票 (tâu-phiò) (#1260)[修改]

最近 (Chòe-kīn)咱的使用介面 (kài-bīn)痟痟 (siáu-siáu)讀者 (Tho̍k-chiá)若無徵入 (teng-ji̍p),就看未著 (bē-tio̍h)Hō-ló話的介面。M閣別款 (pa̍t-khoán)語言無這个問題。請登出 (teng-chhut),了後比教 (pí-kàu)Mozilla Firefoxvi:Mozilla Firefoxku:Mozilla Firefox。咱應階 (èng-kai)鼓勵WikiMedia的技術議工 (gī-kang)積極 (chek-ke̍k)取里 (chhú-lí)這个問題。

()若有同意 (tông-ì),請去Bug 1260投票 (vote)。這是英文的 (Eng-bûn--ê),需要注冊 (chù-chheh)才會當投票。5分鐘 (hun-cheng) (OK)。感謝!

A-giâu 08:38, 17 1g 2005 (UTC)

(Pó͘)1 (): 登出了後猶是 (iá-sī)有可能看著Hō-ló話的介面 (甚址 (sīm-chí)親像 (chhin-chhiūⁿ)猶佇登入 (teng-ji̍p)狀況 (chōng-hóng))。總是,時間一下 (chi̍t-ē)久,定著會變英文的介面。若是從佮今 (chêng-kah-taⁿ)攏毋捌注冊,登入的人,就攏看著英文的介面.未通 (Bē-thong)垃!, 17 1g 2005 (UTC)

這个問題親像解決猶?! (Chán)!!, 20 1g 2005 (UTC)

Delete Request[修改]

Please delete Category:Tâi-ôan tē-lí, which is a typo。伊've built another correct category already。感謝! --Wdshu 23:43, 17 1g 2005 (UTC)

大概 (tāi-khài)毋是 "二五 (jī-gō͘)" (typo),因為目前聲調符號 (hû-hō)按怎 (phiat) (音按怎 " (kòa)") 較好猶無1个共識 (kiōng-sek)。總是,咱有2个,就共這个 (thâi) (tiáu)A-giâu08:42, 18 1g 2005 (UTC)


be2 oh4 (pe)7 oei7 ji7 , (tui)2 (pak)8 (kia)(N)7 gi2 e5 (tiong)7 bun5 (tian)3 nau2 (phah)4 ji7 lai5 oh4崎2 e5 (kha)2 (kin)2 , u7 (heng)2 (chhu)3 e5 lang5 long2 lai5 家7北8迦(N)7 gi2 (iu)2 (koan) (cheng)5 jin5 (soo)2 些2 (tioh)4優2 (ek)8 (tai)5灣5 bun5 (hoa)3 e5 bun5 , long2跤7 (hoan)7億8出4呆5 bun5 , (an) (ne) (lan)2 e5呆5 bun5遮(N)2 e5跤2今2 (kian)2 (lip)8呆5 bun5都5 (su)7關2 。 u7 (sim)e5 lang5 (chhia)(N) (chham)7 (kho)2 :͘k/

這4 e5堅2 gi7 : 呆5 bun5音7雕e5冬2 (eng)7 12345678 (piau)2 (si)7 , (chiam)3司5 (ma)7司3 be3 (bai)2 , (choan)5西 (se)2階3 long2 e5 (thong) !

失禮啦 (Sit-lé--lah),今來小可仔共頂面 (téng-bīn)樓話 (lâu-ōe)收解一下 (siu-ké--chi̍t-ē)安呢 (an-ne)人看較有裂 (ū--li̍h)..。

(o̍h)白話字 ,對北京語 (Pak-kiaⁿ-gí)的中文電腦拍字來學 (khí)會較緊,有興趣的人攏來共北京語有觀 (iú-koan)情人 (chêng-jîn)所寫著 (só͘-siá--tio̍h)友益 (iú-ek)台灣文化的 (bûn),攏共翻譯出台門 (Tâi-bûn)安奶 (an-ne)咱的台文 (Tâi-bûn)才會 (chiah-ē)較緊建立 (kiàn-li̍p)台文圖書館 (tô͘-su-kóan)有參 (Ū-sim)的人請參考 :͘k/

一个建議 : 臺文 (Tâi-bûn)音調 (im-tiāu)會當 (ēng) "1234578" 標示 ,佔時 (chiàm-sî)嘛是袂bái,全世界 (sè-kài)會通 (ē-thong) !

宮喜 (Kiong-hí)咱的 (lán-ê)條目 (tiâu-ba̍k) (phòa)600[修改]

This is BIG deal。Congratulation to everybody。Go!!! Go!!! Go!!! --Wdshu 04:51, 23 1g 2005 (UTC)

這愛特別感社User:Albert綿爛 (mî-nōa)寫 (規个 (kui-ê)Wikipedia可能無 (hiah)方副 (hong-hù)牙醫學 (gê-i-ha̍k)文章)。當然 (Tong-jiân)文章條目欲濟真簡單 (kán-tan),品質欲好就卡費氣 (hùi-khì)。我相信 (siong-sìn)若有逐雞予商 (hō͘-siong)學習 (ha̍k-si̍p)批評 (phoe-phêng)指教 (chí-kàu),定著有好的成果 (sêng-kó)出來。A-giâu16:45, 23 1g 2005 (UTC)

真讚 (Chin-chán)的文章[修改]

徙過去 (Soá-kòe--khì) Wikipedia talk:Thê-miâ Chin-chán ê bûn-chiuⁿ,請做陣 (chò-tīn)過去 (kòe-khì)遐討論.

Wiktionary籌備 (tiû-pī)會義 (hōe-gī): 請參加 (chham-ka)[修改]

Wiktionary是Wikipedia的兄弟 (hiaⁿ-tī)/姊妹 (chí-bē)。Wikipedia是百科全書 (pah-kho-choân-su); Wiktionary是詞展 (sû-tián)字典 (jī-tián)對照典 (tùi-chiàu-tián)/翻譯典 (hoan-e̍k-tián)分類 (hun-lūi)辭典 (sû-tián),等等。A-giâu11:25, 7 2g 2005 (UTC)

更新 (Keng-sin)Template:Sinbunchiunn撇步 (phiat-pō͘)[修改]

經身 (keng-sin) (iâⁿ) (gōng) (kang)A-giâu18:33, 14 2g 2005 (UTC)

查方 (Cha-hng)失電 (sit-tiān)[修改]

查方Wikimedia使用的電腦中心 (tiong-sim)程電 (thêng-tiān),其中1个資料庫瀾去 (nōa--khì),另外彼个原在 (goân-chāi) (Têng)過copy 170 GB著 () (pòaⁿ)工...。A-giâu04:30, 23 2g 2005 (UTC)

鬥相共 (tàu-saⁿ-kāng) (lok)interwiki (語濟連結)[修改]

請共Special:Newpages的新聞章 (bûn-chiuⁿ)外語 (gōa-gí) (khan) (tńg)來遮。魯力 (Ló͘-la̍t)! A-giâu19:40, 6 3g 2005 (UTC)


徙過去 Wikipedia talk:Poaⁿ-chhù,請做陣過去遐討論.

報紙 (Pò-chóa)有choán (chài)[修改]

法角 (Hoat-kak)報紙頂面有choán載咱遮的1篇 "語言烈士日 (Gú-giân-lia̍t-sū-ji̍t)" [4]。有註明 (chù-bêng)出趣 (chhut-chhù)是Wikipedia,可惜無 (lâu)網址 (bāng-chí),嘛無GFDL的版權聲明 (seng-bêng)。報紙的版面真有限,所以欲橐遐的資料簡若嘛無簡單。這毋知按怎處理較好? A-giâu23:53, 21 3g 2005 (UTC)

費神 (Hùi-sîn) (A)giâu (hiaⁿ)手工 (chhiú-kang)拍字的辦法,共報紙的原文 (gôan-bûn) (chhau)下踮 (hē-tiàm)這搭 (抑是系踮 (hē-tiàm) "暗光鳥 (Àm-kong-chiáu) (chhù)"),予逐个來議論 (gī-lūn),按呢敢好?--limkianhui 00:49, 27 3g 2005 (UTC)
報紙的性質 (sèng-chit)伯科全書 (pek-kho-choân-su) (chha)有1 ()矣,我感覺無妥當 (thò-tòng)。過,嘛有版權問題。A-giâu08:06, 27 3g 2005 (UTC)

阿堯 (A-giâu)兄講按呢灣仔 (oân-á)在女 (chāi-lí)垃,無,咱莫操原文,咱用Hō-ló (ōe)翻譯出來 (hoan-e̍k--chhut-lâi)是講 (Sī-kóng)按呢毋知有牽涉 (khan-sia̍p)版權 (pán-kôan)問題無 (būn-tê--bô)...--limkianhui 09:13, 27 3g 2005 (UTC)

國家地圖 (tē-tô͘)[修改]

commons:Category:CIA factbook maps 的國家地圖比commons::Category:PD CIA WF雞真齊全 (chiâu-chn̂g)攏是 (Lóng-sī)英文的。以後會當改 (比較 (pí-kàu) de:Bild:Kamerun.pngfr:Image:Carte-cameroun.png)。A-giâu15:20, 12 4g 2005 (UTC)

Audio template[修改]

Hi,伊am making audio recordings of the pronunciation of words。 Example; Media:Nl-be guy verhofstadt.ogg都include this in a good way in your wiki I need to know what your audio template is and how it works。 When I know it伊, and many others, can put it directly inside aticles on your wikipedia。

Can some one please不your audio template on this page;



A-giâu 16:25, 13 4g 2005 (UTC)

我共頂懸 (téng-koân) (ji̍p)去Meta彼抑 (" (thiaⁿ)" 改 "發音 (hoat-im)")。若有欲修改,請會記得 (ē-kì-tit)改彼 (ia̍h)A-giâu17:20, 14 4g 2005 (UTC)
.ogg愛用寫彌 (siá-mí)軟體 (nńg-thé)廳? --Chùn-hiàn 17:42, 17 4g 2005 (UTC)
開1篇Help:聲音 (Siaⁿ-im)檔案。我閣人用 "Quintessential Player"。A-giâu01:56, 18 4g 2005 (UTC)

何老 (tiám)[修改]

  • 些物 (Sia-mi̍h)時間開始改用 (kái-iōng)於+0358做何老點 (Hō-ló-tiám)卡好 (khah-hó) ? Pektiong14:45, 1 5g 2005 (UTC)
    問題是感有欲 (chhiâu)CSS字行 (改用Taigi Unicode這个二型 (jī-hêng))? Windows甲的 (kah--ê)字型 (jī-hêng)無彼點。這對Gecko, Ope͘a, Netscape等等的瀏覽器 (liû-lám-khì)來講毋是問題: 指要 (chí-iàu)安裝 (an-chng) "Taigi Unicode" 就會當對遐借彼點來鬥。無撨對IE用者較歹世。A-giâu15:39, 1 5g 2005 (UTC)

Commons "今若日 (Kin-ná-ji̍t)的相"[修改]

趣味 (chhù-bī)翻譯的人請去commons:Commons:Picture of the day (bóng)翻譯。A-giâu04:01, 7 5g 2005 (UTC)

Stewards election[修改]


The stewards election has started on m:Stewards/elections 2005。 Anyone can vote provided that彼has a valid account on meta with a link都at least one user page, on a project where the editor is a participant, with at least 3 months participation都the project。 Stewards can give sysop right on projects where there are no local bureaucrate。 Please vote ! Yann15:19, 21 5g 2005 (UTC)

PS: Please translate this。 Thanks。Yann15:19, 21 5g 2005 (UTC)


觸雞好 (Tak-ke-hó):

總幹事 (Chóng-kàn-sū)選舉 (sóan-kí)以經 (í-keng)開始à。李若是有規1-eMeta口做 (kháu-chò)佮寫好勢 (hó-sè)理的 (lí-ê)紹界抑 (siāu-kài-ia̍h), jī-chhiá參加編集3月日 (go̍eh-ji̍t)以上 (í-siāng) ()着thíⁿ好投票。

總幹事會使佇無載代 (chāi-tē)官療 (koaⁿ-liâu)的所在,頒贊 (pan-chān)行政 (hêng-chèng)人員推捒 (chhui-sak)事工 (sū-kang)。趕緊來投票烏 (tâu-phiò--o͘)!--Chùn-hiàn 04:00, 22 5g 2005 (UTC)

翻譯 #2[修改]

(拄拄 (Tú-tú)翻譯好世 (hó-sè),無拍算 (phah-sǹg)俊憲 (Chùn-hiàn)已經 (chhoân)好勢壓。A-giâu04:06, 22 5g 2005 (UTC) )

平安 (Pêng-an)

Steward選舉 (soán-kí)今已經開始佇m:Stewards/elections 2005這抑舉辦 (kí-pān)只要 (Chí-iàu)踮Meta有1个有效 (ū-hāu)戶頭 (hō͘-thâu),閣有連接 (liân-chiap)1頁抑是較濟的用者個人抑 (kò-jîn-ia̍h) (佇編輯者 (phian-chi̍p-chiá)參加的事工, (siāng) (chhap)3月日),就攏會使投票。假使 (Ká-sú)有事工無官僚的 (koaⁿ-liâu--ê) (Bureaucrat), Steward有才調 ()予人sysop的權利。請去投票!

PS: 請翻譯。多謝。

台灣Wikipedia人2005年熱人 (joa̍h--lâng)聚會 (chū-hōe)[修改]

籌備處 (Tiû-pī-chhù): zh:Wikipedia talk:聚会/2005台北夏聚報告A-giâu16:29, 22 5g 2005 (UTC)

門口埕 (Mn̂g-kháu-tiâⁿ)[修改]

"頭頁" 改叫做 (kiò-chò) "門口埕",敢好 (kám-hó)?--Albert 08:02, 27 5g 2005 (UTC)

頭頁翻譯英文 "homepage", Wikipedia "Main_page" 這詞 (chit-sû)直番 (ti̍t-hoan)就是 (tō-sī) "leading page" 的意思。Google有 (lia̍t)這个用法 (iōng-hoat) [5],無門口埕。看著 "頭頁" ()知是1个網站的頭1頁。"門口埕" 是 "frontyard" 的意思,和網站無關係,按呢翻譯感覺有偏差 (phian-chha)A-giâu13:30, 27 5g 2005 (UTC)
Goa司7 (khoaN)3着光東鍋 (kng-tang-oe)e wikipedia加7 mainpage歡意 (hoan-ek) (cho) "玄關",才u7這e siuN法,摸參科 (chham-kho)。 --Albert 21:20, 27 5g 2005 (UTC)
廣東話版 (Kńg-tang-oē-pán)有這款壓力 (ap-le̍k) (如和 (jû-hô)現代中文式 (Hiān-tāi-tiong-bûn-sek)廣東文 (Kńg-tang-bûn)區別?)。A-giâu05:01, 29 5g 2005 (UTC)
Albert講的 (kóng--ê)管東話 (kńg-tang-ōe)wikipedia佇佗位 (tó-ūi)? 感是 (Kám-sī)Meta/玄關Commons/玄關管東話的頭頁? 另外請到大雞 (tāi-ke), Meta佮Commons敢欲 (kám-beh)開zh-min-nan的頭頁? Commons:Kin-ná-ji̍t ê Siòng這抑 (chit-ia̍h)有也 (ū--ā)毋高 (m̄-ko)翻益 (hoan-ek)無齊全 (bô-chiâu-chn̂g)。 --Chùn-hiàn 13:55, 3 6g 2005 (UTC)
WikiCities。Meta, Commons這2位所在最近攏罕得 (hán-tit)去。若有人欲做,當然會使這 (ē-sái-chit) (ah)A-giâu17:21, 3 6g 2005 (UTC)


(nn̄g)jít佇Meta佮己他 (kī-thaⁿ)語言的Wikipedia,我發現Hō-ló話的code kān-nā會當用zh-min-nan:,若是用minnan:變做 (piàn-chò)紅字 (âng-jī),是按怎變按呢? 自底 (Chū-té)兩項 (nn̄g-hāng)攏會使用。看會著 (Khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h)部分 (pō͘-hūn)我攏改a,毋高落交的 (làu-kau--ê)可能各跤濟 (koh-kha-chē),按怎處理才好 (chiah-hó)? --Chùn-hiàn 17:25, 23 6g 2005 (UTC)

我無拍算會改做1个。我想咱毋免 (m̄-bián)特別操垣 (chhau-hoân)minnan失效 (sit-hāu)的代誌。相信其他的Wiki人看就 (khoàⁿ--tio̍h)定會 (tiāⁿ-ē) (pang)咱解。若無,早萬有bot出詢 (chhut-sûn),到時陣 "住然 (chū-jiân)" 會改一致。A-giâu18:56, 23 6g 2005 (UTC)
若是按呢我著 (bián)操煩 (chhau-hôan)。毋高另外1个問題,咱的頭頁Wikipedia ê chí-mōe sū-kang的枋模內底 wikt:zh-min-nan:Thâu-ia̍hb:zh-min-nan:q:zh-min-nan:遮的 (chia-ê)語法仝款 (kâng-khóan)失效。 --Chùn-hiàn 19:03, 24 6g 2005 (UTC)

ZH彼平 (hit-pêng)關係Holopedia的營仔畫 (êng-á-oē)[修改]

(êng) (bóng)參考。無營 (Bô-êng)免費神。

A-giâu 19:01, 23 6g 2005 (UTC)

(chia̍h)米粉 (bí-hún),伊 () (sio)對方 (Tùi-hong)彼的人 (hit-ê-lâng)久長以來 (í-lâi)就有 (tio̍h-ū)真強 (chin-kiông)沙文 (Soa-bûn)主義 (Chú-gī)篇建 (phian-kiàn),無想欲插伊。 --Chùn-hiàn 19:19, 24 6g 2005 (UTC)

感有欲發1000篇的新聞稿 (sin-bûn-kó)?[修改]

逐雞好,Holopedia得欲 (tit-beh)有1,000篇文章 (包括 (pau-koah)文章 (phí))。今敢有欲利用這个基會對外 (tùi-gōa)宣湍 (soan-thoan) (kiam)說明這个計畫 (kè-oē)? 我認為若猶無欲針對大媒體 (mûi-thé)發果 (hoat-kó),嘛是會當考慮向母語界 (bó-gí-kài)小型 (sió-hêng)媒體做1个說明。會使參考人攢 (piān)推廣 (thui-kóng)文宣 (bûn-soan) (包括新聞稿。會使用漢字寫無要緊 (iàu-kín)

我個人對這有趣味,毋過考惜 (khó-sioh)7月短 (go̍eh-té)進前 (chìn-chêng)無法度 (bô-hoat-tō͘)有偌濟時間鬥 () :( A-giâu 20:33, 26 6g 2005 (UTC)

我嘛感覺咱愛用1,000篇文章做宣傳。我7月 ()進前嘛無營 :(, 27 6g 2005 (UTC)
我嘛支持按呢做。 1,000篇對Holopedia來講 (lâi-kóng)是真重要 (tiōng-iàu)路關牌 (lō͘-koan-pâi)。 1,000篇的消失聽好 (thèng-hó)搭踮 (tah-tiàm)Wikimedia News連後 (liân-āu)link到Holopedia的新聞稿。熱人 (Jo̍ah-lâng)我嘛仝款 (kāng-khóan)無閒 (bô-êng),若無咱這幾工 (kúi-kang)緊來 (kín-lâi)摒摒絡 (piàⁿ-piàⁿ--le)。 --Chùn-hiàn 17:01, 27 6g 2005 (UTC)
我這幾公仔 (kúi-kang-á)無法度。8月初 (goe̍h-chhe)垃, (ah) (bān)希望佇8 (goe̍h)初10前完成 (oân-sêng),聽好會副 (ē-hù)8/12个世蓋 (Sè-kài)台語營 (Tâi-gí-iâⁿ) (看會跤 "消失管道 (koán-tō)")。 (Ah)若有人有時間,有趣味,且免細膩 (sè-jī)A-giâu19:21, 28 6g 2005 (UTC)
好! – Kaihsu20:21, 27 6g 2005 (UTC)

幾日仔 (kúi-ji̍t-á)希望會當開始 (pian)1 (hūn)新聞稿佮1份 (chio)鬥陣 (tàu-tīn)的宣傳文件 (bûn-kiāⁿ)A-giâu11:05, 29七月 (Chhit-goe̍h)2005 (UTC)

讚,甘有欲予逐雞新鼻芳 (phīⁿ-phang)一个? Pektiong11:18, 29七月2005 (UTC)
按算 (Àn-sǹg)欲踮遮編臣聞稿 (sîn-bûn-kó)。壓針對 "TG世界營 (Sè-kài-iâⁿ)" 的文宣可能去別位 (pa̍t-ūi)篇集 (phian-chi̍p)較妥當 ( ()的wiki感好借用一下 (chioh-iōng--chi̍t-ē)?)。A-giâu11:34, 29七月2005 (UTC)

台語 (Tâi-gú)世界文化營 (Bûn-hòa-iâⁿ)介紹Holopedia[修改]

結果 (Kiat-kó)我用5分鐘的時間簡單紹界 (siāu-kài)Wikipedia,有講著Holopedia目前的成果,編輯 (phian-chi̍p)人口,處理地名 (tē-miâ)的法度,等等。當然嘛有購成 (ko͘-chiâⁿ)人過來試寫。可惜無機會 (ki-hōe)現場 (hiān-tiûⁿ)上網是犯 (sī-hoān)wiki方法予人看。A-giâu02:10, 15八月 (Peh-goe̍h)2005 (UTC)


補充 (pó͘-chhiong)收改 (siu-kái):

  • 台語網 (Tâi-gú-bāng) (e-mail (tīn)) + 事人 (sū-jîn)社交 (siā-kau) (bāng)
  • 世界台語營 (會議 (hōe-gī), 8月12開始): 我有建議人安排 (an-pâi)時間講Holopedia,嶺子做現場的demo。結果無人印聲 (ìn-siaⁿ)。毋過我會揣機會用港灣 (káng-oân)身份 (sin-hūn)講鬼據 (kóng--kúi-kù)矣。嘛希望有宣傳單 (soan-thoân-toaⁿ) (the̍h)去分人 (雖然有較浪費 (lōng-hùi) (choá))。
  • 台灣教會 (Kàu-hōe)公報 (Kong-pò)
  • 其他的報社 (pò-siā)? 其他管道?

A-giâu 17:49, 27 6g 2005 (UTC)